Dr. Bertha Adjoakuma Ayim

Part Time Lecturer

Research Areas/Interests


She is a Lecturer at the Department of Communication Design, Faculty of Art, College of Art and Built Environment (CABE), KNUST-Kumasi with over twenty-Six years experience as an educator and education related fields in the areas of Film/Animation, Television and Documentation.

She has been involved in several workshops and training programmes both locally and internationaly including Artistic Workshop for Creative Industry (ACIG), and Held a number of Film/Multimedia Art Exhibitions in Painting and Sculpture including; Killing Narrative, Remove, and Frosted among others. She has been actively involved in Video productions for KNUST Congregations, Matriculations, World Engineering day, Wood Fuel Programme etc. Also she has attended numerous Film Festivals and conferences including: FESPACO International Film Festival/ FEPACI Conferences Burkina Faso, Augsburg International Film Festival, Augsburg, Germany.

She holds a number of academic degrees including; MAPPE In Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UNITED KINGDOM, HND/F/VE National Film And Television Institute (NAFTI) Accra, Ghana, Slide Processing/Documentation- Ecole Nationale Superieure de Beaux-Arts (ENSB-A), Paris, FRANCE, Business Communication In Proposal Writing, British Council, Accra, Ghana.

She has served as the Assistant Examination Officer for Department of Communication Design, KNUST, Was Naming the College of Art Media Centre for over fourteen years, KNUST Facility Naming (Designing, Production and Installation), Various Committees for Tek TV Inauguration, Modurator for British  Council Creative Hustle Kumasi Workshop.

Currently, she is the Assistant Coordinator for TEK TV, KNUST -Kumasi and the Assistant Coordinator for Communication Design Department Way-Finding Unit, KNUST Kumasi.

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