Prof. Bernard Kofi Baiden


Dept: Construction Technology and Management
Room TF-03
Postgraduate/Professorial Block
Faculty of Built Environment

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Research Areas/Interests

Construction Project Management       Construction Technology        Construction M...~more

My full CV


Head of Department - Construction Technology and Management. - (2019-Date)

External Examiner - Department of Management Science, GIMPA, Accra - (2019-Date)

Chairman - Public Lectures Committee. - (2018-2020)

Member - CABE Appointments and Promotions Sub-Committee. - (2017-Date.)

Chairman Board of Directors, Heritage Events, Accra. - (2017-Date)

Member - Board of Trustees - Our Aim Foundation, Accra. - (2017-Date)

Member - Management Committee, Royal Golf Club, Kumasi. - (2017-Date)

Chairman - Organising Committee, Stanbic-Otumfuo Invitational Golf. - (2017-Date)

Chairman - Planning Committee, Vodafone Asantehene Open - (2017-Date)

Head of Operations (CEO), Royal Golf Club, Kumasi, Ghana. - (2017-Date)

Chairman - Membership Board, Ghana Institute of Construction. - (2016-Date)

Member - Finance Committee, Ghana Institute of Construction. -(2016 - Date)

Reviewer - KNUST Research Fund (KReF). - (2015-Date)

Reviewer - Engineering Construction and Architectural Management.     - (2011-Date)

Reviewer - International Journal of Project Management. - (2010-Date)

Reviewer - Journal of Construction in Developing Countries.       - (2009-Date)

Reviewer - Construction Management and Economics. - (2009-Date)

Member - Governing Council, University Coll. of Management Studies. - (2018-2020)

Chairman - Review of KNUST Internal Audit DRAFT Manual. - (2020)

Chairman - Petition Against Mr. Justice Osei-Afriyie of the Dept of Law. - (2020)

Member - PTA Executive Committee, Wesley Girls’ High School. - (2016-2019)

Chairman - Tuition Fees for Undergraduate Fee-Paying Students of KSB. - (2019)

Member - Planning Committee, 20th Coronation Ann. of Asantehene. - (2019)

President (Board Chair), Deprived Community Aid, Tema. - (2019)

Member - Search Committee for CABE Provost Appointment. - (2019)

Chairman - Tender Sub-Committee on Works. - (2016-2018)

Member - Entity Tender Committee. - (2016-2018)

External Assessor - Cape Coast Technical University, Cape Coast. - (2018)          

Dean - KNUST School of Business. - (2016-2017)

Member - CoHSS Appointments and Promotions Sub-Committee. - (2016-2017)

Member - Academic Board (Professorial Representative, CoHSS). - (2016-2017)

Member - BT-Industry Collaboration. - (2016- 2017)

External Examiner - Texila American University, Guyana.            - (2016 - 2017)

Chairman - Evaluation of Fees for Academic Programmes. - (2017)

External Assessor - University of Education, Winneba. - (2017)

External Assessor – GIMPA, Accra. - (2017)

Head of Department - Building Technology.       - (2015-2016)

Captain (CEO), Royal Golf Club, Kumasi, Ghana. - (2015-2016)

Chairman - College (CAP) Library Board, KNUST. - (2012-2016)

Chairman - Modalities for Disbursement of Consultancy Proceeds (CABE). - (2016)

Member - College (CABE) Conferences Committee. - (2016)

Member - Investigation of Alleged of Examination Malpractices (IDL). - (2016)

Resource Person - Mfantsipim 140th Anniversary Panel Discussion. - (2016)

Acting Head of Department - Building Technology. - (2014-2015)

Member - 5th Summer School Organising Committee. - (2015)

Chairman - University Library Budget Review. - (2015)

Scrutineer - Election of Convocation Rep. on University Council.  - (2015)

Moderator - National Board for Professional and Technical Examinations. - (2015)         

Member - Staff Awards Committee, College of Arch. & Planning. - (2015)

Moderator - HND Questions Polytechnics. - (2015)

Member - Executive Committee (Captain), Royal Golf Club, Kumasi. - (2015)

Member - Quality Assurance Sub-Committee (CAP). - (2012-2014)

Member - Academic Board (Non-Professorial Representative, CAP). - (2012-2014)

Member - University Library (College Representative, CAP). - (2011-2014).

Coordinator (Postgraduate Studies) - Department of Building Technology. - (2010-2014)

Coordinator (MSc Const. Management) – Dept. of Building Technology. - (2014)

Coordinator (BSc Construction Technology and Management) - IDL. - (2014)      

Assessor, Accreditation of HND Building Technology, Ho Polytechnic, Ho. - (2014)          

Member - Review of Two/Three Tier System of the Collegiate System. - (201).

Chairman - Investigation of Alleged Examination Malpractices (CAP). - (2014)

Scrutineer - Election of Pro-Vice Chancellor.       - (2014)

Moderator - Construction Tech. & Mgt. Pentecost University, Accra. - (2014)     

External Assessor - Kumasi Polytechnic, Kumasi.  - (2014)

Assessor, Accreditation (BSc CTM & QSCE) Technical University College, Tamale. - (2013)

Chairman - Departmental Time-Tabling Committee. - (2013)

Member - Investigation of Alleged Examination Malpractices (CAP). - (2013)

Scrutineer - Election of Prof and Non-Prof. Members of Council. - (2013)

Examinations Officer - Department of Building Technology. - (2008-2012)

Scrutineer - Election of Pro-Vice Chancellor.       - (2012)

Reviewer - Manuscripts ID 085/10. Journal of Science and Technology. - (2011)

Reviewer - 16th ASOCSA Built Environment Conference, South Africa. - (2011)

Reviewer - Construction Management 40 Conference, South Africa. - (2011)

Examinations Officer - Faculty of Architecture and Building Technology. - (2009-2010)

Reviewer - 1st WABER Conference, Ghana.  - (2009-2010)

Member - College of Architecture and Planning Board, KNUST. - (2008-2010)

Member - College of Engineering Board, KNUST (Cognate). - (2008-2010)

Chairman - Affiliation, BTech Procurement, Koforidua Polytechnic. - (2010)

Member - Curriculum Review Committee Dept. of Building Tech. - (2010)

Moderator - Construction Technology - Polytechnics. - (2010)

Reviewer - 1st Postgraduate Research Conf.  for the Built Environment, Ghana. - (2010)

Chairman - Planning of Otumfuo’s 60th Birthday Golf Tournament.          - (2010)

Member - Executive Committee (Treasurer), Royal Golf Club, Kumasi. - (2009)

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