Prof. William Otoo Ellis


Dept: Food Science and Technology
Department of Food Science,
College of Science,
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology,
Private Mail bag,
Kumasi, Ghana.

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Research Areas/Interests

Applied Microbiology and Quality Assurance (Food Analysis) Food Product Development and Packaging Food Toxicology and Epidemiology (Mycotoxin an...~more


    i. Refereed Journal Articles

    1. Ellis, W. O., Smith, J. P., Simpson, B. K. & Oldham, J. H. (1991) Aflatoxins in foods: Occurrence, biosynthesis, effects on organisms, detection and methods of control. CRC Crit. Rev. in Food Sci. & Nutri. 30:403-439.

    2. Ellis, W. O., Smith, J. P., Simpson, B. K., Khanizadeh, S. & Oldham, J. H. (1993) Control of growth and aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus under Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) conditions. Food Microbiol. 10:9-21.

    3. Ellis, W. O., Smith, J. P., Simpson, B. K., & Ramaswamy, H. (1993) Effect of inoculum level on aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus under Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) conditions. Food Microbiol. 10:525-535.

    4. Ellis, W. O., Smith, J. P., Simpson, B. K., Ramaswamy, H. & Doyon, G. (1994) Growth of and aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus in peanuts stored under Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) conditions. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 22:173-187.

    5. Ellis, W.O., Smith, J.P., Simpson, B.K., Ramaswamy, H. & Doyon, G. (1994) Effect of gas barrier characteristics of films on aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus  in peanuts packaged under Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) conditions.  Food Res. Int. 27:505-512.

    6. Ellis, W.O., Smith, J.P., Simpson, B.K., Ramaswamy, H. and Doyon, G. (1994) Novel techniques for controlling the growth of and aflatoxin production by Aspergillus parasiticus in packaged peanuts.  Food Microbiol.  11:357-368.

    7. Ellis, W.O., Oldham, J.H., Smith, J.P. & Simpson, B.K. (1994).  Methods of controlling aflatoxins in foods and feedstuffs: A Review. J. Univ. of Sci. & Tech. 16:24-33.

    8. Ellis, W.O., Gayin, J., Simpson, B.K., Smith, J.P. & Ahenkora, K. (1995) Effect of keeping time on some nutritional and antinutritional parameters of dawadawa. Ghana J. Biochem. Biotech.  Mol. Biol. 3:81-86.

    9. Adom, K.K., Dzogbefia, V.P. & Ellis, W.O. (1997) Combined effect of drying time and slice thickness on the solar drying of okra.  J. Sci. Food Agric. 73:315-320.

    10. Obiri-Danso, K., Ellis, W.O., Simpson, B.K. & Smith, J.P. (1997) Suitability of high lysine maize, Obatanpa, for kenkey production. Food Control 8:125-129.

    11. Ellis, W.O., Obubuafo, A.K., Ofosu-Okyere, A., Marfo, E.K., Osei-Agyeman, E. & Odame-Darkwah, J.K. (1997) A survey of bread defects in Ghana.  Food Control 8:77-82.

    12. Adom, K.K., Dzogbefia, V.P., Ellis, W.O. & Simpson, B.K. (1997) Solar drying of okra – effects of various packaging materials on product quality. Food Res. Int. 29:589-593.

    13. Ellis, W.O., Dziedzoave, N.T., Boakye, K., Simpson, B.K. & Smith, J.P. (1997). Effect of cassava variety and processing methods on the performance of “kudeme” in agbelima production. Food Control 8:199-204.

    14. Ofosu-Okyere, A., Ellis, W.O., Oldham, J.H. & Oduro, I. (1997). A review of some packaging materials/techniques used in Ghana. J. Univ. of Sci. & Tech. 17:13-19.

    15. Ellis, W.O., Baah, G.O. & Oduro, I. (1997) Effect of processing on the nutritional quality of ‘Zomkoum’ Chemistry and Industry 9:160-172.

    16. Ellis, W.O., Dziedzoave, N.T., Boakye, K., Simpson, B.K. & Smith, J.P. (1998) Effect of different cassava varieties and processing methods on some characteristics of ‘kudeme’ - An inoculant for agbelima production. J. Univ. of Sci. &Tech. 18:60-63.

    17. Ellis, W.O., Olympio, N.S., Mensah, E., Adu-Amankwa, P. & Tetteh, A.Y. (1998) Postharvest problems of tomato production in Ghana. Field studies of some selected major growing areas in Ghana. J. Ghana Science Assoc. 1:55-59.

    18. Appiah, F., Matthias, J., Ellis, W.O. & Oduro. I. (1998) Studies on traditional cheese production in the Ashanti Region. J. Ghana Science Assoc. 1:96-104.

    19. Barimah, J., Ellis, W.O., Oldham, J.H., Safo-Kantanka, O. & Pawar, G.D. (1998). The effects of drying and varietal differences on the physicochemical properties of cassava starch. J. Ghana Science Assoc. Vol.1 (3):53-59.

    20. Dziedzoave, N.T., Ellis, W.O., Oldham, J.H. & Osei-Yaw, A. (1999) Sensory quality of Agbelima, a fermented cassava product. J. Ghana Science Assoc. 2:46-51.

    21. Dziedzoave, N.T., Ellis, W.O., Oldham, J.H. & Osei-Yaw, A. (1999). Subjective and Objective assessment of ‘agbelima’ (cassava dough) quality. Food Control 10:63-67.

    22. Adom, K.K., Dzogbefia, V.P., Ellis, W.O., Oldham, J.H.  & Simpson, B.K. (1999). Solar drying of okra –Effects on some nutritional and sensory qualities of dried okra. J. Ghana Science Assoc. 2:.35-39.

    23. Oduro, I., Ellis, W.O., Dziedzoave, N.T. & Nimako-Yeboah, K. (2000). Quality of gari from selected processing zones in Ghana. Food Control 11:297-303.

    24. Oduro, I., Ellis, W.O., Aryeetey, S.K., Ahenkora, K. & Otoo, J.A. (2000) Pasting characteristics of starches from new varieties of sweet potatoes. Tropical Sci. 40:25-28.

    25. Dziedzoave, N.T., Ellis, W.O., Oldham, J.H. & Oduro, I. (2000) Optimizing agbelima production: varietal and fermentation effect on product quality. Food Res. Int. 33:867-873.

    26. Dziedzoave, N.T., Ellis, W.O., Oduro, I. & Oldham, J.H. (2000) Quality assessment of fermented cassava dough (agbelima) on Ghanaian markets. Journal of Applied Science and Technology. .5:142-147.

    27. Dzogbefia, V.P., Ameko, E., Oldham, J.H. & Ellis,W.O. (2000) Production and use of yeast pectolytic enzymes in pineapple juice extraction. Food Biotech. 15:25-34.

    28. Boakye, I. K., Ellis, W. O., Oldham, J. H. and Oduro, I. (2001) Characterization of starch from selected cassava varieties and their possible use for Pasta production. J. Ghana Science Association. 3(2): 51-55.

    29. Awuah, R. T. and Ellis, W. O. (2001) Effects of some groundnut packaging methods and protection with Ocimum and Syzigium powders on kernel infection by fungi. Mycopathologia 154:29-36.

    30. Oduro, W., Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I. and Tetteh, D. (2001) Nutritional quality of selected Ghanaian crab species. J. Ghana Science Association. 3:37-40.

    31. Yempew, S., Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I. and Dziedzoave, N. T. (2001) Characterization of sweetpotato starch – The effect of cultivation time. J. Ghana Science Association. 3:41-44.

    32. Oduro, W., Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I. and Farouk, D. A. (2002) Behaviour and food preference of Maxwell’s duiker (Cephalophus Maxwelli (Thunberg 1789)) in captivity. Int. J. on Nature Conserv. in Africa. 18:1-12.

    33. Dzogbefia, V. P., Ameko, E., Oldham, J. H. & Ellis, W. O. (2002) Physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of pineapple juice extracted with the aid of locally produced pectic enzyme from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ATCC 52712). J. Ghana Science Association. 4:182-190.


    34. Oduro, W., Ellis, W. O.., Oduro, I. & Tetteh, D. (2002) Meat yield and quality of selected snail species in Ghana. J. Ghana Science Association. 4:24-31.

    35. Amissah, J. G. N., Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I. and Manful, J. T. (2003) Nutritional composition of bran from new rice varieties under study in Ghana. Food Control. 14:21-24.

    36. Adu-Kwarteng, E., Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I. and Manful, J. T. (2003) Rice Grain Quality: A comparison of local varieties with new varieties under study in Ghana. Food Control. 14:507-514.

    37. Oduro, W., Ellis, W. O. Oduro, I. and Tetteh, D. (2003) Meat quality assessment of selected wild mammalian species. Journal of Science and Technology 23(2):11-15.

    38. Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I., Barimah, J. & Otoo, J. A. (2003) Quality of starch from six (6) Japanese sweetpotato varieties under study in Ghana. African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops. 5(2):38-41.

    39. Ellis, W. O., Atuah, L., Kumah, P. and Bakang, J. A. (2003) An overview of the floriculture industry in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Horticulture 3:47-56.

    40. Ofosu, I. W., Oldham, J. H., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O., W. O. (2004) Preparation of acetylated and carboxylated modified starches from cassava. J.  Ghana Science Association. 6(1): 58-60.

    41. Ellis, W. O.,Ellis, W. O. Oduro, I. and Terkuu, D. M. (2005) Preliminary studies on extension of the shelflife of Pito. Journal of Science and Technology 25(1): 11-15.

    42. Owusu, J., Oldham, J. H., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Barimah, J. (2005) Viscosity studies of Cashew gum. Tropical Sci. 45:86-89.

    43. Baah, F. D., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2005) Evaluation of the suitability of cassava and sweetpotato flour for Pasta production. Journal of Science and Technolog.  25(1): 16-24.

    44. Jiang, Y., Jolly, P. E., Ellis, W. O., Wang, J., Phillips, T. D. and Williams, J. H. (2005) Aflatoxin B1 albumin adduct levels and cellular immune status in Ghanaians. International Immunology 17:807-814.

    45. Aryee, F. N. A., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Afuakwa, J. J. (2005) The physicochemical properties of flour samples from the roots of 31 varieties of cassava. Food Control 17(11): 916-922.

    46. Amankwah, E. A., Oldham, J. H. and Ellis, W. O. (2006) Manufacture of tomato ketchup using local spices and employing gravity means of concentration. J. Ghana Science Association 8(1):63-69.

    47. Jolly, P., Jiang, Y., Ellis, W. O., Awuah, R., Nnedu, O., Phillips, T., Wang, J., Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Tang, L., Person, S., Williams, J. and Jolly, C. (2006) Determinants of aflatoxin levels in Ghanaians: Sociodemographic factors, knowledge of aflatoxin and food handling and consumption practices. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 209(4):345-358.

    48. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Dzomeku, B. M., Darko-Mensah, K. O. and Annor-Nyarko, F. O. (2006) Agronomic and physicochemical evaluation of FHIA-03 (Hybrid cooking banana) in Ghana. J. Ghana Science Association. 8(1):127-134.

    49. Jolly, P., Jiang, Y., Ellis, W. O., Awuah, R. T., Appawu, J., Nnedu, O., Stiles, J., Wang, J., Ohene Adjei, Jolly, C. and Williams, J. (2007) Association between aflatoxin exposure and health characteristics, liver function, hepatitis and malaria infections in Ghanaians. J. Nutritional and Environmental Medicine 16(3):1-16.

    50. Jiang, Y., Obuseh, F. A., Ellis, W. O., Piyathilake, C. J., Stiles, J. and Jolly, P. (2007) Association of vitamin A deficiency with decrease in tumor necrosis factor-α expressing CD3-CD56+ natural killer cells in Ghanaians. Nutrition Research 27:400-407.

    51. Agbenohevi, J. K., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Abodakpi, V. D. and Eleblu, S. E. (2007) Effect of soaking, autoclaving and repeated boiling on oligosaccharides in cowpea. Nigerian Food Journal 25(2):88-94.

    52. Adu-Dapaah, H. K., Ellis, W. O., Biney, K. and Amoah, S. (2007) On-farm evaluation of exotic and local tomato varieties for adaptability, yield and processing qualities in five major tomato-growing districts in Ghana. Bots. J. Agric. Appl. Sci. 3(1):34-44.

    53. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Sulemana, A. and Oti-Boateng, P. (2007) Breakfast meal from breadfruit and soybean composite. Discovery and Innovation (Afornet Special edn. No.3) 19:238-24

    54. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Narh, S. T. (2007) Expanding breadfruit utilization and its potential for pasta production. Discovery and Innovation (Afornet Special edn. No.3) 19:243-247.

    55. Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I., Appiah, F. and Antwi, Y. (2007) Quality of oil from Treculia africana – an underutilized forest plant. Discovery and Innovation (Afornet Special edn. No.3) 19:267-270.

    56. Nelson-Quartey, F. C., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Amaglo, F. K. (2007) Formulation of an infant food based on breadfruit (artocarpus altilis) and breadnut (artocarpus camensi). ISHS Acta Horticulturae 757:215-224.

    57. Gyedu-Akoto, E., Oduro, I., Amoah, F. M., Oldham, J. H., Ellis, W. O. and Opoku-Ameyaw, K. (2007) Rheological properties of aqueous cashew tree gum solutions. Scientific Research and Essay. 2(10) 458-461.

    58. Johnson, P-N. T., Adebayo, K., Ottah Atikpo, M., Essel, K., Ellis, W. O., Awudza, J. and Tomlins, K. I. (2007) Institutional lessons from the partnership to improve food safety management and livelihoods of street food vendors and consumers in Ghana. J. of Sustainable Development. 4:39-44.

    59. Gyedu-Akoto, E., Oduro, I., Amoah, F. M., Oldham, J. H.,Ellis, W. O., Opoku-Ameyaw, K. and Hakeem, R. B. (2007) Locational and maturity effects on cashew tree gum production in Ghana. Scientific Research and Essay. 2(11):499-501.

    60. Dzomeku, B. M., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Adu-Kwarteng, E. and Darkey, S. K. (2007) Comparative study on the nutritional composition of two FHIA tetraploids (FHIA-21 (tetraploid French plantain) and FHIA-03 (tetraploid cooking banana) in Ghana. Amer. Journal of Food Tech. 2(5):452-456.

    61. Amaglo, N. K., Timpo, G. M., Ellis, W. O. and Bennett, R. N. (2007) Effect of spacing and harvest frequency on the growth and leaf yield of moringa oleifera a leafy vegetable. Ghana Journal of Horticulture. 6:33-40.

    62. Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Ankrah, N. A., Hueber, H., Ofosuhene, M., Kumi, J., Johnson, N., Tang, L., Xu, L., Jolly, P. E., Ellis, W. O., Ofori-Adjei, D., Williams, J., Wang, J. S. and Phillips, T. D. (2008) NovaSil clay intervention in Ghanaians at high risk for aflatoxicosis: I  – Study design and clinical outcomes. Food Additives and Contaminants 25(1):76-87.

    63. Wang, P., Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Tang, Y., Johnson, N. M., Xu, L., Tang, L., Huebner, H. J., Ankrah, N. A., Ofori-Adjei, D., Ellis, W. O., Jolly, P. E., William, J., Wang, J. S. and Phillips, T. D. (2008) NovaSil clay intervention in Ghanaians at high risk for aflatoxicosis: II. Reduction in biomarkers of aflatoxin exposure in blood and urine. Food Additives and Contaminants. 25(5):622-634.

    64. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Acquah, S. and Kyeremateng, F. (2008) Solar and tray drying methods and the physicochemical properties of sweetpotato starch. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science 41(1):95-102.


    65. Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Wang, Z., Ankrah, N-A., Xu, L., Johnson, N. M., Tang, L., Guan, H., Huebner, H. J., Jolly, P. E., Ellis, W. O., Taylor, R., Brattin, B., Ofori-Adjei, D., Williams, J. H., Wang, J-S. and Phillips, T. D. (2008) Novasil clay does not affect the bioavailability and utilization of vitamins A and E and nutrient minerals in Ghanaians at high risk for aflatoxicosis. Food Additives and Contaminants 25(7):872-884.

    66. Gyedu-Akoto, E., Oduro, I., Amoah, F. M., Oldham, J. H., Ellis, W. O., Opoku-Ameyaw, K., Asante, F. and Bediako, S. (2008) Quality estimation of cashew gum in the production of chocolate pebbles. African Journal of Food Science. 2:016-020.

    67. Gyedu-Akoto, E., Oduro, I., Amoah, F. M., Oldham, J. H., Ellis, W. O., Opoku-Ameyaw, K. and Rasheed Bin Hakeem (2008) Physico-chemical properties of cashew tree gum. African Journal of Food Science. 2(5):060-064.

    68. Jiang Y., Jolly, P.E., Preko, P., Wang, J-S., Ellis, W. O., Phillips, T. D. and Williams, J.H. (2008) Aflatoxin related immune dysfunction in Health and in Human immunodeficiency virus diseases. Clinical and Developmental Immunology. Article ID 790309, doi:10.1155/2008/790309.

    69. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Owusu, D. (2008) Nutritional potential of two leafy vegetables: Moringa pleifera and Ipomoea batata leaves. Scientific Research and Essay. 3(2):057-060.

    70. Xu, L., Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Jiang, Y., Tang, L., Huebner, H. J., Ankrah, N.-A., Ofori-Adjei, D., Ellis, W. O., Jolly, P. E., Wiiliams, J. H., Wang, J.-S. and Phillips, T. D. (2008) Novasil clay intervention in Ghanaians at high risk for aflatoxicosis: Immune parameters as biomarkers of effect. Toxicologist. 102:490.

    71. Baah, F. D., Maziya-Dixon, B., Asiedu, R., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2009) Physicochemical and pasting characterization of water yam (Dioscorea spp.) and relationship with eating quality of pounded yam. Journal of Food, Agric. and Environment. 7(2):107-112.

    72. Baah, F. D., Maziya-Dixon, B., Asiedu, R., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2009) Nutritional and biochemical composition of D. alata (Dioscorea spp.) tubers. Journal of Food, Agric. and Environment. 7(2):373-378.

    73. Apea-Bah, F. D., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Safo-Kantanka, O. (2009) Principal components analysis and age at harvest effect on quality of gari from four elite cassava varieties in Ghana. African Journal of Biotechnology. 8(9):1943-1949.

    74. Yatich, N., Jiang, Y., Agbenyega, T., Turpin, A., Rayner, J. C., Stiles, J. K., Ellis, W. O., Funkhouser, E., Ehiri, J. E., Williams, J. H. and Jolly, P. E. (2009) Malaria and Intestinal Helminth co-infection among pregnant women in Ghana: Prevalence and risk factors. American J. of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 80(6):896-901.

    75. Ofori, G., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Harrison Dapaah, K. (2009) Assessment of vitamin A content and sensory attributes of new sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) genotypes in Ghana. African J. of Food Science. 3(7):184-192.

    76. Ofosu, I. W., Adjei, I. A., Apea-Bah, F. B.,  Kwetey, N. P., Ankar-Brewoo, G. M., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2009) Quantitative descriptive sensory analysis of the performance of pregelatinized starch-protein admixtures at fat mimetic in wheat bread. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 8(10):1559-1566.

    77. Appaw, W. O., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2009) Effect of Ethy-Gen II ripening concentrate on ripening and sensory properties of mangoes (Mangifera indica L.). Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 8(10):1641-1644.

    78. Yatich, N., Jolly, P. E., Funkhouser, E., Agbenyega, T., Rayner, J. C., Ehiri, J. E., Turpin, A., Stiles, J.,Ellis, W. O., Jiang,Y. and Williams, J. H. (2010) The effect of malaria and intestinal helminth co-infection on birth outcomes in Kumasi, Ghana. American J. of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 82(1):28-34.

    79. Yatich, N., Funkhouser, E., Ehiri, J. E., Agbenyega, T., Stiles, J., Rayner, J. C., Turpin, A., Ellis, W. O., Jiang,Y., Williams, J. H., Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Phillips, T. and Jolly, P. E. (2010) Malaria, intestinal helminths and other risk factors for stillbirths in Ghana. Infect. Dis. Obstet. Gynecol. 2010:350763. Epub 2010 Apr., 1.

    80. Shuaib, F. M., Jolly, P. E., Yatich, N., Jiang, Y., Ehiri, J., Funkhouser, E., Person, S., Wilson, C., Ellis, W. O., Wang, J-S. and Williams, J. H. (2010) Association between birth outcomes and aflatoxin B1 biomaker blood levels in pregnant women in Kumasi, Ghana. Tropical Medicine and International Health 15(2):160-167.

    81. Shuaib, F. M., Jolly, P. E., Ehiri, J. E., Jiang, Y., Ellis, W. O., Stiles, J., Yatich, N., Funkhouser, E., Person, S., Wilson, C. and Williams, J. H. (2010) Association between anemia and aflatoxin B1 biomarker levels among pregnant women in Kumasi, Ghana. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 83(5):1077-1083.

    82. Gyedu-Akoto, E., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Amoah, F. M. (2010) The utilization of cashew gum in the production of pineapple jam and cashew apple juice drink. Food 4(1):12-16 Global Science Books.

    83. Williams, J. H., Grubb, J. A., Davis, J. W., Wang, J. S., Jolly, P. E., Ankrah, N-A., Ellis, W. O., Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Johnson, N. M., Robinson, A. G., and Phillips, T. D. (2010) HIV and hepatocellular and esophageal carcinomas related to consumption of mycotoxin-prone foods in sub-saharan Africa. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 92:154-160.

    84. Obuseh, F., Jolly, P. E., Jiang, Y., Shuaib, F. M. Waterbor, J., Ellis, W. O., Piyathilake, C. J., Desmond, R. A.,  Afriyie-Gyawu, E. and Phillips, T. D. (2010) Aflatoxin B1 albumin adducts in plasma, aflatoxin M1 in urine and vitamin A and E levels in Ghanaians. International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 80(6):355-368.

    85. Ofosu, I. W., Apea Bah, F. B., Adu-Gyamfi, A., Ankar-Brewoo, G. M., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Boakye-Wallace, M. and Owusu-Marfo, A. (2010) Effect of irradiation on inoculated Salmonella parathyphi B and the colour of freeze-dried egg yolk. African Journal of Food Science. 4(9):603-607.

    86. Ofosu, I. W., Appiah-Nkansah, E., Owusu, L., Apea-Bah, F. B., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2010) Formulation of Annatto feed concentrate for layers and the evaluation of egg yolk colour preference of consumers. Journal of Food Biochemistry 34(1):66-77.

    87. Wireku-Manu, F. D., Ellis, W. O. and Oduro, I. (2010) Production of non-alcoholic beverage from sweetpotato (Ipomea batatas L.). African Journal of Food Science 4(4):180-183.

    88. Apea-Bah, F. B., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Safo-Kantanka, O. (2011) Factors analysis and age at harvest effect on the quality of flour from four cassava varieties. World Journal of Diary and Food Sciences 6(1):43-54.

    89. Appiah, F., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2011) Pasting properties of Treculia Africana seed flour in Ghana and the production of a breakfast meal. Agric. and Biology Journal of North America 2(2):325-329.

    90. Owusu, D., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2011) Development of crackers from cassava and sweetpotato flours using moringa oleifera and ipomea batatas leaves as fortificants. Amer. J. of Food and Nutrition 1(3):114-122.

    91. Appiah, F., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2011) Functional properties of Artocarpus artilis pulp flour as affected by fermentation. Agric. and Biology Journal of North America 2(5):773-779.

    92. Nagre, R. D., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2011) Comparative physico-chemical evaluation of kombo kernel fat produced by three different processes. African Journal of Food Sci. and Tech. 2(4):083-091.

    93. Wireku-Manu, F. D., Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I., Asiedu, R. and Maziya-Dixon, B. (2011) Physicochemical and pasting characteristics of water yam (D. alata) in comparison with Pona (D. rotundata) from Ghana. European Journal of Food Research and Review. 1(3):149-158.

    94. Appiah, F., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Adu, G. (2012) Comparative assessment of the performance of Parkia biglobosa, Glycine max and Treculia africana in the production of a local condiment (dawadawa) in Ghana. African Journal of Food Science. 6(5):111-116.

    95. Nagre, R. D.,Ellis, W. O. and Oduro, I. (2012) Yield and quality of Pycnanthus kombo kernel butter as affected by temperature-moisture interactions. African Journal of Food Science. 6(8):224-231.

    96. Engmann, F. K., Ellis, W. O., Dzogbefia, V. P., Yong-Kun, M., Abano, E. and Owusu, J. (2012) Comparative study of three drying methods for preservation of the giant African snail (Achatina achatina) meat. African Journal of Food Science. 6(14):392-400.

    97. Ncube, N., Akunna, J., Babatunde, F., Nyarko, A., Yatich, N. J., Ellis, W. O., Turpin, A. and Jolly, P. E. (2012) Sexual risk behavior among HIV-positive persons in Kumasi, Ghana. Ghana Medical Journal. 46(1):27-33.

    98. Shuaib, F. M. B., Jolly, P. E., Ehiri, J. E., Ellis, W. O., Yatich, N. J., Funkhouser, E., Person, Sd., Williams, J. H., Qian, G. and Wang, J-S. (2012) Socio-demographic determinants of aflatoxin B1-lysine adduct levels among pregnant women in Kumasi, Ghana. Ghana Medical Journal. 46(4):179-188.

    99. Akwetey, W. Y., Ellis, W. O. and Oduro, I. N. (2012) Using whole cowpea flour (WCPF) in frankfurter-type sausages. Journal of Animal Production Advances. 2(10):450-455.

    100. Wireko-Manu, F. D., Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I., Asiedu, R. and Maziya-Dixon, B. (2013) Prediction of the suitability of water yam (Dioscorea alata) for amala product using pasting and sensory characteristics. J. of Food Processing and Preservation. doi:10.1111/jfpp.12095 ,pg.1-7.

    101. Sanful, R. E., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2013) Effect of pre-treatment and drying on the nutritional and mineral composition of D. bulbifera flour. Journal of Biol. and Food Science Research. 2(4):37-44.

    102. Sanful, R. E., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2013) Effect of pre-treatment and drying on the functional properties of D. bulbifera flour. Sky Journal of Food Science. 24:27-34.

    103. Jolly, P. E., Inusah, S., Lu, B., Ellis, W. O., Nyarko, A., Phillips, T. D. and Williams, J. H. (2013) Association between high aflatoxin B1 levels and high viral load in HIV-positive people. World Mycotoxin Journal. 1(-1): 1DOI:10.3920/WMJ2013.1585

    104. Wireko-Manu, F. D., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Asiedu, R. and Maziya-Dixon, B. (2013) Food quality changes in water yam (Dioscorea alata) during growth and storage. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 1(3):1-7.

    105. Wireko-Manu, F. D., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Asiedu, R. and Maziya-Dixon, B. (2013) Potential health benefits of water yam (Dioscorea alata). Food and Function DOI:10.1039/C3FO60064E.

    106. Sanful, R. E., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2013) Proximate and functional properties of five local varieties of aerial yams (Dioscorea bulbifera) in Ghana. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research 14(7):947-951.

    107. Akwetey, W. Y., Oduro, I. N. and Ellis, W. O. (2014) Whole Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) flour as non-conventional extender in meatloaf. Food Bioscience 5:42-46.

    108. Asante, F. A., Saalia, F. K., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2014) Modelling of milk solids extraction from tiger nuts (Cyperus esculentus L.) tubers using Response Surface Methodology. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering 4(3):73-79.

    109. Asante, F. A., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Saalia, F. K. (2014) Effect of planting period and site on the chemical composition and milk acceptability of tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus L.) tubers in Ghana. American Journal of Food and Nutrition 2(3):49-54.

    110. Asante, F. A., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Saalia, F. K. (2014) Effect of soaking and cooking methods on extraction of solids and acceptability of tiger nuts (Cyperus esculentus L.) milk. Journal of Agricultural Studies 2(2):76-86.

    111. Sanful, R. E., Addo, A., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2015) Air drying characteristics of aerial yam (Dioscorea bulbifera) Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology 3(8):693-700.

    112. Sanful, R. E., Addo, A., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2015) Influence of boiling, temperature and thickness on drying time of aerial yam (Dioscorea bulbifera bulbis) Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology 3(8):701-706.

    113. Owusu-Mensah, E., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Carey, E. E. (2016) Cooking treatment effects on sugar profile and sweetness of eleven-released Sweetpotato varieties. Journal of Food Process Technology 7(4):1-6. 7:580 doi:10.4172/2157-7110.1000580

    114. Owusu-Mensah, E., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Carey, E. E. (2016) Thermal stability of a-Amylase activity and sugar profile of sweet-potato varieties during processing Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 6(4):1-5.

    115. Owusu, J., Oldham, J. H., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Amissah, A. (2016) Assessing the suitability of locally produced gum exudates in the food industry. International Journal of Technology and Management Research 1(5):24-30.

    116. Zaukuu, J-L. Z., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2016) Processing methods and microbial assessment of Pito (an African indigenous beer) at selected production sites in Ghana. Journal of Institute of Brewing doi:10.1002/jib.373

    117. Appiah, F., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2016) Nutritional composition of breadfruits (Artocarpus spp. And Treculia Africana) in Ghana. XXIX Int. Horticultural Congress on Horticulture, Sustaining lives, livelihoods and landscape (IHC 2014): Int. symposium on Horticulture in Developing Countries and World Food Production. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1128.

    118. Adu-Kwarteng, E., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Agbenorhevi, J. K. (2017) Quality characteristics of Native starch from selected improved varieties of sweetpotatoes (Ipomoea batatas). Agricultural and Food Science Journal of Ghana 10(1):818-833.

    119. Sanful, R. E., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2017) Effects of pre-treatment and drying methods on the pasting characteristics, amylose content and colour of Aerial Yam (Dioscorea bulbifera) flour. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition 2(4):23-28.

    120. Ofosu, I. W., Ellis, W. O., Nsiah, K. and Oduro, I. (2017) Neglected and Underutilized Legumes (NULs): Exposure Assessment, Habitual Cooking and Eating habits and Consumers’ characteristics. Journal of Food Security 5(5):169-175. DOI:10.12691/jfs 5-5-3.

    121. Ofosu, I. W., Ellis, W. O., Nsiah, K. and Oduro, I. (2017) Neglected and Underutilized Legumes (NULs): Hazards and Probabilistic Risks associated with some selected dietary lectins. Journal of Food Security 5(6):212-222. DOI:10.12691/jfs 5-6-2.

    122. Ofosu, I. W., Ellis, W. O., Nsiah, K. and Oduro, I. (2017) Essential Amino Acid Quality profile in Neglected and Underutilized Legumes (NULs). Food Science and Quality Management 68:16-22.

    123. Boakye, A. A., Gudjonsdottir, M., Wireko-Manu, F. D., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Chronakis, L. S. (2018) Water-Starch interactions of red and white cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium). Starch-Starke

    124. Boakye, A. A., Wireko-Manu, F. D., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Gudjonsdottir, M. and Chronakis, L. S. (2018) Utilizing cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) for food and nutrition security: A review. Food Science and Nutrition 6:703-713.

    125. Aryeetey, E., Wireko-Manu, F. D., Asante, J. O., Laryea, D., Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I. and Ngadi, M. (2018) Recipe standardization of bread using cassava-wheat composite flour. Journal of Culinary Science and Technology

    126. Djameh, C., Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I., Saalia, F. K., Korbinian, H. and Komlaga, G. A. (2019) West African sorghum beer fermented with Lactobacillus delbrueckii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Fermentation by-products: fermentation by-products of sorghum beer, pito. Journal of the Institute of Brewing doi:10.1002/jib.562.

    127. Djameh, C., Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I., Saalia, F. K., Blay, Y. M. and Komlaga, G. A. (2019) West African sorghum beer fermented with Lactobacillus delbrueckii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Shelf-life and consumer acceptance: Evaluation of traditional sorghum beer fermented with starter cultures. Journal of the Institute of Brewing doi:10.1002/jib.563.

    128. Ankar-Brewoo, G. M., Darko, G., Abaidoo, R. C., Dalsgaard, A., Johnson, P-N., Ellis, W. O. and Brimer, L. (2020) Health risks of toxic metals (Al, Fe and Pb) in two common street vended foods, fufu and fried rice, in Kumasi, Ghana. Scientific African https//

    129. Ankar-Brewoo, G. M., Darko, G., Abaidoo, R. C., Dalsgaard, A., Johnson, P-N., Ellis, W. O. and Brimer, L. (2020) Dietary risk assessment due to the consumption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in twocommonly consumed street vended foods. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 1-11.

    130. Jordan, D., Appaw, W., Ellis, W. O., Akromah, R., Mochiah, M. B., Abudulai, M., Brandenburg, R. L., Jelliffe, J., Bravo-Ureta, B., Boote, K. (2020) Evaluating Improved Management Practices to Minimize Aflatoxin Contamination in the Field, during Drying, and in Storage in Ghana. Peanut Science

    131. M. Abudulai; G. Mahama; I. Dzomeku; A. Seidu; I. Sugri; J.A. Nboyine; N. Opoku; M.H. Alhassan; W. Appaw; W.O. Ellis; R. Akromah; M.B. Mochiah; A. Dankyi; D.L. Jordan; R.L. Brandenburg; B.E. Bravo-Ureta; J. Jelliffe; K. Boote; G. MacDonald; J. Chen; R.D. Phillips; K. Mallikarjunan; M. Balota; D. Hoisington; J. Rhoads (2020) Evaluation of Agricultural Practices to Increase Yield and Financial Return and Minimize Aflatoxin Contamination in Peanut in Northern Ghana. Peanut Science 47 (3): 156–162.

    132. Amoah, R. E., Wireko-Manu, F. D., Oduro, I., Saalia, F. K. and Ellis, W. O. (2020) Effect of pretreatment on physicochemical, microbiological and aflatoxin quality of solar sliced dried ginger (Zingiber officinale roscoe) rhizome. Food Science and Nutrition DOI:10:1002/fsn3.1878.

    133. Komlaga, G. A., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Dziedzoave, N. T. and Djameh, C. (2021) Alcohol yield from various combinations of cassava and sweet potato flours. African Journal of Food Science 15(4):20-25.

    134. Komlaga, G. A., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Dziedzoave, N. T. (2021) Effect of harvest age of cassava roots and sweet potato tubers on alcohol yield. African Journal of Food Science 15(4):169-176.

    135. Motey, G. A., Owusu Kwarteng, J., Obiri-Danso, K., Ofori, L. A., Ellis, W. O. and Jespersen, L. (2021) Invitro properties of potential probiotic lactic acid bacteria originating from Ghanaian indigenous fermented milk products. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 37(3): 1-13.


    ii.  Conference publications (edited/Peer-reviewed)

    136. Ellis, W.O., Smith, J.P., Simpson, B.K. & Oldham, J.H. (1994) “Active Atmosphere Modification”- a potential for aflatoxin control in developing countries.  Proceedings of the National Conf. On Agric. Eng. – Ghana Society of Agricultural Engineers. Sept. 25-29 UST. Kumasi, Ghana. pp. 130-136.

    137. Kwaa, M.O., Ellis, W.O., Oldham, J.H., Adu-Amankwa, P. & Dzogbefia, V.P. (1994) Innovative techniques for the shelf life extension of eggplants. Proceedings of the National Conf. On Agric. Eng.-Ghana Society of Agricultural Engineers. Sept. 25-29. UST, Kumasi, Ghana. Pp. 115-123.

    138. Adom, K.K., Dzogbefia, V.P., Ellis,W.O., Oldham, J.H. & Simpson, B.K. (1995) Effects of some pre-treatments on solar drying of okra, Postharvest Technology and Commodity Marketing. Proceedings of Postharvest Conference (Agri-Africa ‘95). Accra, Ghana. Nov. 29–Dec. 1. pp.  264-268.

    139. Dziedzoave, N.T., Ellis, W.O., Oldham, J.H. & Dei-Tutu, J. (1995) Evaluation of cassava varieties for processing into agbelima. Postharvest Technology and Commodity Marketing.  Proceedings of Postharvest Conference (Agric-Africa ’95).  Accra, Ghana. Nov. 29-Dec. 1. pp. 65-70.

    140. Dziedzoave, N.T., Ellis, W.O. & Oldham, J.H. (1996) Effect of cassava varietal differences and fermentation time on the quality of agbelima. In: Traditional Fermented Food Processing in Africa. Proceedings, 3rd Biennial seminar on African fermented foods held in Ghana. July, 1996. M. Halm and M. Jakobsen (eds). Pp. 17-26.

    141. Ellis, W.O., Oldham, J.H., Dzogbefia, V.P. & Oduro, I. (1996). Application of gum technology in presevation of cassava – Field studies. Proceedings of Ghana Soc. of Agric. Eng. Ghana Society of Agricultural Engineers. Sept. 22-26. Kumasi, Ghana. Pp. 89-99.

    142. Ellis, W.O. New Technology for cassava preservation. UNISPAR-Africa (UNESCO) Newsletter. April 1997. p.5.

    143. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Otoo, J. A., Akuffo, A. O. and Moses, E. (2000) Production of gari from sweetpotato tubers. In: Potential of Root Crops for Food and Industrial resources. M. Nakatani and K. Komaki (eds). Proc. of 12th Symposium of ISTRC, Tsukuba, Japan.  pp.292-294.

    144. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Oduro, W. (2002) Value addition and its impact on Biodiversity Conservation: the case of the Jachie Women’s Group. Proc. of 12th Int. Conf. of Women Engineers and Scientists, Ottawa, Canada, July 27th – 31st.

    145. Tetteh, A., Ellis, W. O. and Simpson, B. K. (2002) Development and evaluation of a semipermeable membrane, chitosan, for retention of quality and extension of storage and shelf life of tomato, eggplant and okra. Theme: Women in knowledge-based Society. Proc. of 12th Int. Conf. of Women Engineers and Scientists. Ottawa, Canada. July 27th – 31st.

    146. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Johnson, W. and Aryee, F. N. A. (2002) Breadfruit, The Neglected fruit in Ghana. Proc. of 12th Int. Conf. of Women Engineers and Scientists, Ottawa, Canada, July 27th – 31st.

    147. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Nyarko, L., Koomson, G. and Otoo, J. A. (2003) Physico-chemical and pasting properties of flour from four sweetpotato varieties grown in Ghana. In: Root Crops; the small processor and development of local food industries for market economy. M. O. Akoroda (ed). Proc. 8th Symposium of the Int. Society for Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB). pp. 142-146.

    148. Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I., Fianko, K. and Otoo, J. A. (2003) Quality of gari from 18 sweetpotato varieties. In: Root Crops; the small processor and development of local food industries for market economy. M. O. Akoroda (ed). Proc. 8th Symposium of the Int. Society for Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB). pp. 146-150.

    149. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Asamoah-Okyere, K. D., Adu-Amankwah, P., Alemawor, F. and Amagloh, F. K. (2007) Minimal processing of Yam to increase consumer acceptance. Paper presented at the 13th Triennial Symposium of the Int. Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), Arusha, Tanzania. (Nov. 10-14, 2003). In Tropical Root and Tuber Crops: Opportunities for poverty alleviation and sustainable livelihoods in Developing Countries. Proc. of the 13th Symp. of ISTRC. Ed. R. Kapinga, R. Kingamkono, M. Msabaha, J. Ndunguru, B. Lemaga and G. Guiime. Sept., 2007 pp. 473-477.

    150. Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I., Akomeah- Adjei, and Amagloh, F. K. (2007) On-Farm Pretreatment of Yam tubers to extend shelf life. Paper presented at the 13th Triennial Symposium of the Int. Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), Arusha, Tanzania. (Nov. 9-15, 2003). In Tropical Root and Tuber Crops: Opportunities for poverty alleviation and sustainable livelihoods in Developing Countries. Proc. of the 13th Symp. of ISTRC. Ed. R. Kapinga, R. Kingamkono, M. Msabaha, J. Ndunguru, B. Lemaga and G. Guiime. Sept., 2007 pp. 554-558.

    151. Apea Bah, F. B., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Safo-Kantanka, O. (2007) Time of harvesting and its effect on the quality of flour from four cassava varieties. Paper presented at the 13th Triennial Symposium of the Int. Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), Arusha, Tanzania. (Nov. 10-14, 2003). In Tropical Root and Tuber Crops: Opportunities for poverty alleviation and sustainable livelihoods in Developing Countries. Proc. of the 13th Symp. of ISTRC. Ed. R. Kapinga, R. Kingamkono, M. Msabaha, J. Ndunguru, B. Lemaga and G. Guiime. Sept. 2007 pp. 248-259.

    152. Opata, D. D., Asiedu-Larbi, J., Ellis, W. O. and Oduro, I. Production of Couscous and French fries from Dioscorea alata (water yam). Securing livelihoods through yams. Proceedings of a technical workshop on progress in yam research for development in West and Central Africa held in Accra, Ghana 11-13 September, 2007. Edited by Nkamleu, Annang and Bacco. IFAD TAG 704, IITA Nigeria. 329 pp.165-178, 2009.

    153. Gibbah, G. R., Ellis, W. O. and Oduro, I. Glucose syrup from yam starch using rice malt as the source of enzymes. Proceedings of the 15th triennial symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops, Peru. November 2-6, 2009 pp. 100.

    154. Nnaji, C. O., Agyei, D., Appaw, W. O., Ellis, W. O. and Oduro, I. Inhibition of enzymatic browning in Dioscorea alata chips using natural anti-browning agents.  Proceedings of the 15th triennial symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops, Peru. November 2-6, 2009 pp. 98.

    155. Enibe, S. O., Akubuo, C. O., Mbah, B. N., Onweluzo, J. A., Enibe, D. O., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. Progress in Agronomic, Nutritional and Engineering Development Research on Treculia africana tree crop. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Neglected and Underutilized Species (NUS): for a Food Secure Africa. Accra, Ghana, 25th – 27th Sept. 2013. Editors: Richard Hall and Per Rudebjer – Biodiversity International, Rome, Italy. pp.198 – 214.


    iii. Book Chapters/Handbooks/Books

    1. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Boakye, A. A., Aryeetey, E. and Manful, M. E. Value addition interventions along the root and tuber food security chain. Root and Tubers in Ghana: Overview and selected research papers. Robert Aidoo, Jacob K. Agbenohevi, Faustina D. Wireko-Manu and Arne Wangel, Editors. College of Agriculture and Natural Resources; DANIDA and KNUST. Pp. 205-242.

    2. Boakye, A. A., Wireko-Manu, F. D., Gudjonsdotir, I. C., Kissi, A. K., Magnus-George, F., Mendes, A. C., Ellis, W. O. and Oduro, I. Enhancing the food applications of cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium): Deductions from a three-year study. Robert Aidoo, Jacob K. Agbenohevi, Faustina D. Wireko-Manu and Arne Wangel, Editors. College of Agriculture and Natural Resources; DANIDA and KNUST. Pp. 243-267.

    3. Jordan D., Brandenburg, R., Payne, G., Hoisington, D., Magnan, N., Rhoads, J., Abudulai, M., Adhikari, K., Chen, J., Akromah, R., Appaw, W., Ellis, W. O., Baiota, M., Mallikarjunan, K. ……… Preventing mycotoxin contamination in groundnut cultivation. Achieving sustainable cultivation of grain legumes. Volume 2: Improving cultivation of particular grain legumes. Shoba Sivasankar, David BERGVINSON, Pooran Guar, Shiv Kumar, Steve Beebe and Manuele Tamo, Editors. Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, Cambridge, UK, 2018. Pp. 181-211.

    4. Jolly, P.E., Jiang, Y., Ellis, W.O., Wang, J.S., Afriyie-Gyaw, E., Phillips, T.D., Williams, J.H. Modulation of the human immune system by aflatoxin. Mycotoxins: Dectection Methods, Management, Public Health and Agricultural Trade.  Leslie, J., Bandyopadhyay, R., and Visconti, A. Editors. CAB International, UK, USA, 2008, pp. 41-52.

    5. Manual for improved vegetable crop production. Haleegoah, J., Olympio, N. S., Amaglo, N. K., Amponsah, B. F., Ellis, W. O., Lamptey, J. N. L., Timpo, G. M., Boateng, P. Y. and Kumah, P. Barnes Press, Kumasi, Ghana. 2006. Pp31.

    6. Manual of some Cowpea recipes in Ghana. Plahar, W. A., Nti, C. A., Ellis W. O. and Ashitey, E. Integrated Food Crops Systems Project, MoFA (IFAD funded), 2005.

    7. Manual of some Soybean recipes in Ghana. Nti, C. A., Plahar, W. A., Ellis W. O. and Ashitey, E. Integrated Food Crops Systems Project, MoFA (IFAD funded), 2005.

    8. Proceedings of the National Workshop on groundnut and Groundnut Aflatoxins. Kumasi, Ghana. Sept. 19-21, 1999. R. T. Awuah and W. O. Ellis (editors). UGC Publ. Ghana.

    9. Proceedings of the 20th Biennial Conference, Ghana Science Association. Aug. 4 – 9, 1998. A. Menyah, S. Osafo Acquah and W. O. Ellis (editors). SOSFAC Publ. Ghana.

    10. Harvesting and storage of garden eggs. M. Owusu Kwaa, W. O. Ellis and J. H. Oldham (editors). Training, communication and publishing unit. CRI, Kumasi, Ghana. 1996.

    11. Novel products from an old crop. G. D. Pawar, J. H. Oldham and W. O. Ellis (editors). Training, communication and publishing unit. CRI, Kumasi, Ghana. 1996.

    12. Solar drying of okra. K K. Adom, V. P. Dzogbefia and W. O. Ellis (editors). Training, communication and publishing unit. CRI, Kumasi, Ghana. 1996.

    13. Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging on the growth and aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus under tropical environmental storage conditions. Ph.D Thesis (McGill University, Canada). Ellis, W. O. (1993)


    iv. Technical Reports

    1. Simpson, B.K., Oldham, J.H., Ellis, W.O. & Dzogbefia, V.P. Food Processing. Report #2: Project file 91-1036 IDRC/McGill/UST (Ghana). 1994.

    2. Ellis, W.O., Dzogbefia, V.P. & Oldham, J.H. Gum technology for the preservation of cassava: Field studies. Report. Project No. 3, UNISPAR-ROSTA, UNESCO. 1995.

    3. Olympio, N.S., Ellis, W.O. & Tetteh, A.Y. Developing innovative techniques for the shelflife extension of tomato. NARP – Vegetable Research Project: Project No. 126. 1998.

    4. Ellis, W.O., Agbemafle, R., Oldham, J.H. & Nsiah, K. An innovative technique for tomato paste production at the rural/small scale level. Integrated Food Crops Systems Project (IFSCP): Vegetable Research (Brong-Ahafo region). 1998.

    5. Ahenkora, K., Oduro, I., Ellis, W.O., Okai, D.B., Sackey, E.K.A. & Otoo, J.A. Prospects of sweetpotato (Ipomea batatas) varieties for industrial starch production and animal feed in Ghana – Yield, nutritive value and starch characterization. Report submitted to CASHPRO (Ghana). 1998.

    6. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Ahenkora, K. and Otoo, J. A. Characterization of sweetpotato varieties in Ghana. Nutrition and utilization. Reported submitted to NARP (Ghana). 1998.

    7. Ellis, W.O., Olympio, N.S., Dzogbefia, V.P. & Oldham, J.H. Development of simple innovative techniques for the shelflife extension of selected fruits and vegetables. NARP – Vegetable Research project. 1999.

    8. Awuah, R.T. & Ellis, W.O. Effects of some groundnut packaging methods and preservation with Ocimum and Syzigium powders on kernel moldiness and aflatoxin production. Peanut CRSP-University of Georgia, Griffin GA. 1999.

    8. Ellis, W. O. and Oduro, I. Report on Shea Butter Processing submitted to NRI/TechnoServe  (Ghana) (2000).

    9. Ellis, W. O. and Oduro, I. Annual reports on Two Projects: Quality Specification for Cassava Flour and Production of Snack Foods from Cassava Flour. Report submitted to RTIP (MOFA) (2002).

    10. Ellis, W. O. Evaluating and Establishing Quality Indicators for Shea Butter and its Products in Ghana. Report submitted to Technoserve (Ghana) (2002).

    11. Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I., Amua-Awuah, W. K. and Akomeah-Adjei, F. Yam postharvest – Consumption and Quality Criteria. Report submitted to IFAD/WECARD/IITA (2002).

    12. Hinds, I. and Ellis, W. O. Use of Chemoprotection in product development to improve safety and production of peanut products in Ghana. Peanut CRSP Project Interim Report for Year 2 (2002/2003).

    13. Ellis, W. O., Bakang, J. A, and Oduro, I. Study on wheat substitution in Snacks and Biscuits in Ghana. Report submitted to RTIP-MOFA (2004).

    14. Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. Propagation, early growth, nutritional and engineering development project on Treculia Africana decene (African breadfruit), Annual report submitted to the African Forestry Research Network (AFORNET) (2004).

    15. Haleegoah, J., Olympio, N. S., Amaglo, N. K., Ellis, W. O., Lamptey, J. N. L., Amponsah, B. F., Abaidoo, R.C., Ansere-Bioh, F. Assessment of the production and Socio-economic impart of Urban Vegetable crops production in the Kumasi metropolis. Report submitted to AgSSIP (2005).

    16. Amoa-Awua, W. K., Vowotor, K. A., Ellis, W. O. and Oduro, I. Completion report of the postproduction component: IFAD funded Root and Tuber Improvement Programme (RTIP). Submitted to RTIP-MOFA (2005).

    17. Ellis, W. O., Atuah, L., Kumah, P., Idun, I. and Bakang, J. A. Establishing standard methodologies and quality parameters in the floriculture industry in Ghana. Completion report submitted to AgSSIP (2006).

    18. Atuah, L., Kumah, P., Ellis, W. O. and Fenning, J. Formulation of soilless media for houseplant production using sawdust and coconut coir for both the local and export markets. Completion report submitted to AgSSIP (2006).

    19. Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O.  New and diverse food products developed from D. alata. Reports submitted to IFAD/IITA Yam project, 2009.

    20. Wireko-Manu, F. D., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. Improving Quality, Nutrition and Health: Impacts of inclusion of HQCF in bread formulations in West Africa (Ghana and Nigeria) – IITA-McGill Cassava Bread Project, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana. 1-3rd March, 2016.


    v. Selected Conference/Workshop Presentations

    1. Ellis, W. O., Smith, J. P. and Simpson, B. K. Optimization studies on aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus. 34th CIFST Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada. June 16–19, 1991.

    2. Ellis, W. O., Smith, J. P. and Simpson, B. K. Control of Aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus in peanuts packaged under modified atmospheres. 55th Ann. IFT Meeting, Atlanta GA. July 25-29, 1994.

    3. Oldham, J. H., Ellis, W. O. and Dzogbefia, V. P. Gum Technology for the preservation of cassava. Conference on University-Industry-Scinece Partnership in Africa (UNISPAR – ROSTA), UNESCO. Arusha, Tanzania. December 5–6., 1994

    4. Ellis, W. O. Food Processing: developing simple techniques for the Postharvest preservation of some Ghanaian foods. Technology and Environment Projects meeting. Dakar, Senegal (IDRC – Canada). Jan. 23–26, 1995.

    5. Kwaa, M. O., Ellis, W. O., Oldham, J. H. and Adu-Amankwah, P. Synergistic effect of low density polythene packages and passive evaporative cooling on the shelflife of eggplant fruits (Solanum intergrifolium). Book of Abstracts. 6th Int. Chem. Conf. in Africa (ICCA) Accra, Ghana. July 31 – Aug. 4, 1995. 339pp.

     6. Kwaa, M. O., Ellis, W. O., Oldham, J. H., Dzogbefia, V. P. and Boa, F. K. Curing as a technique for the shelflife extension of eggplant fruits (Solanum intergrifolium). Book of Abstracts. 6th Int. Chem. Conf. in Africa (ICCA) Accra, Ghana. July 31 – Aug. 4. 1995. 340pp.

    7. Adom, K., Dzogbefia, V. P., Ellis, W. O., Oldham, J. H. and Simpson, B. K. Solar drying of the okra fruit. 15th Biennial Conf. of West Africa Sci. Assoc. (WASA) and 18th Biennial Conf. of Ghana Sci. Assoc. (GSA), Cape Coast, Ghana. Sept. 18 –22, 1995.

    8. Dziedzoave, N. T., Ellis, W. O., Oldham, J. H. and Osei-Yaw, A. Sensory quality of agbelima – A. fermented cassava product. 15th Biennial Conf. of West Africa Sci. Assoc. (WASA) and 18th Biennial Conf. of Ghana Sci. Assoc. (GSA), Cape Coast, Ghana. Sept. 18-22, 1995.

    9. Dziedzoave, N. T., Ellis, W. O., Oldham, J. H. and Osei-Agyemang, E. Consumer perceptions of agbelima quality – effect of age, sex and ethnicity on choice of sensory attributes. 2nd national workshop on Food and Industrial Crops. Kumasi Ghana. October 24-26, 1995.

    10. Olympio, N. S., Ellis, W. O., Tetteh, A. Y., Mensah, E. and Adu-Amankwa, P. Field studies of Postharvest problems of tomatoes in Ghana – A case study of some major growing areas in Ghana. 20th Biennial Conf. Ghana Science Assoc. UST, Kumasi, Ghana. Aug. 4-9, 1997.

    11. Barimah, J., Ellis, W. O., Oldham, J. H. and Safo-Katanka, O. The effects of drying and varietal changes on the physico-chemical properties of cassava. 20th Biennial Conf. Ghana Science Assoc. UST, Kumasi, Ghana. Aug. 4-9, 1997.

    12. Appiah, F., Matthias, J., Ellis, W. O. and Oduro, I. Studies on traditional cheese production in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. 20th Biennial Conf. Ghana Science Assoc. UST, Kumasi, Ghana. Aug. 4-9, 1997.

    13. Pawar, G. D., Ellis, W. O. and Oldham, J. H. Preliminary studies on the preparation of Pasta from cassava flour and cassava-cowpea composite flour. 10th Annual Conference – Ghana Chemical Society, UST, Kumasi, Ghana. Nov. 14-15. 1997.

    14. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Ahenkora, K., Otoo, J. A. and Aryeetey, S. Selected physicochemical and functional properties of the starches of tropical Ghanaian sweet potato varieties. 1st Biennial National Agricultural Research Systems Workshop. Accra. Ghana Nov. 16-20, 1998.

    15. Wiafe-Annor, E., Ellis W. O., Ahenkora, K. Bam, K. K. and Acheamong, G. K. Grain quality and physico-chemical characteristics of selected rice varieties grown in Ghana, 1st Biennial National Agricultural Research Systems workshop. Accra, Ghana. Nov. 16-20, 1998.

    16. Ellis, W. O., Agbemafle, R., Oldham, J. H. and Nsiah, K. Tomato paste production at the rural/small scale level. Integrated Food Crops Systems Project (IFCP) meeting, Sunyani, Ghana. Sept.10-11, 1998.

    17. Ellis, W. O. Recommendations for controlling fungal growth and aflatoxin production on Cocoa Utilization – Sustaining the Cocoa Industry through local consumption of cocoa products. Golden Tulip Hotel, Accra, Ghana. April 16, 1999.

    18. Ellis, W. O. Recommendations for controlling fungal growth and aflatoxin production in groundnuts. National workshop on groundnut aflatoxins. Kumasi, Ghana. Sept. 19-21, 1999.

    19. Ellis, W. O., Oduro, W. and Oduro, I. Adding value to Agrodiversity. A case of Central Ghana. Technical working session UNU/PLEC Biodiversity conservation work in Ghana. Kumasi, Ghana. Feb. 14-17, 2001.

    20. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Otoo, J. A., Akuffo, A. O. and Moses, E. (2002) Production of gari from sweetpotato tubers. 12th Symposium of ISTRC, Tsukuba, Japan. Sept. 10-16, 2002.

    21. Ellis, W. O. Public Lecture on “Aflatoxin Ingestion and Health”. University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Public Health, Birmingham, Alabama. March 26, 2003.

    22. Ellis, W. O. Public Lecture on “Aflatoxins Ingestion: A Public Health issue in Ghana”. Oklahoma State University (OSU), Department of Nutritional Sciences, Tulsa, Oklahoma. April 6, 2003.

    23. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Arloo, V. and Amagloh, F. K. Tin size impact on loaf volume and crust thickness of cassava composite bread. Poster presented at the 13th Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), Arusha, Tanzania, November 9-15th, 2003.

    24. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Nyarko, L., Koomson, G. and Otoo, J. A. Physico-chemical and pasting properties of flour of cassava grown in Ghana: Root Crops: The small processor and development of local food industries for market economy. 8th triennial symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), 2003.

    25. Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I. and Alemawor, F. Browning intensity and phenolic compounds in yams (Dioscorea spp.). Poster presented at the 13th Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), Arusha, Tanzania, November 9-15th, 2003.

    26. Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I., Akomeah-Adjei and Amagloh, F. On-Farm pretreatment of yam tubers to extend shelf life. Paper presented at the 13th Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), Arusha, Tanzania, November 9-15th, 2003.

    27. Hinds, M. J., Salam, D., Ellis, W. O., Frimpong, K. and Gedela, S. Volatile flavor compounds of Kurikuri containing hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate. IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV July 12-16, 2004.

    28. Jolly, P. E., Jiang, Y., Obuseh, F., Ellis, W. O., Awuah, R., Wang, J. S., Phillips, T., Jolly, C. and Williams, J. Determinants of aflatoxin levels and health effects in Ghana. American Peanut Research and Education Society National Peanut Board Annual Meeting, Portsmouth, Virginia, July 11-15, 2005.

    29. Appiah, F. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Oduro, W. and Nelson-Quartey, F. Availability, distribution, uses and potential of breadfruits in Ghana. 24th Biennial Conference, Ghana Science Association Accra, August 5th, 2005.

    30. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Nelson-Quartey, F. and Amagloh, F. K. Utilization of Neglected crop in formulation of weaning food in Ghana. Poster presented at 13th International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists, Seoul, South Korea. August 26-29, 2005.

    31. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Koomson, G. Sweetpotato – A versatile crop. Poster presented at 13th International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists, Seoul, South Korea. August 26-29, 2005.

    32. Appiah, F., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Oduro, W. and Nelson-Quartey, F. Availability, Distribution, Uses and Potential of Breadfruits in Ghana. Paper presented at Ghana Science Association 24th Biennial Conference, Accra, August 1-5, 2005.

    33. Jolly, P. E., Jiang, Y., Ellis, W. O. and Williams, J. H. Modulation of the human immune system by aflatoxin. Myco-Globe Reducing Impact of Mycotoxins in Tropical Agriculture with emphasis on health and trade in Africa conference, Accra, Ghana, September 13-16, 2005.

    34. Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I. and Akanlu, S. Frafra potato – the Neglected tuber. Paper presented at the first College of Science Research Conference, Busua Beach Resort, Western region. 21-24 July, 2006.

    35. Baah, F. D., Maziya-Dixon, B., Asiedu, R., Ellis, W. O. and Oduro, I. (2006) Suitability of Dioscorea alata genotypes for making traditional food products in West Africa. 14th triennial symposium of the International Society for tropical Root Crops (ISTRC) – Book of Abstracts p.14.

    36. Jolly, P. E., Jiang, Y., Ellis, W. O., Wang, J. S., Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Phillips, T. D. and Williams, J. H. Aflatoxin exposure and effects on the immune system. Sixth Annual Research meeting of the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana, September 19-21, 2006.

    37. Wang, J-S, Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Ankrah, N-A., Huebner, H. J., Ofosuhene, M., Kumi, J., Johnson, N. M., Tang, L., Xu, L., Jiang, Y., Jolly, P. E., Ellis, W. O., Ofori-Adjei, D., Williams, J. H. and Phillips, T. D. NovaSil clay intervention in Ghanaians at high risk for aflatoxicosis: Efficacy evaluations on aflatoxin biomarkers, vitamin A and E and selected immune parameters. XIIth International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins, Istanbul, Turkey, May 21-25, 2007.

    38. Ellis, W. O., Jolly, P. E., Jiang, Y., Wang, J-S., Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Phillips, T. D, and Williams, J. H. Aflatoxins exposure and effects on the immune system. XIIth International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins, Istanbul, Turkey, May 21-25, 2007.

    39. Opata, D. D., Asiedu-Larbi, J., Ellis, W. O. and Oduro, I. Couscous and French fries production from water yam (Dioscorea alata). IITA/IFAD Yam Technical Workshop, Paloma Hotel, Accra-Ghana, September 11-13, 2007.

    40. Baah, F. D., Maziya-Dixon, B., Asiedu, R., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. Organoleptic quality assessment of major traditional yam products from Greater yam (Dioscorea alata). Tenth Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-African Branch in Mozambique, 2007. (Book of Abstract p.121).

    41. Baah, F. D., Maziya-Dixon, B., Asiedu, R., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. Evaluation of Dioscorea alata varieties for making pounded yam. 1st International Chester Food Science & Technology Conference, UK, 2007. (Book of Abstract p.14).

    42. Akaba, D. A., Clarke, N. A., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Ofosu, I. Formulation of hair shampoo from natural available resources in Ghana. Paper presented at the 25th Biennial Conf. of Ghana Science Association, CRIG, Akim Tafo (Cocoa College, Bunso), 5-10th August, 2007.

    43. Gyedu-Akoto, E., Oduro, I., Amoah, F. M., Oldham, J. H., Ellis, W. O., Opoku-Ameyaw, K., Asante, F., and Bediako, S. Utilization of cashew tree gum in the production of chocolate pebbles. Paper presented at the 25th Biennial Conf. of Ghana Science Association, CRIG, Akim Tafo (Cocoa College, Bunso), 5-10th August, 2007.

    44. Gyedu-Akoto, E., Oduro, I., Amoah, F. M., Oldham, J. H., Ellis, W. O. and Opoku-Ameyaw, K. Locational and maturity effects on cashew tree gum production in Ghana. Paper presented at the 25th Biennial Conf. of Ghana Science Association, CRIG, Akim Tafo (Cocoa College, Bunso), 5-10th August, 2007.

    45. Obuseh, F. A., Jiang, Y., Preko, P., Kulczycki, A., Ehiri, J. E., Waterbor, J., Piyathilake, C., Ellis, W. O., Wang, J-S., Williams, J. H. and Jolly, P. Aflatoxin exposure and health characteristics associated with vitamin A and E levels in HIV positive individuals in the Southern Ghana, West Africa. American Public Health Association 136th Annual Meeting and Expo, San Diego, CA, October 25-29, 2008.

    46. Obuseh, F. A., Jolly, P. Kulczycki, A., Piyathilake, C., Ellis, W. O., Wang, J-S. and Williams, J. H. Relationship between aflatoxin B1 albumin adducts in plasma, aflatoxin M1 in urine and vitamin A and E concentrations in Ghanaians. American Public Health Association 136th Annual Meeting and Expo, San Diego, CA, October 25-29, 2008.

    47. Jolly, P. E., Appawu, J. and Ellis, W. O. Sociodemographic and health factors associated with dietary aflatoxin intake in Ghana. NIH Summit: The science of eliminating health disparities, Washington D.C., December 16-18, 2008.

    48. Jolly, P. E., Yang, Y., Preko, P., Wang, J-S., Ellis, W. O., Phillips, T. D., Williams, J. H., Bessler, P., Baidoo, J. and Stiles, J. Socio-demographic, health and immune factors associated with high aflatoxin levels in Ghanaians. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology 21st Conference, Dublin, Ireland, August 25-28, 2009.

    49. Nnaji, C. O., Agyei, D., Appaw, W., Ellis, W. O. and Oduro, I. Inhibition of enzymatic browning in Dioscorea alata chips using natural anti-browning agents. 15th Triennial Symposium of the ISTRC, Peru, November 2-6, 2009.

    50. Opata, D. D., Asiedu-Larbi, J., Ellis, W. O. and Oduro, I. Suitability of water yam (Dioscorea alata) in the production of couscous. 15th Triennial Symposium of the ISTRC, Peru, November 2-6, 2009.

    51. Gibbah, G. R., Ellis, W. O. and Oduro, I.  Glucose syrup from yam starch using rice malt as the source of enzymes. Poster presented at the 15th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops. Peru, 2-6, November. Book of Abstracts, pp. 100, 2009.

    52. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Appiah, F.  Breadfruits in Ghana: Distribution, Physicochemical properties and potential uses. Paper presented at the African Forest Research Network, 15th – 16th February, 2010, Hilton Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya. 2010.

    53. Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O.  Sweetpotato products. Paper presented at the first meeting of sweetpotato support platform for West Africa. CSIR – Crops Research Institute, Kumasi, Ghana. 6th July, 2010.

    54. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Asumeng, L. and Nnaji, C. O.  Change Challenge: The role of Food Scientists and Technologists, Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology. Book of Extended Abstract pp. 356-357, 2010.

    55. Owusu-Mensah, E. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Obeng-Bioh, E. and Carey, E. E. Multi-locational assessment of some physicochemical attributes and amylase activity of seewtpotato varieties and elite materials in Ghana at the 16th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), Abeokuta, Nigeria. 2012.

    56. Owusu-Mensah, E. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O. and Carey, E. E. Temperature-time effects on Beta-amylase activity of sweetpotato roots during processing at 9th Triennial Conference of the African Potato Association, Naivasha, Kenya. 2013.

    57. Wireko-Manu, F. D., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Asiedu, R. and Maziya-Dixon, B. Prediction of the suitability of water yam (Dioscorea alata) for amala product using pasting and sensory characteristics. Poster presentation at the 28th Biennial Conference of Ghana Science Association (GSA). July 15-19, 2013. University of Ghana, Legon.

    58. Wireko-Manu, F. D., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Asiedu, R. and Maziya-Dixon, B. Potential health benefits of water yam (Dioscorea alata). Oral presentation at the 28th Biennial Conference of Ghana Science Association (GSA). July 15-19, 2013. University of Ghana, Legon.

    59. Ellis, W. O.  “Should I stay or Should I Go? Maximizing the contribution of Higher Education to Development in Africa – the Voice of Experience”. International conference by the Institute for the Study of International Development (ISID), McGill University, Montreal, Canada. 19th – 21st March, 2015.

    60. Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Wireko-Manu, F. D., Aryeetey, E. and Asante, J. A. Recipe standardization of Ghanaian bread types using cassava-wheat composite flour with commercial bread bakers. 39th Conference and Annual General Meeting of the Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Owerri, Nigeria. 13-16th October, 2015.

    61. Aryeetey, E., Asante, J. O., Laryea, D., Wireko-Manu, F. D., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. Improving Quality, Nutrition and Health: Impacts of inclusion of HQCF in bread formulations in West Africa (Ghana and Nigeria) – The Ghanaian focus. 3rd quarterly meeting IITA-McGill Cassava Bread Project, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana. 1-3rd March, 2016.

    62. Boakye, A. A., Wireko-Manu, F. D., Ellis, W. O. and Oduro, I. Tapping the potential of cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) for food and nutrition security – Maximizing stakeholder involvement in productive research and uptake, BSU II Conference at Golden Bean Hotel, Kumasi. 2017.

    63. Aryeetey, E., Wireko-Manu, F. D., Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I. and Ngadi, M.  Resistant starch and in-Vitro Starch Digestibility of Bread Using Cassava-Wheat Composite Flour. GCP 21 IVth International Cassava Conference held at the Marina Hotel, Cotonou, Benin. 11 – 15 June, 2018.

    64. Aryeetey, E., Wireko-Manu, F. D., Asante, J. O., Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I. and Ngadi, M. Stakeholder engagement in the process of recipe development for increased commercial up-take. GCP 21 IVth International Cassava Conference held at the Marina Hotel, Cotonou, Benin. 11 – 15 June, 2018.

    65. Aryeetey, E., Wireko-Manu, F. D., Asante, J. O., Ellis, W. O., Oduro, I. and Ngadi, M. Recipe standardization and shelf-life of bread using cassava-wheat composite flour. Poster Presentation: GCP 21 IVth International Cassava Conference held at the Marina Hotel, Cotonou, Benin. 11 – 15 June, 2018.


    vi. Exhibitions

    1. Exhibition of Processed Agro products from the Biochemistry Department - Agri-Africa ’95 fair held at Trade Fair, La, Accra. Nov. 29 – Dec.1, 1995.

    2.Exhibition of Sweetpotato products at Crops Research Institute (CSIR), Fumesua, Kumasi, Ghana. Nov. 16th, 1999.

    3. Exhibition of Processed Agro products at Trade and Technology (TRATECH) Fair 1999, Great Hall, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana.

    4. Exhibition of Cassava and Sweetpotato products at Root and Tuber Awareness program at Wenchi organized by the Root and Tuber Improvement Program. Feb. 29th – Mar. 3rd, 2000.

    5. Exhibition of Cassava and sweetpotato products at the 6th Biennial Congress, Association for Dietetics in South Africa and the 18th Biennial Congress, Nutrition Society of South Africa. 2000.

    6. Industry and Technology (INDUTECH) fair 2001 at Trade Fair, La, Accra.

    7. AGRIFEX held at Trade Fair, La, Accra – Exhibition of Sweetpotato products. Dec. 3rd – 9th, 2001.

    8. National Sweetpotato Exhibition, GNAT Hall, Accra. Mar. 4th, 2003.

    9. Root and tuber products exhibition at College of Science Association Research Seminar and Poster Presentations. CoS Auditorium, KNUST, Kumasi, November 5th 2004.


    v. Technology Development

    1. AgSSIP MIX TECHNOLOGY – Technology for the production of a soilless medium for rooting and germination. Atuah, L., Kumah, P., Ellis, W. O. (2005). Submitted to the AgSSIP program.

    2. The “DROP” TECHNOLOGY – Technology for the rooting of difficult to root ornamental plants. Ellis, W. O., Atuah, L., Kumah, P. and Idun, I. (2006). Sumbitted to the AgSSIP program.


    vi. Selected Attendance at National/International Conferences, Meetings and Workshops

    1. Ghana Science Association – 5th Annual Workshop on Science & Technology, UST Kumasi Ghana. Sept.21-23, 1994.

    2. National Conference, Ghana Society of Agricultural Engineers (GSAE) UST, Kumasi, Ghana. Sept. 25-29, 1994.

    3. 2nd National workshop on Food and Industrial crops in Kumasi, Ghana. October, 24 – 26, 1995.

    4. Technology and Environment Projects Meeting (IDRC), Dakar, Senegal. Jan. 23-26, 1995.

    5. Sixth (6th) International Chemistry Conference in Africa, Accra, Ghana. July 3-Aug. 4, 1995.

    6. Agri-Africa ’95 – International Postharvest Technology and Commodity Marketing Conference, Accra, Ghana. Nov. 27-29, 1995.

    7. Workshop on food processing as a small scale business organized by the Food Science and Technology section, Department of Biochemistry, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana. Aug. 19-22. 1996.

    8. 20th Biennial Conference – Ghana Science Association, UST, Kumasi, Ghana. Aug. 4-9, 1997.

    9. Conference on University-Industry-Science Partnership in Africa (UNISPAR), UNESCO, Arusha, Tanzania. Dec. 5-6, 1997.

    10. 10th Annual Conference – Ghana Chemical Society, UST, Kumasi, Ghana. Nov. 14-15, 1997.

    11. Integrated Food Crops Systems Project Workshop, Sunyani, Brong-Ahafo Region. Sept. 10-11, 1998.

    Seminar held by Crops Research Institute and Savannah Agricultural Research Institute (CSIR) on the release of four Sweetpotato varieties at Crops Research Institute (CSIR) conference room, Fumesua, Kumasi, Ghana. Nov. 13, 1998.

    12. 1st Biennial National Agricultural Research System workshop. Accra, Ghana. Nov. 16 – 20, 1998.

    13. Workshop on five years of PLEC experiences in field methodologies of conserving Agricultural and Biological diversity in Ghana. IRNR, UST, Kumasi, Ghana. Mar. 25-27, 1999.

    14. Seminar on Cocoa Utilization – Golden Tulip hotel, Accra, Ghana. April 16, 1999.

    15. Workshop on strategies for transfer of research results to Users. IDRC sponsored. Legon, Ghana. Aug. 15-18, 1999.

    16. National Workshop on groundnut and groundnut aflatoxins. Kumasi, Ghana. Sept. 19-21, 1999.

    17. GHANA-PLEC Technical working session: Reports on work on conservation of agricultural and biological diversity under UNU contract 99/020. Legon, Ghana. Jan 13-14, 2000.

    18. DFID Crop Postharvest Research Programme. Training course on proposal writing. Kumasi, Ghana. Nov. 6-7, 2000.

    19. Consultation on Postharvest issues under RTIP Postproduction and Marketing. RTIP Headquarters, Kumasi, Ghana. Feb. 8-9, 2001.

    20. Technical Working session UNU/PLEC Biodiversity Conservation work in Ghana. KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana. Feb. 14-17, 2001.

    21. UNESCO Workshop on University Industry Partnership for Technical development. Harare, Zimbabwe. May 21-24, 2001.

    22. 22nd Biennial Conference – Ghana Science Association, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana. Aug. 5 - 9, 2001.

    23. Adaptive Research Workshop: Root and Tuber Improvement Programme (RTIP), CRI (CSIR) Fumesua, Kumasi. October 8-11, 2001.

    24. 8th Triennial Symposium of International Society of Tropical Root Crops (Africa Branch) IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. November 12-16, 2001.

    25. Workshop on Participatory cassava breeding. Coconut Beach Hotel, Elimina, Central region, Ghana. Oct. 2-4, 2002.

    26. RTIP Mid-Term Review Workshop. Soil Research Institute (CSIR), Kwadaso, Kumasi. Nov. 18-22, 2002.

    27. International Workshop on Technology and Poverty Reduction. Sponsored by UNESCO, Paris Office, France. Kumasi, Ghana. Feb. 25-26, 2003.

    28. Projects Coordination meetings at University of Alabama at Birmingham and Auburn University, March 24-April 2, 2003.

    29. Public Lecture on “Aflatoxin Ingestion and Health”. University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Public Health, Birmingham, Alabama. March 26, 2003.

    30. Project Coordination meeting at Oklahoma State University (OSU), Stillwaters, Oklahoma, April 4-7, 2003.

    31. Public Lecture on “Aflatoxins Ingestion: A Public Health issue in Ghana”. Oklahoma State University (OSU), Department of Nutritional Sciences, Tulsa, Oklahoma. April 6, 2003.

    32. Analytical Techniques training in aflatoxin analysis at the University of Georgia/FDA laboratories at the Univ. of Georgia Agricultural Experimental Station, Tifton. April 8-15, 2003.

    33. Working visit to the Toxicology Laboratory of Prof. Phillips, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, College Station, Texas A & M University, Texas. 16-23, 2003.

    34. Yam Stakeholders Workshop – IFAD/WECARD/IITA/CRI Yam project Crops Research Institute (CSIR) Fumesua, Kumasi, Ghana. April 30, 2003.

    35. 13th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), Arusha, Tanzania. November 10-14, 2003. 

    36. Workshop on CSIR-Crops Research Institute 5-Year Strategic Plan. Fumesua, Kumasi, Ghana. Feb. 23 – 27, 2004.

    37. Workshop on the Socio-economic impact of urban vegetable crop production, Crops Research Institute (CSIR), Fumesua, Kumasi. May, 2004.

    38. Stakeholders Interim Evaluation report, RTIP, held at Miklin Hotel, Kumasi, Ghana. May 11-12, 2004.

    39. Strategic planning and consolidation workshop (AFORNET) West/Central Node, held at Busua Beach resort, Busua, Western region, Ghana. Sept. 27-29, 2004.

    40. 3rd International Course on Cassava production and processing for Professionals, Embrapa Cassava & Tropical Fruits, Cruz das Almas, Bahia, Brazil. Feb. 28th – Mar. 11th, 2005

    42. Coalition meeting of the DFID/CPHP/FRI Street food project, Food Research Institute (CSIR), Accra. Ghana. May 26th, 2005.

    43. Wrap-Up Meeting of IFAD Appraisal Mission on RTIP phase II, MOFA Resource Centre, Accra. May 27th, 2005.

    44. Coalition meeting of the DFID/CPHP/FRI Street food project, Food Research Institute (CSIR), Accra. June 16th, 2005.

    45. International Meeting on Street/Informal Food Vending in Ghana, Zambia, Zimbabwe and India, Miklin Hotel, East Legon, Accra, Ghana. Jun. 26th – Jul. 1st, 2005.

    46. 24th Biennial Conference – Ghana Science Association, Erata Hotel and GIMPA, Accra. Ghana. Aug. 1 - 4, 2005.

    47. 12th International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins, Istanbul, Turkey. May 21 – 25, 2007.

    48. International Nutrition Foundation (INF) training programme: Improving the management of Food and Nutrition Research. University of Ghana, Legon. June 11 – 15, 2007.

    49. 6th International Workshop on Institutional Management in Higher Education organized in Kampala, Uganda, by IIEP (UNESCO) and MTAC (Uganda). 10 – 14 December, 2007.

    50. 2nd Management Development (MADEV) workshop organized in Mzumbe University, Morogoro, Tanzania by Association of African Universities (AAU). 1 – 14 March, 2009.

    51. Annual Presidents Meeting of MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program, New York City, USA. 23rd September, 2013.

    52. 2014 Biennial Convention of North American chapter of KNUST Alumni Association, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA. 4 – 7 July, 2014.

    53. International Conference on “Should I Stay or Should I Go? Maximizing the contribution of Higher Education to development in Africa” Institute for the Study of International Development (ISID), McGill University, Montreal, Canada. 19 – 21, March, 2015.

    54. DRUSSA Vice Chancellors Seminar and ACU/SARIMA Conference in Johannesburg, South Africa.11 – 15, May, 2015.

    55. 3rd Ghana-France Higher Education Conference in Accra. 8 – 9 June, 2015.

    56. Annual Presidents Meeting of MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program, New York City, USA. 21st September 2015.

    57. 11th Meeting of the Executive Governing Board, Commonwealth of Learning (CoL) in Gaborone, Botswana. 20th October, 2015.

    58. African Ministerial Conference 2015: Intellectual property for an emerging Africa, organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization in Dakar, Senegal. Nov. 2 – 6, 2015.





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