Dr. Obed Nii Broohm holds a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Verona, Italy, as well as MPhil/BA from the University of Ghana. His research interests lie in Morphological Theory, comparative Kwa morpho-syntax, Phonology and Language Documentation. He is also passionate about Language and Literacy as well as Education via E-Learning/Blended Learning.
Dr. Broohm is a proud recipient of the SEDA Named Award in Supporting Technology Enhanced Learning (STEL) presented by the Association of Commonwealth Universities and the Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA)
In Linguistic research, Dr. Broohm has been working extensively on Esahie, a cross-border Kwa language, and has recently won a 20,000 GHS seed grant from the KNUST-internal research fund (KReF) to compile a bilingual Esahie-English medical glossary.
Dr. Broohm enjoys teaching, and researches on several aspects of Linguistics including Morphology and Morphological Theory, Phonology and Phonological Theory, Syntax-Phonology Interface, as well as language documentation. He also consults on Esahie in the AFRANAPH project (an open-access database of grammatical sketches of African languages), based at Rutgers University, USA.
He is Digital and Editorial Assistant for the Ghana Journal of Linguistics and peer-reviews for a number of journals including Skase Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, Studies in African Linguisitcs, Journal of West African Languages, Nordic Journal of African Studies, Ghana Journal of Linguistics, Languages, and Literatures, Contemporary Journal of African Studies, Language in Africa, and Ghana Journal of Linguistics.
Visit Dr. Broohm's ORCID, ResearchGate and Google Scholar profiles for more.