Prof. (Mrs.) Dina Adei

Associate Professor

Dept: Planning
Department of Planning
KNUST, Kumasi.

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Research Areas/Interests

Over the past nine years she has been involved in research activities on the aged (among poor older people in Ghana) including issues on their basic h...~more

My full CV


Dr. Mrs Dina Adei is a senior lecturer at the Department of Planning, Kwame Nkrumah
University of Science and Technology Kumasi (KNUST) Ghana. Her research interests
include development economics, health planning and occupational health and safety issues.
She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Sociology, a Master of Science in
Development Policy and Planning and a PhD in Planning from Kwame Nkrumah University
of Science and Technology Kumasi Ghana. She also holds a Certificate in Occupational
Health Nursing from University of California, Irvine and is a Board-Certified Registered
Nurse in California. She rose through the ranks at KNUST from a Research Fellow in 2006 to
a senior lecturer in 2012 at the Department of Planning.

She has 15 years teaching and research experience in economics for development, economics
analysis and development, macro-economic policy and planning, rural and urban sociology,
social policy, health services planning, rural settlement planning workshop, national
development seminar and workshops, and comparative development policy experience
seminar. Since 2012, she has supervised 46 undergraduate students and 17 postgraduate
students. She has also published 20 research articles in peer reviewed journals.

She has served on several committees and boards at KNUST and Ghana. She is a reviewer for the Journal of Science and Technology and Journal of Public Health in Practice, and has provided services to both national and international organizations.

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