Prof. Esmeranda Manful


Dept: Sociology and Social Work
Room TF 22J, Third Floor, Faculty of Social Sciences Complex

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Research Areas/Interests

Child and Family Welfare, Gender, and Social Protection ...~more

My full CV


    Selected Peer Reviewed Articles


    1. Adusei, K., Manful, E., Ofori-Dua, K., & Yeboah, E. H. (2024). Hybrid masculinity in early childcare: a qualitative study of a Ghanaian municipality. Journal of Gender Studies, 1–16.
    2. Manful, E., Esson, D., Aryee, C. and· Wiafe, B. A. (2024). Narratives of Ghanaian Social Workers on Community Leaders’ Response to Child Maltreatment. Global Social Welfare. .
    3. Adusei, K., Manful, E., Ofori-Dua, K., & Yeboah, E. H. (2024). Fathers’ motivations and expectations from participating in early child care: A study in Ghanaian Municipality. Family Relations, 1–20.
    4. Oteng, S.A., Manful, E. & Akuoko, K.O. (2023). Sex differentials of retirement anxieties of ageing self-employed workers in Ghana: implications for retirement counselling. Ghana Journal of Sociology & Anthropology, 8: 32 – 59.
    5. Asamoah, E., Amaniampong, E.-M., Manful, E., Gyasi-Boadu, N., & Koomson-Yalley, E. (2023). Using Photovoice to Illuminate Challenges Facing Children with Disabilities in Inclusive Education in Ghana. Social Work and Social Sciences Review24(1), 7-28.
    6. Manful, E., & Karim, I. (2023). A question of omission of care or social reciprocity? A pilot study of low-income families’ perception of child neglect in Ghana. Social Work and Social Sciences Review24(1), 71-95.
    7. Forkuor, J. B., Ayim, M. & Manful, E. (2023). Exploring the interconnectedness between social work education and social work practice: perceptions of BA social work graduates from one of Ghana’s public universities, Social Work Education, DOI: 10.1080/02615479.2022.2161505
    8. Ayim, M., Abdullah, A., Bentum, H., Amponsah, E. B., Cudjoe, E., & Manful, E. (2023). Contributing to indigenous social work practice in Africa: A look at the cultural conceptualisations of social problems in Ghana. Qualitative Social Work, 22(1) 30–46
    9. Oteng, S.A., Manful, E. & Akuoko, K.O. (2022). From Social Protection to Personal Protection: Implications for an Integrated Framework of Retirement Planning for Informal Workers in Ghana. Global Social Welfare.
    10. Bentum, H. & Manful, E. (2022) Reunification in Informal Foster Care Child Placement: Examining the Different Pathways in Ghana, Journal of Social Service Research, DOI: 1080/01488376.2022.2101584
    11. Koomson, B., Manful, E., Dapaah, J. M., & Yeboah, E. H. (2022). I agreed to go because........examining the Agency of Children within a phenomenon conceptualised as trafficking in Ghana. Children & Society, 36:101–117.
    12. Koomson, B., Manful, E., Yeboah, E. H. & Dapaah, J. M. (2021). Work socialisation gone wrong? Exploring the antecedent of child trafficking in two Ghanaian fishing communities, Children's Geographies, DOI:1080/14733285.2021.1990859
    13. Oteng, S.A., Manful, E. & Akuoko, K.O. (2021). Retiring in the Informal Economy: Implications for Social Policy Intervention for Ageing Workers in Ghana. Ageing International
    14. Manful, E. & Abdullah, A. (2021). Conceptualisation of child neglect: A Ghanaian practice narrative. International Social Work, 64(3): 341–353. DOI: 10.1177/0020872818810382
    15. Cudjoe, E., Abdullah, A. & Manful, E. (2021). Parents’ Perceptions on the Outcomes of Children’s Participation in Child Protection Meetings in Ghana. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30:1071–1081.
    16. Manful, E., Abdullah, A., & Cudjoe, E. (2021). When parents fail: Addressing delinquent child maintenance through informal resources. Research on Social Work Practice, 31(3):278-284. DOI: 10.1177/1049731520980801
    17. Manful, E., Cudjoe, E., & Abdullah, A. (2020). Towards child-inclusive practices in child protection in Ghana: Perspectives from parents. Children and Youth Services Review, 119.
    18. Abdullah, A., Cudjoe, E. and Manful, E. (2020). Creating a better kinship environment for children in Ghana: Lessons from young people with informal kinship care experience. Child & Family Social Work. 1–8. https://doi. org/10.1111/cfs.12764
    19. Abdullah, A., Manful, E., Cudjoe, E. & Boateng, L. K. (2020). How Did I Know When to Report Physical Neglect? Ghanaian Mothers’ Views on Delinquent Child Maintenance, Practice, 1-17. DOI: 10.1080/09503153.2020.1730780
    20. Manful, E., Abdullah, A. & Cudjoe, E. (2019). Decision-Making on Child Neglect: Ghanaian Social Workers’ Views and Experiences. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice. DOI:1007/s42448-019-00041-6
    21. Manful, E., Umoh, O. & Abdullah, A. (2019). Examining welfare provision for children in an old relic: focusing on those left behind in residential child care homes in Ghana. Journal of Social Services Research
    22. Manful, E. and Atakora, M. (2018). Work and study: exploring the social actions of undergraduates on a social protection scheme in Ghana. International Review of Social Research, 8(1):109-117.
    23. Abdullah, A.; Cudjoe, E. & Manful, E. (2018). Barriers to childcare in Children's Homes in Ghana: Caregivers' solutions. Children and Youth Services Review, 88: 450–456.
    24. Manful, E. & Cudjoe, E. (2018). Is kinship failing? Views on informal support by families in contact with social services in Ghana. Child & Family Social Work. 23(4): 617-624.
    25. Manful, E.; Azumah, D. F.; Mainoo, O. G.; Forkuor, J. B.; Gyasi-Boadu, N. & Ofori-Dua, K. (2017) Gender Differences of Psychosocial Implications of Sexual Abuse: A Survey of Victims in Ghana. Gender & Behaviour, 15 (3), 9570-9583.
    26. Manful, E., Yeboah, E. H. and Owusu Bembah, E. (2015). The Impacts and Challenges of the Ghana School Feeding Programme as a Social Protection Tool. Journal of Critical Southern Studies. 3, 40-52.
    27. Manful, E., Takyi, H. and Gambrah, E. (2015) Admission to Exit: Acquiring life skills whilst in residential care in Ghana.Social Work and Society, 13(2): 1- 13.
    28. Manful, E. and Manful, S. E. (2014). Child welfare in Ghana: The relevance of children's rights in practice. Journal of Social Work, 14(3): 313–328.
    29. Coombs, CR, Hislop, D, Holland, J, Bosley, SLC & Manful, E. (2013) Exploring types of individual unlearning by local health-care managers: an original empirical approach. Health Services Delivery Research; 1(2).
    30. Manful, E. and McCrystal, P. (2011). Ghana’s Children’s Act 560: A Rethink of its Implementation? International Journal of Children’s Rights, 19, 151-165.
    31. Manful, E. and McCrystal, P. (2010). Conceptualisation of Children's Rights: What Do Child Care Professionals in Northern Ireland Say? Child Care in Practice, 16(1). 83-97
    32. Manful, E. S. and Manful, E. (2010). Improving the lives of Ghanaian children: complementing the global agenda with a structural social work approach. International Journal of Social Welfare, 19 (1), 115–123.


    Peer Reviewed Book Chapters

    1. Manful, E. (2020). Leaving No Child Behind in Ghana: Is The Working Child Protected? In Frimpong-Manso, K. & Mohammed Zayan Imoro (eds) The State of Child Protection in Ghana. Accra: Participatory Development Associates Limited. pp: 5-21.
    2. Manful, E. and Manful, S.E. (2012). Development of Social Work Education in Ghana: Past, Present and Future. In Jared A. Jaworski (Ed.) Advances in Sociology Research, Volume 12.New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc.
    3. Manful, E. (2010). Children's participation: radio as a medium in Ghana. In Cox, S., Robinson-Pant, A., Dyer, C., & Schweisfurth, M. Children as Decision Makers in Education: Sharing Experiences Across Cultures. London: Continuum Publishing.


    1. Manful, E. and Forkuor, J.B. (2021). Vignette of Child Protection cases from the frontlines in Ghana: handbook for social work education. Kumasi: H_DA/KNUST. ISBN: 987-9988-3-1537-5.
    2. Perren, K., Halsaa, B., Thun, C.T., Manful, E. (2012). Majority–Minority Relations in Contemporary Women’s Movements. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
    3. Manful, E. (2010). The Development of Children's Rights in Africa and Europe: Comparing Legislation in Ghana and Northern Ireland. New York: Edwin Mellen Press.

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