Prof. Lawrence Sheringham Borquaye

Associate Professor

Dept: Chemistry
Block B
Kuffuor Building
Department of Chemistry


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Research Areas/Interests

Research in my group explores the interactions of chemical entities with biological systems and seeks to understand the ensuing effects. Rigorous benc...~more

Grants/Funds Awarded

  1. The World Academy of Sciences; “Imidazole Derivatives as Potential Anti-Biofilm Agents and Inhibitors of Quorum Sensing” 2020 – 2021; PI 
  2. KNUST Research Fund; “Pharmaceutical Residues in the Owabi and Barekese Resevoirs”; 2019 – 2020; PI
  3. Building Stronger Universities II, DANIDA; “Exploration of Native Ghanaian Fungi for their Lignocellulolytic and Biofilm Inhibitory Properties” 2016 – 2017; PI 
  4. Building Stronger Universities II, DANIDA; “Effect of Climate Change on the Pollution Status of the Owabi Reservoir Using the SWAT Model” 2016 – 2017; Co-PI 
  5. Building Stronger Universities II, DANIDA; “Pharmaceutical products in leachates and effluents of landfill and waste treatment plants in Kumasi” 2016; Co-PI
  6. Building Stronger Universities II, DANIDA; “Isolation and characterization of native fungi species and enzymes for biomass conversion to bioethanol: The Ghanaian Example” 2015 – 2016; PI
  7. Building Stronger Universities II, DANIDA; “Chemical Pollution Status of the Owabi Reservoir” 2015 – 2016; Co-PI
  8. International Foundation for Science; “Isolation, Purification and Structural Characterization of Anti-plasmodial Agents from African Medicinal Plants”; 2015 – 2017;PI

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