Simon Kwabana Dankyi is a Planner, and Political Scientist with research interest in Urban and Land Use Planning, Development Policy, Climate Change, and Human Vulnerabilities as well as Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research. He has over 15 years of industry experience in NGO and consulting locally and internationally. He has worked as the West African Communications, Advocacy, and Campaigns Manager at Leonard Cheshire International responsible for Sierra Leone, Ghana, Liberia, and Nigeria, Manager at Ernst & Young (EY) Ghana, and Programme Officer of the Ghana National Education Campaign Coalition. He is currently the Examinations Officer of the Department of Planning. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the Johann Wilhelm Goethe University in Frankfurt Germany and a Master of Science degree in Development Policy and Planning as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in Planning from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. He is a KAAD scholar and a Fellow of the African Good Governance Network.