Dr. Ginn Bonsu Assibey


Dept: Communication Design
College of Art New site opposite Business School Graduate Studies

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Research Areas/Interests

Sustainable Design, innovations and Brands Communications  ...~more

My full CV


    Published Articles:

    1. Amankwah, A. S., Adade-Yeboah A., Assibey G.B. Opoku Agyemeng (2016) An investigation into the methods of cartoonists as social communicators in Ghana, Journal of Applied Science, Arts and Theology, Vol 1 (1) 28-42.
    2. Amankwah, A. S and Assibey G.B (2012) Gendering the Agenda: A Look at the Front Page Photographs of a National Newspaper, International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, Vol 3(6), 641-645 Available online at www.ijbmer.com/ ISSN: 2229-6247.
    3. Amankwah A. S., Assibey G. B. and Peter White (2017) Media exposé of judicial corruption in Ghana: the ethical and theological dimensions) - Legon Journal of Humanities, Vol 28(3) 1-9.
    4. Kquofi, S. AssibeyB and Bodjawah E. (2018) The Socio-Cultural and Economic Relevance of Graphic Art Hand-Printing Technique in Adinkra Cloth Production at Ntonso in Ghana, Journal of Arts And Social Sciences, Ghana: 15(9), 35 -59.
    5. Assibey, G. B., Atakro, C., & Adade-Yeboah, A. (2019). An Assessment of Ghana’s Twi Language Medical Advertisements. Covenant Journal of Communication6(1).
    6. Assibey G. B., Abaitey A., K. & Chisin V. A., (2020) Exploring Community Security Interventions Using Design Thinking Approach, Journal of Applied Security Research, DOI: 10.1080/19361610.2019.1689760
    7. Assibey G.B, Cronje J. C and Chisin V. A (2020) Challenge to sustainability in graphic design practices of developing nation, Journal of Design and Culture. DOI: 10.1080/17547075. 2020.1694263.
    8. Assibey  G. B., Chisin, A. V., & Cronje, J. (2022). Cosmopolitan localism as a research framework for sustainability in graphic design practices. International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, 1-18.
    9. Assibey, G. B., Prempeh, B., & Dorborson, N. (2021). Advertising in Ghana: A Retrospective Account of Message Execution Tactics. ADRRI Journal of Arts and Social Sciences18(3 (6) October-December), 137-162. 
    10. Assibey G.B, Chisin V. A (2022) Creative approaches for mitigating environmental challenges: a cosmopolitan localism perspective. Introduction on Integrated Science: Transdisciplinarity across the Different Disciplines: Springer 2(1-17).
    11. Assibey, G. B. (2022). The tactical alignment: exploring gamification mechanics manifestation and execution in online video commercials in a developing nation. ADRRI Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Ghana: Vol. 19, No.3 (7), Pp.47-57, E-ISSN: 2343-6891, 30th September, 2022.
    12. Annadine V, Chisin V. A. & Assibey G. B. (2023)Transformative learning in design: an experiential account in higher education, International Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies.12(1) pp 1-15 DOI: 10.4018/IJACDT.316178
    13. Seyedpour, S., Assibey, G. B., Rojas-garcia, C. R., Kopnina, H., Jaskulak, M., Vergara, M. N., ... & Rezaei, N. (2022). Integrated Science 2050: Transdisciplinarity. In Transdisciplinarity (pp. 713-736). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
    14. Assibey, G. B. (2022). The tactical alignment: exploring gamification mechanics manifestation and execution in online video commercials in a developing nation. ADRRI Journal of Arts and Social Sciences19(3 (7) July-September), 47-57.
    15. Opoku, J., Amankwah, A., & Assibey, G. B (2022). Advancing Unconventional Bridal Gowns Detailing Designs through Cosmopolitan Localism to Promote Environmental Sustainability. Journal of Science and Technology (Ghana)40(3), 113-127.
    16. Assibey, G. B., & Chisin, A. (2023). Surviving the turbulence: a retrospective account of designed policies for mitigating the spread of COVID-19 in Ghana. African Identities, 1-16.
    17. Badu, A. K., Assibey, G. B., Seenam, P., & Debrah, R. D. (2024). An Exploration of Factors Affecting Students’ Choice of Career Paths in Communication Design. Journal of Science and Technology (Ghana)42(2), 76-92.
    18. Antwi, E., & Assibey, G. B. (2024). Afro-Identity Redemption: Decolonizing Hairstyles of Girls in Ghanaian Senior High Schools in Promotion of Cultural Sustainability. Journal of Science and Technology (Ghana)42(3), 110-117.
    19. Assibey, G. B., Chisin, A. V., & Chmela-Jones, K. A. (2024). Re-echoing Afro socio-environmental sustainability philosophies: the purview of Ubuntu re-imagined through Adinkra symbols. African Identities, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2024.2388195

    Published Conference Proceedings:

    1. Assibey G.B. and Alettia C. (2016) Mapping the landscape of sustainable design challenges: The case of selected graphic design firms in Ghana. Lenses Conference-Sustainable Energy for All by Design (pp.435-442) Cape Town - South Africa.
    2. Assibey G. B., Debrah R.D and Asante E. A. (2013) Akan proverbial symbols and their significance in peacebuilding. CeCast Conference, KNUST – Ghana. 22nd– 24th October 2013.
    3. Assibey G. B., Appiah, E. and Alettia C. (2017) Graphic design’s journey in sustainability: A discursive formation. A network of Afrika Designers 4th Kumasi International Design Conference (NAD-KIDeC) (pp.178-186) Kumasi – Ghana. 11th -13 Sept, 2017 / ISSN: 2550-3510.
    4. Assibey G.B, Chisin V. A and Cronje J. C (2019) Embracing ‘cosmopolitan localism’ for sustainable graphic design practices in Ghana. Design Education Forum of South Africa 8th International Design Education Conference 2019 - Designed Futures. Cape Town – South Africa. 9 -11th September 2019.
    5. Assibey G.B, Chisin V. A and Snaddon, B. (2023) Using „SLOC? as a co-design inquiry tool into nomadic pedagogy for a “Design+Ecology” project. Design Education Forum of South Africa 17th International Design Education Conference 2023 - Vulindlela - making new pathways. South Africa. 21-22nd September 2023.

    Book Publication

    1. Assibey G.B, Fortune T & Marfo O. C (2023) Introduction to Communication, Vantage Solution, Accra - Ghana

    Current Research Project(s) : MOBILE APP

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