Dr. Henry Martin


Dept: Physics
Aboagye Menyeh Complex
College of Science Complex

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Research Areas/Interests

My interests lie in understanding and exploring most of the physical (real life) problems and challenges faced using techniques such as MultiScale ...~more

My full CV


Dr. Henry Martin is a Lecturer at the Department of Physics, Coordinating the Mathematical & Computational Physics Unit (MCP), a Research Fellow at National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS - GH), and the Contact Person and Local Coordinator for the Interdisciplinary Mathematics Network: RealMaths Consortium (RealMaths: KNUST & NIMS Path). He is also the Coordinator for MSc Physics under the facilitation of Institute of Distance Learning (IDL). In addition, he is the Postgraduate Coordinator. Henry is also the Contact Person for the Advanced Materials Technology (AMT) Research Group of the Department.

Henry holds PhD in Scientific Computing & Industrial Modeling awarded by KNUST under the auspices of NIMS - GH with exchange at L'Aquila University, Italy and a visiting scholar position at Oulu University, Finland. Henry obtained his Master's degree in Mathematical Engineering (Mathematical-Physics Modelling) at the University of L'Aquila in October, 2015 after completing his exchange programme at the University of Hamburg in Germany, Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), INFN in Italy and finally conducting his research with the Computational Biophysics Biochemistry and Chemistry (CBBC) group at the University of Rome 'La Sapienza' in Italy, Dr. Henry Martin obtained his BSc Physics degree at the Department of Physics, KNUST and served as Teaching Assistant soon after his graduation.

Dr. Martin is a Mathematical and Computational Physicist interested in understanding and exploring most of the world's physical (real life) problems and challenges faced using Digital Twin Techniques:

  • MultiScale MultiPhysics Modelling (Quantum to Continuum) such as DFT, MD, MC, FD, FE (FEniCS and COMSOL Multiphysics) and others
  • Machine Learning and Statistical Analysis

in areas such as Water systems, Hydrogeology, Aerodynamics, Climate, Renewable Energy and Materials (thus Plasticity and Phase Transformation).

He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses. He has been an Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholar for InterMaths Programme coordinated by L'Aquila University (UAQ), Italy, Visiting Fellow of Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), University of California (UCLA), Los Angeles, USA, Visiting Fellow of International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) and many others. He has participated and presented at several workshops, seminars, and conferences around the world. He is a Member of the Institute of Mathematics and its Application (MIMA).

"Non Scholae sed Vitae Discimus" - "We Learn Not for School but for Life"
"Non Sibi sed Aliis" - "Not for Self but for Others"

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