Mr. William Ofori Appaw

Chief Technician

Dept: Food Science and Technology
Department of Food Science and Technology, KNUST
P.V. Obeng Ave, KNUST Campus

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Research Areas/Interests

Mycotoxin Management & One Health | Exposure Assessment and Risk Management | Utilizing Big Data for Food Security | Nutrition and Residue Analysi...~more


I lead and collaborate with a team highly specialized in mycotoxin analysis & management and food systems with a focus on championing One Health integration initiatives. I am knowledgeable in exposure assessment & risk management and adept at utilizing big data science for informed food security decision-making. I am also part of team leading the development of AI & ML-based analytical devices for non-destructive food toxin detection at KNUST. I also have extensive experience using Liquid Chromatography (LC) and other analytical instruments to analyze complex samples to identify and quantify compounds for various applications in research and industry.

I am committed to advancing safe and sustainable food practices, with extensive knowledge in food quality management systems; where I am responsible for skills development in the areas of continouous improvement, leadership and technical knowledge for stakeholders within the food, WASH and cosmestics ecosystem.

As part of my duties as the laboratory manager for the FST-KNUST Labs, I collaborate with collegues to provide and respond to the lack of analytical support for SMEs and Industry in the food basket zone of Ghana. In addition, I am a certified ISO17025:2017 Lead Auditor



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