- Adusei, K., Manful, E., Ofori-Dua, K., & Yeboah, E. H. (2024). Hybrid masculinity in early childcare: a qualitative study of a Ghanaian municipality. Journal of Gender Studies, 1–16.
- Manful, E., Esson, D., Aryee, C. and· Wiafe, B. A. (2024). Narratives of Ghanaian Social Workers on Community Leaders’ Response to Child Maltreatment. Global Social Welfare. .
- Adusei, K., Manful, E., Ofori-Dua, K., & Yeboah, E. H. (2024). Fathers’ motivations and expectations from participating in early child care: A study in Ghanaian Municipality. Family Relations, 1–20.
- Oteng, S.A., Manful, E. & Akuoko, K.O. (2023). Sex differentials of retirement anxieties of ageing self-employed workers in Ghana: implications for retirement counselling. Ghana Journal of Sociology & Anthropology, 8: 32 – 59.
- Asamoah, E., Amaniampong, E.-M., Manful, E., Gyasi-Boadu, N., & Koomson-Yalley, E. (2023). Using Photovoice to Illuminate Challenges Facing Children with Disabilities in Inclusive Education in Ghana. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 24(1), 7-28.
- Manful, E., & Karim, I. (2023). A question of omission of care or social reciprocity? A pilot study of low-income families’ perception of child neglect in Ghana. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 24(1), 71-95.
- Forkuor, J. B., Ayim, M. & Manful, E. (2023). Exploring the interconnectedness between social work education and social work practice: perceptions of BA social work graduates from one of Ghana’s public universities, Social Work Education, DOI: 10.1080/02615479.2022.2161505
- Ayim, M., Abdullah, A., Bentum, H., Amponsah, E. B., Cudjoe, E., & Manful, E. (2023). Contributing to indigenous social work practice in Africa: A look at the cultural conceptualisations of social problems in Ghana. Qualitative Social Work, 22(1) 30–46
- Oteng, S.A., Manful, E. & Akuoko, K.O. (2022). From Social Protection to Personal Protection: Implications for an Integrated Framework of Retirement Planning for Informal Workers in Ghana. Global Social Welfare.
- Bentum, H. & Manful, E. (2022) Reunification in Informal Foster Care Child Placement: Examining the Different Pathways in Ghana, Journal of Social Service Research, DOI: 1080/01488376.2022.2101584
- Koomson, B., Manful, E., Dapaah, J. M., & Yeboah, E. H. (2022). I agreed to go because........examining the Agency of Children within a phenomenon conceptualised as trafficking in Ghana. Children & Society, 36:101–117.
- Koomson, B., Manful, E., Yeboah, E. H. & Dapaah, J. M. (2021). Work socialisation gone wrong? Exploring the antecedent of child trafficking in two Ghanaian fishing communities, Children's Geographies, DOI:1080/14733285.2021.1990859
- Oteng, S.A., Manful, E. & Akuoko, K.O. (2021). Retiring in the Informal Economy: Implications for Social Policy Intervention for Ageing Workers in Ghana. Ageing International.
- Manful, E. & Abdullah, A. (2021). Conceptualisation of child neglect: A Ghanaian practice narrative. International Social Work, 64(3): 341–353. DOI: 10.1177/0020872818810382
- Cudjoe, E., Abdullah, A. & Manful, E. (2021). Parents’ Perceptions on the Outcomes of Children’s Participation in Child Protection Meetings in Ghana. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30:1071–1081.
- Manful, E., Abdullah, A., & Cudjoe, E. (2021). When parents fail: Addressing delinquent child maintenance through informal resources. Research on Social Work Practice, 31(3):278-284. DOI: 10.1177/1049731520980801
- Manful, E., Cudjoe, E., & Abdullah, A. (2020). Towards child-inclusive practices in child protection in Ghana: Perspectives from parents. Children and Youth Services Review, 119.
- Abdullah, A., Cudjoe, E. and Manful, E. (2020). Creating a better kinship environment for children in Ghana: Lessons from young people with informal kinship care experience. Child & Family Social Work. 1–8. https://doi. org/10.1111/cfs.12764
- Abdullah, A., Manful, E., Cudjoe, E. & Boateng, L. K. (2020). How Did I Know When to Report Physical Neglect? Ghanaian Mothers’ Views on Delinquent Child Maintenance, Practice, 1-17. DOI: 10.1080/09503153.2020.1730780
- Manful, E., Abdullah, A. & Cudjoe, E. (2019). Decision-Making on Child Neglect: Ghanaian Social Workers’ Views and Experiences. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice. DOI:1007/s42448-019-00041-6
- Manful, E., Umoh, O. & Abdullah, A. (2019). Examining welfare provision for children in an old relic: focusing on those left behind in residential child care homes in Ghana. Journal of Social Services Research.
- Manful, E. and Atakora, M. (2018). Work and study: exploring the social actions of undergraduates on a social protection scheme in Ghana. International Review of Social Research, 8(1):109-117.
- Abdullah, A.; Cudjoe, E. & Manful, E. (2018). Barriers to childcare in Children's Homes in Ghana: Caregivers' solutions. Children and Youth Services Review, 88: 450–456.
- Manful, E. & Cudjoe, E. (2018). Is kinship failing? Views on informal support by families in contact with social services in Ghana. Child & Family Social Work. 23(4): 617-624.
- Manful, E.; Azumah, D. F.; Mainoo, O. G.; Forkuor, J. B.; Gyasi-Boadu, N. & Ofori-Dua, K. (2017) Gender Differences of Psychosocial Implications of Sexual Abuse: A Survey of Victims in Ghana. Gender & Behaviour, 15 (3), 9570-9583.
- Manful, E., Yeboah, E. H. and Owusu Bembah, E. (2015). The Impacts and Challenges of the Ghana School Feeding Programme as a Social Protection Tool. Journal of Critical Southern Studies. 3, 40-52.
- Manful, E., Takyi, H. and Gambrah, E. (2015) Admission to Exit: Acquiring life skills whilst in residential care in Ghana.Social Work and Society, 13(2): 1- 13.
- Manful, E. and Manful, S. E. (2014). Child welfare in Ghana: The relevance of children's rights in practice. Journal of Social Work, 14(3): 313–328.
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- Manful, E. and McCrystal, P. (2011). Ghana’s Children’s Act 560: A Rethink of its Implementation? International Journal of Children’s Rights, 19, 151-165.
- Manful, E. and McCrystal, P. (2010). Conceptualisation of Children's Rights: What Do Child Care Professionals in Northern Ireland Say? Child Care in Practice, 16(1). 83-97
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- Manful, E. (2020). Leaving No Child Behind in Ghana: Is The Working Child Protected? In Frimpong-Manso, K. & Mohammed Zayan Imoro (eds) The State of Child Protection in Ghana. Accra: Participatory Development Associates Limited. pp: 5-21.
- Manful, E. and Manful, S.E. (2012). Development of Social Work Education in Ghana: Past, Present and Future. In Jared A. Jaworski (Ed.) Advances in Sociology Research, Volume 12.New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc.
- Manful, E. (2010). Children's participation: radio as a medium in Ghana. In Cox, S., Robinson-Pant, A., Dyer, C., & Schweisfurth, M. Children as Decision Makers in Education: Sharing Experiences Across Cultures. London: Continuum Publishing.
- Manful, E. and Forkuor, J.B. (2021). Vignette of Child Protection cases from the frontlines in Ghana: handbook for social work education. Kumasi: H_DA/KNUST. ISBN: 987-9988-3-1537-5.
- Perren, K., Halsaa, B., Thun, C.T., Manful, E. (2012). Majority–Minority Relations in Contemporary Women’s Movements. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Manful, E. (2010). The Development of Children's Rights in Africa and Europe: Comparing Legislation in Ghana and Northern Ireland. New York: Edwin Mellen Press.
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