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Ampofo, E. T., Coetzer, A., & Poisat, P. (2018). Extending the job embeddedness–life satisfaction relationship: An exploratory investigation. Journal of Organisational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 5(3), 236–258.
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Ampofo, E. T. (2020). Mediation effects of job satisfaction and work engagement on the relationship between organisational embeddedness and affective commitment among frontline employees of star–rated hotels in Accra. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 44, 253-262.
Mensah, I., & Ampofo, E.T. (2021). Effects of managers' environmental attitudes on waste management practices in small hotels in Accra. International Hospitality Review, 35(1), 109-126.
Ampofo, E. T., Owusu-Ansah, W., & Owusu, J. (2021). Organizational embeddedness and life satisfaction among star-rated hotel employees in Accra: The role of perceptions of organizational politics and job satisfaction. Anatolia, 1-15.
Ampofo, E. T. (2021). Do job satisfaction and work engagement mediate the effects of psychological contract breach and abusive supervision on hotel employees’ life satisfaction? Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 30(3), 282-304.
Ampofo, E. T., Owusu, J., Coffie, R. B., & Asiedu-Appiah, F. (2021). Work engagement, organizational embeddedness, and life satisfaction among frontline employees of star-rated hotels in Ghana. Tourism and Hospitality Research.DOI:10.1177/14673584211040310
Ampofo, E. T., & Karatepe, O. M. (2022). The effects of on-the-job embeddedness and its sub-dimensions on small sized hotel employees’ organizational commitment, work engagement, and turnover intentions. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 34(2), 509-533.
Ampofo, E. T., Ameza-Xemalordzo, E. B., Ampofo, C., & Nkrumah, S. (2022). Psychological contract breach and affective organizational commitment in small-sized hotels. Anatolia, 1-14.
Ampofo, E. T., Ampofo, C., Nkrumah, S., & Ameza-Xemalordzo, E. B. (2022). The Effect of Supervisor’s Abuse on Hotel Employees’ Job Satisfaction, Affective Organizational Commitment and Work Engagement, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 1-24.
Ampofo, E. T., & Karatepe, O. M. (2022). The effect of abusive supervision on turnover intentions: on-the-job embeddedness versus traditional attitudinal constructs. Journal of Management & Organization, 1-18.
Ampofo, E. T., Karatepe, O. M., Mensah, I., & Wilberforce, M. T. (2023). The effect of employee recognition on restaurant employees’ job embeddedness, knowledge sharing and service orientation: abusive supervision as a moderator. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.