Research Areas/Interests
My research centers on Natural products, Lipids, pharmaceutical analysis and quality control, and analysis of water, food and food supplements. In the area of natural products, I investigate the phytoconstituents of various medicinal plants as well as fruits and seeds known to have high medical values. I do investigate the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of various plant extracts. In lipid research, my focus has been on identifying various fatty acids and triacylglycerols (TAG) present in vegetable oils. The major interest has been the design of various HPLC-MS methodologies that permits the complete characterization and quantification of TAG. This aspect of the research seeks to find vegetable sources of essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6 oils found in fish. In pharmaceutical analysis, I focus on analyzing drug products in pharmacy shops in Ghana to see if they meet the quality parameters enshrined in the standard books, especially the British Pharmacopoeia. Again, this area of the research seeks to develop various HPLC methods of analysis for various multi-component drugs being produced locally and abroad. Water quality assurance and quality control analysis is another area of interest. I have thus conducted some research to assess the quality of underground water (boreholes and wells), water from some rivers, as well as sachet water from different manufacturers in Kumasi. Radionuclide pollution is another area I have delved into. Currently, I am researching into the radionuclide pollution of soils, river sediments, surface water of rivers and fishes in rivers to ascertain whether they are radiologically safe for consumption and use. This research is currently centered on rivers polluted by mining activities. In analyzing food and food supplements for their safety, I have been assessing food and food supplements for their safety with respect to heavy metal contamination.