Grants/Funds Awarded
1. Okuafo Pa Project with sponsorship from ENI Ghana Exploration and Production Limited for youth training titled “market-focused training in agricultural value chain for youth empowerment and job creation in Ghana. Total grant sum of Six Hundred and Nineteen thousand, Eight Hundred US Dollars ($ 619, 800), 2019-Date.
2. Purdue Improved Crops Storage (PICS) 3 Project, a sub contract project with sponsorship from Bill and Melinda Gate to train two Master (Mphil) students at KNUST in Ghana. Research grant sum of Twenty Thousand ($ 20,000), 2016-2019.
3. DANIDA-KNUST Root and Tuber Value Chains Project with grant sum close to a million-dollar (~$1000,000) from DANIDA, 2013-2017 IITA-McGill-KNUST title: Improving quality, nutrition and health: impacts of inclusion of HQCF in bread formulations in West African (Ghana and Nigeria). Research gran sum of Seventeen Thousand, Three Hundred and Thirty-One US Dollars ($17,545), 2014-2017.
4. IITA-McGill-KNUST title: Improving quality, nutrition and health: impacts of inclusion of HQCF in bread formulations in West African (Ghana and Nigeria). Research gran sum of
Seventeen Thousand, Three Hundred and Thirty-One US Dollars ($17,545), 2014-2016
4. Improved Yam Storage for Income and Food Security in Ghana. AUSAID sponsorship of three hundred and seventy-five thousand U.S dollars ($375,000). Leader of food value addition work package in the project, 2013-2015. Micronutrient Composition of Ghanaian Green Leafy Vegetables and Impact of Cooking Methods. A competitive research attachment at the Institút National de la Recherche Agronomiqu? (INRA), Avignon in France with sponsorship from AWARD and Agropolis Fondation, 2013-2014. Sustainable production and utilization of yam project with sponsorship from the Netherland Government. Associate Professional Officer responsible for food quality assessment of yam, ] 2004-2007.
Travel Grants
- Travel grant for a number of conferences in USA, China and Denmark by DANIDA Root and Tuber Value Chain Project 2013-2017.
- Australia Award Fellow Travel grant to University of Sydney for a month training titled “Improving Agricultural Productivity Through Increasing the Impact of Agricultural Research in Africa” from 27 April 2015 to 27 May 2015.
- AWARD Travel grants for Research Proposal Writing Course, 19-25th February 2012 , Kenya
- AWARD Travel grant for Women’s Leadership and Management Course-August 19-25, 2012, Kenya
- Travel grant by Netherlands Government through Sustainable production and utilization of yam project to attend 1st International Chester Food Science & Technology Conference, University of Chester, UK, April 11-13, 2007, HACCP on new product development workshop and Sensory evaluation workshop, Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association (CCFRA), UK, February 21 to March 1, 2007.