Dr. Kwasi Ohene-Ayeh

Research Fellow

Dept: Painting and Sculpture
Opoku Ware II Museum

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Research Areas/Interests

Ohene-Ayeh's research interests span curating, new materiality, art history, critical theory, art criticism, philosophy, and emancipatory pedagogy....~more

My full CV


Kwasi Ohene-Ayeh is a curator and critic based in Kumasi, Ghana. He is a key member of the blaxTARLINES coalition whose work is compelled by the radical hope proposed by karî’k?chä seid’ou to “transform art from the status of commodity to gift”. Ohene-Ayeh’s work in the fields of pedagogy, criticism, curating, and art stretches across teaching at the Department of Painting & Sculpture, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), to running the annual peer-led, schizo-pedagogical, and inoperative art school project called CritLab since 2020 as a member Exit Frame Collective in Ghana.  He also co-organises Kelas Bareng— an experimental educational project managed between Gudskul, blaxTARLINES, Städelschule, and FiK – Filmkunstskolen i Kabelvåg which featured at documenta fifteen (2022).

Ohene-Ayeh served as one of the Artistic Advisors for the 59th Venice Biennale (International Art Exhibition in 2022), under the artistic direction of Cecilia Alemani. Ohene-Ayeh is co-curator of the 12th edition of Bamako Encounters: Biennale of African Photography (2019-2020); Akutia: Blindfolding the Sun and the Poetics of Peace (A Retrospective of Agyeman Ossei ‘Dota’) (2020-2021); TRANSFER(S), Ibrahim Mahama’s site-specific installation commissioned by Kunsthalle Osnabrück in Germany (2023); and the 35th edition of the Ljubljana Graphic Arts Biennale with Exit Frame Collective (2023). He actively publishes articles on his blog: www.iubeezy.wordpress.com

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