Mr. Emmanuel Antwi Fordjour

Senior Lecturer

Research Areas/Interests


    Antwi Fordjour E, (2016). Foul Language in the Ghanaian Electronic Media: A case study of some selected Radio stations in Kumasi, Ghana. International Conference on Management, Communication and Technology (ICMCT) 2016 Vol.-iv Issue-I.

    Antwi Fordjour E, Ampong B, Adjei Forson I, (2016). Court Metalanguage: Ethno-Semantic Analysis in Akan. International Journal of ICT and Management. 2016, vol-4 Issue-3.

    Osei C.Y, Appiah E.Y, Antwi Fordjour E,( 2021). Beauty in the Eyes of the Akan people of Ghana: A sociolinguistic analysis of Alex Konadu’s song “Asianawaa”. International Journal of Literature and Arts 2021; 9(4): 155-160.

    Adu-Gyamfi S, Antwi Fordjour E, Ofosu Marfo C. and Adjei Forson I, (2020). Funerals among the Akan people: Some perspectives on Asante. Revista de Ethnologie si Culturologie. 2020, volume XXVII.

    Osei Yaw A, Oppong-Asare A.J, Antwi Fordjour E, (2021). A Corpus-Based study of I, We and You in University Lecturers across Disciplines. Journal of Language for Specific Purposes (JLSP).

     Twi Medical Glossary for Clinical Students and Health Workers. A collection of commonly used medical words and phrases in Twi and English. (2016) MEPI-KNUST.

     Dua Dwontoni: (2019) Orbis, FHMD: Foundation for Health and Mind Development

    The Singing Tree: (2019) Orbis, Foundation for Health and Mind Development. FHMD (2019)

     Ani Nwoma No: Akwankyerε a mfoni ka ho a wode kyerε adeε. (2021), Orbis, FHMD

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