Obeng PA, Oduro-Kwarteng S, Keraita B, Bregnhøj H, Abaidoo RC, (2019). Redesigning the ventilated improved pit latrine for use in built-up low-income settings. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development
Obeng, Peter A · Oduro?Kwarteng, Sampson · Keraita, Bernard · Bregnhøj, Henrik · Abaidoo, Robert C. · Awuah, Esi and · Konradsen (2019). Flemming Optimising ventilation to control odour in the ventilated improved pit latrine. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2019) 5:133–142; Published online: 11 October 2018 © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018
Okebalama Chinyere B., Safo, Ebenezer Y., Yeboah, Edward, Abaidoo, Robert C., & Logah, Vincent (2019): Vegetative and reproductive performance of maize to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in Plinthic Acrisol and Gleyic Plinthic Acrisol, Journal of Plant Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2019.1567775
Abubakari A, Larbi JA, Abaidoo RC (2108) Implication of urban and peri-urban agricultural wastewater irrigation to malaria transmission in Kumasi. J Trop Dis 6: 275. doi:4172/2329-891X.1000275
Abubakari A, Degraft-Johnson E, Larbi JA, Abaidoo RC (2018). Microbial risk assessment on stakeholders of unrestricted irrigation. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) – Volume-4, Issue-8, 1-11. ISSN: 2395-3470
Abubakari A, Degraft-Johnson E, Larbi JA, Abaidoo RC (2018). Seasonal disparity in microbial and soil transmitted helminths concentrations in irrigation samples. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 7(08): 3562-3573. doi:
Bachir Bounou Issoufa, Ali Ibrahim, Robert Clement Abaidoo & Nana Ewusi Mensah (2018): Combined use of millet glume-derived compost and mineral fertilizer enhances soil microbial biomass and pearl millet yields in a low-input millet cropping system in Niger, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science
Jacob Ulzen, Robert Clement Abaidoo, Nana Ewusi-Mensah, Cargele Masso (2018). On-farm evaluation and determination of sources of variability of soybean response to Bradyrhizobiuminoculation and phosphorus fertilizer in northern Ghana.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Volume 267, 15 November 2018, Pages 23-32
Acheampong, Daniel. Balana Bedru B. Nimoh, Fred and Abaidoo, Robert C. (2018). Asssesing the effectiveness and impact of agricultural water management interventions: the case of small reservoirs in northern Ghana. Agricultural Water Management Volume 209, 30 October 2018, Pages 163-170
Ali Ibrahim,. Robert Clement Abaidoo . Aboubacar Dan Kassoua Tawaye Iliasso . Dougbedji Fatondji (2018). Nutrient release dynamics from decomposing organic materials and their mulching-effect on pearl millet yields in a low-input Sahelian cropping system. Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst; 1-15.
Margaret Banka, Robert Aidoo, Robert Clement Abaidoo, Simon Charles Fialor and Cargele Masso (2018). Willingness to Pay for Biofertilizers among Grain Legume Farmers in Northern Ghana. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports. 19(1): 1-13, 2018.
Jacob Ulzen, Robert Clement Abaidoo, Cargele Masso, Emmanuel Degraft Johnson Owusu-Ansah, Nana Ewusi-Mensah (2018). Is there a need for Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense and japonicum reinoculation in subsequent cropping seasons under smallholder farmers’ conditions? Applied Soil Ecology 128: 54-60.
Osei, O., Abaidoo C., Ahiabor, B. D. K , Boddey, R. M, Rouws L. F. M. (2018). Bacteria related to Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense from Ghana are effective groundnut micro-symbionts Applied Soil Ecology xx. xxxx
Kermah M, Franke AC, Adjei-Nsiah S, Ahiabor BDK, Abaidoo RC, ... (2018). Legume–maize rotation or relay? Options for ecological intensification of smallholder farms in the guinea savanna of northern Ghana. Experimental Agriculture, 1-19.
Azanu, D., Styrishave, B., Darko, G., Weisser, J. J., & Abaidoo, R. C. (2018). Occurrence and risk assessment of antibiotics in water and lettuce in Ghana. Science of The Total Environment, 622, 293-305.
Dohan Mariam Soma, Delwendé Innocent Kiba, Nana Ewusie Mensah Zacharia GnankambaryFrancois Lompo, Michel Papaoba Sedogo and Robert Clement Abaidoo (2017). Changes in sorghum production, soil P forms and P use efficiency following long-term application of manure, compost and straw in a ferric Lixisol. Acta Agriculturae Sca ndinavica, Section B-Soil &Plant Science, 68:401- 411. Published online: 19 Dec 2017.
Dohan Mariam Soma, Delwendé Innocent Kiba, Zacharia Gnankambary, Nana Ewusi-Mensah, Minata Sanou, Hassan Bismarck Nacro, Francois Lompo, Michel Papaoba Sedogoand Robert Clement Abaidoo (2017). Effectiveness of combined application of Kodjari phosphate rock, water soluble phosphorus fertilizer and manure in a Ferric Lixisol in the centre west of Burkina Faso. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. Pages 1-14 |, Published online: 17 Jul 2017 Archives of Agronomy and Soil science, 2017.
Michael Kermah, Angelinus C. Franke, Samuel Adjei-Nsiah, Benjamin D.K. Ahiabor, Robert C. Abaidoo, Ken E. Giller (2017). Maize-grain legume intercropping for enhanced resource use efficiency and crop productivity in the Guinea savanna of northern Ghana. Field Crops Reseach Volume 213, November 2017, pages 38-50.
Kermah, M., Franke, A. C., Adjei-Nsiah, S., Ahiabor, B. D. K., Abaidoo, R. C., & Giller, K. E. (2018). N2-fixation and N contribution by grain legumes under different soil fertility status and cropping systems in the Guinea savanna of northern Ghana. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 261: 201-210.
Uzoh, I. M., Obalum, S. E., Igwe, C. A. and Abaidoo, R. C. (2017). Quantitative separation of nitrogen and non-nitrogen rotation benefits for maize following velvet bean under selected soil management practices. Agricultural Res.?DOI 10.1007/s40003-017-0272-8
Sampson, A., Owusu-Ansah, E. D. G. J., Mills-Robertson, F. C., Ayi, I., Abaidoo, R. C., Hald, T., & Permin, A. (2017). Probabilistic quantitative microbial risk assessment model of farmer exposure to Cryptosporidium spp. in irrigation water within Kumasi Metropolis-Ghana. Microbial Risk Analysis, 6, 1-8.
Emmanuel de-Graft Johnson Owusu-Ansah , Angelina Sampson, Samuel K. Amponsah Robert C. Abaidoo, Anders Dalsgaard, Tine Hald (2017). Probabilistic quantitative microbial risk assessment model of norovirus from wastewater irrigated vegetables in Ghana using genome copies and fecal indicator ratio conversion for estimating exposure dose. Science of the Total Environment 601–602 (2017) 1712–1719
Osei, O., Simões Araújo, J. L., Zilli, J. E., Boddey, R. M., Ahiabor, B. D. K., Abaidoo C., and M. Rouws L. F. (2017). PCR assay for direct specific detection of Bradyrhizobium elite strain BR 3262 in root nodule extracts of soil-grown cowpea. Plant and Soil. DOI 10.1007/s11104-017-3271-4
Kyei-Boahen, , Engoke, C., Chikoye, D., Abaidoo R. (2017). Growth and yield responses of cowpea to inoculation and phosphorus fertilization in different environments; Front. Plant Sci. Front. Plant Sci., 03 May 2017 |
Antwi, M., Duker, A. A., Fosu, M. and Abaidoo R. C. (2017) Simulation of major soil nutrients requirement for maize production using the QUEFTS model in the Northern region of Ghana. International Standard Journal Number Vol.5 (3), pp. 133-140, March 2017
Uzokwe, V.N. E., Asafo-Adjei, B., Fawole, I., Abaidoo, R., Odeh, I.O. A., Ojo, D.K., Dashiell, , and Sanginga, N. (2017). Generation mean analysis of phosphorus-use efficiency in freely nodulating soybean crosses grown in low-phosphorus soil. Plant Breeding, doi:10.1111/pbr.12453.
Badu Brempong, M., Opoku, A., Ewusi-Mensah , and Abaidoo, R.C. (2017). Evaluating Added Benefits from Combined Cattle Manure and Fertilizer Application in a Maize Cropping System. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 6 (2017) 34-40 D. doi:10.17265/2162-5263/2017.01.004
Okebalama C. Blessing, Ali Ibrahim, Ebenezer Y. Safo, Edward Yeboah, Robert C. Abaidoo, Vincent Logah and Uzoh Ifeyinwa Monica. (2017). Fertilizer micro-dosing in West African low-input cereals cropping: Benefits, challenges and improvement strategies. 12(14), pp. 1169-1176, 6 April, 2017 DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2016.11559
Masso, C., Mukhongo, R., Thuita, M., Abaidoo, R., Ulzen, J., Kariuki, G., and Kalumuna, M. (2016). Biological Inoculants for Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa Smallholder Farming Systems. In "Climate Change and Multi-Dimensional Sustainability in African Agriculture", pp. 639-658. Springer.?
Amoah ID, Abubakari, A, Stenstrom TA, Abaidoo, RC, Seidu, R (2016). Contribution of Wastewater Irrigation to Soil Transmitted Helminths Infection among Vegetable Farmers in Kumasi, Ghana. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 10(12): e0005161.doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0005161
Ulzen J, Abaidoo RC, Mensah NE, Masso C and AbdelGadir AH (2016) Bradyrhizobium Inoculants Enhance Grain Yields of Soybean and Cowpea in Northern Ghana. Plant Sci. 7:1770. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01770
Okebalama, B. Safo, E.Y., Yeboah, E., Abaidoo, R.C. and V. Logah, V. (2016). Fertilizer micro-dosing in humid forest zone of Ghana: An efficient strategy for increasing maize yield and income in smallholder farming. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 80(5):1254-1261 (2016).
Mary Antwi, Alfred Allan Duker, Mathias Fosu and Robert Clement Abaidoo (2016). Geospatial approach to study the spatial distribution of major soil nutrients in the Northern region of Ghana. DOI:1080/23312041.2016.1201906.
Ali Ibrahim, Robert Clement Abaidoo, Dougbedji Fatondji & Andrews Opoku (2016): Fertilizer micro-dosing increases crop yield in the Sahelian low-input cropping system: A success with a shadow, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/00380768.2016.1194169
Gonda Abdou, Nana Ewusi-Mensah, Maman Nouri, Francis Marthy Tetteh Ebnezer Yeboah Safo and Robert Clement Abaidoo (2016). Nutrient release patterns of compost and its implication on crop yield under Sahelian conditions of Niger. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, Volume 105, Issue 2 , pp 117-128; First online: 16 April 2016
David Azanu, Christiana Mortey, Godfred Darko, Johan Juhl Weisser, Bjarne Styrishave, and Robert Clement Abaidoo (2016). Uptake of antibiotics from irrigation water by plants. Chemosphere 157 (2016) 107e114
Peter Appiah Obeng, Sampson Oduro-Kwarteng, Bernard Keraita, Henrik Bregnhøj, Robert C Abaidoo, Esi Awuah, and Flemming Konradsen (2016). Measurement of Odour in On-Site Sanitation Systems in Low-Income Settings. Environ. Process, DOI 10.1007/s40710-016-0124-8; Received: 19 February 2015 /Accepted: 11 January 2016, # Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016.
Okebalama C.B., EY Safo, E. Yeboah, C. Abaidoo and V. Logah (2016). Fertilizer use and management practices among maize and cowpea smallholder farmers in Ghana". Tropicutura, 34(2): 113-126.
Abaidoo, R., Dare, M.O., S. Killani, S., and Opoku, A. (2016). Evaluation of early maturing cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) germplasm for variation in phosphorus use efficiency and biological nitrogen fixation potential with indigenous rhizobial populations. Journal of Agricultural Science. pp 1-15; doi:10.1017/s002185961500115x 2 April 2016
Aziz, A.L.A., Ahiabor, B.D.K., Opoku, A., Abaidoo, R. C. (2016). Contributions of Rhizobium inoculants and phosphorus fertilizer to biological nitrogen fixation, growth and grain yield of three sybean varieties on a Fluvic Luvisol. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture 10(2): 1-11, 2016
Ibrahim, A., Abaidoo, R. C., Fatondji, D., and Opoku, A. (2015). Determinants of fertilizer micro-dosing-induced yield increment of pearl millet on an acid sandy soil. Experimental Agriculture. doi:10.1017/S0014479715000241: p1-17: (Accepted: 10 May 2015
Ibrahim, A., Abaidoo, R. C., Fatondji, D., and Opoku, A. (2015). Integrated use of fertilizer micro-dosing and Acacia tumida mulching increases millet yield and water use efficiency in Sahelian semi-arid environment. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. doi:10.1007/s10705-015-9752-z. Published online: 18 November 2015.
Garba, M., Logah, V., Wildemeersch, J., Sabiou, M., Yadji, G., Quansah, C., & Abaidoo, R. C. (2015). Improvement in physical quality of a Sahelian Arenosol and implications on millet yield. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, DOI: 10.1080/03650340.2015.1104414 .(Accepted 5 October 2015; published on 30 Oct0ber 2015)
Owusu Amponsah1, Vigre Ha°kan, Torben Wilde Schou, Imoro Braimah Robert Clement Abaidoo (2015). The impact of farmers’ participation in field trials in creating awareness and stimulating compliance with the World Health Organization’s farm-based multiple-barrier approach. Environ Dev Sustain DOI 10.1007/s10668-015-9686-2: 21 pages
Ali Ibrahim, Robert Clement Abaidoo, Dougbedji Fatondji, Andrews Opoku (2015). Hill placement of manure and fertilizer micro-dosing improves yield and water use efficiency in the Sahelian low input millet-based cropping system Field Crops Research 180:29–36
Emmanuel deGraft Johnson Owusu Ansah, Angelina Sampson, Samuel K. Amponsah, Tine Hald, Robert C. Abaidoo (2015) Performance, compliance and reliability of waste stabilization pond: effluent discharge quality and Environmental Protection Agency standards in Ghana (Accepted in January 2015 for publication in Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology).
Obeng, Peter Appiah; Keraita, Bernard; Oduro-Kwarteng, Sampson; Bregnhøj, Henrik; Abaidoo, Robert C.; Konradsen, Flemming (2015). The latrine ownership ladder: a conceptual framework for enhancing sanitation uptake in low-income peri-urban settings (Accepted for in Management of Environmental Quality.
Amponsah, O., Vigre. H, Schou, T.W., Boateng, E. S., Braimah, I. and Abaidoo, R.C.(2015) Assessing low quality water use policy framework: Case study from Ghana, Resources Conservation and Recycling, 97(2015), 1-15.
Bandaogo, A., Bidjokazo, F., Youl, S, Safo, E. Abaidoo, R., Opoku, A. (2014). Effect of fertilizer deep placement with urea supergranule on nitrogen use ef?ciency of irrigated rice in Sourou Valley (Burkina Faso). Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst DOI 10.1007/s10705-014-9653-6 (Published Online: 7 November, 2014)
David Chikoye, Robert Abaidoo, Lum Ayeoffe Fontem (2014) Response of weeds and soil microorganisms to imazaquin and pendimethalin in cowpea and soybean Crop Protection 65: 168-172
Nimoh, F., Ohene-Yankyera, K., Poku, K., Konradsen, F., and Abaidoo, R.C. (2014). Perception on Excreta Reuse for Peri-urban Agriculture in Southern Ghana Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics; 6 (10): 421- 428
Nimoh, F., Poku, K., Ohene-Yankyera, K., Konradsen, F., Abaidoo, RC. (21014). Households’ latrine preference and financing mechanisms in peri-urban Ghana. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development (; 5: (16): 1-12
Seidu, R., Abubakari, A., Dennis,I. A., Heistad, A. Stenstrom, T.,Larbi, J.A., Abaidoo, R.C. (2014). A probabilistic assessment of the contribution of wastewater-irrigated lettuce to E. coli O157:H7 infection risk and disease burden in Kumasi, Ghana Journal of Water and Health
Fred Nimoh, F., Ohene-Yankyera, K., Poku, K., Flemming Konradsen, F., and Abaidoo, R.C. (2014). 'Constraints and motivations to sanitation business in peri-urban communities in Ghana. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development' 4(4): 692-698.
Nimoh, F., Ohene-Yankyera, K., Poku, K., Konradsen, F., and Abaidoo, R.C. (2014). Health Risk Perception on Excreta Reuse for Peri-urban Agriculture in Southern Ghana Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development; 5 (10):174-181
Agyekum, E.O., Ohene-Yankyera, K., Keraita, B., Fialor. S. C., Abaidoo, R.C. (2014). Willingness to pay for faecal compost by farmers in southern Ghana, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 5:18-25.
Abaidoo, R., Dare, M. O., Killani, S., and Opoku, A. (2013). Evaluation of early maturing cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) germplasm for variation in phosphorus use efficiency and biological nitrogen fixation potential with indigenous rhizobial populations. The Journal of Agricultural Science 155, 102-116.
Abaidoo, R., Opoku, A., Boahen, S., and Dare, M. (2013). Genotypic Variation of Early Maturing Soybean Genotypes for Phosphorus Utilization Efficiency under Field Grown Conditions. IAEA TECDOC SERIES, 311.
Dare, M.O., Abaidoo, R. , Fagbola, O. , Asiedu, R.(2013) Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soils of yam (Dioscorea) cropping systems in four agroecologies of Nigeria, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science , volume 59 , number 4 , pages 521 – 531.
Nimoh, F., Poku, K., Ohene-Yankyera, K., Konradsen, F., and Abaidoo, R. C. (2013). An exploratory study on regulatory policies governing private sector participation in the peri-urban sanitation market in Ghana. Business Management Dynamics, 3(2): 1-6.
Aidoo R., Mensah J.O., Opoku A., Abaidoo R.C. (2013). Assessing the performance of the grain legume marketing system in northern Ghana, International Journal of AgriScience, Vol. 3 (10): 787-795.
Aidoo R., Mensah J.O., Opoku A., Abaidoo R.C. (2013). Factors influencing Soyabean production and willingness to pay for inoculum use in northern Ghana, American Journal of Experimental Agriculture (In press).
N’cho, C. O. Yusuf, A. A., Ama–Abina, J.T., Jemo, M., Abaidoo, R.C. and Savane, (2013) Effects of commercial microbial inoculants and foliar fertilizers on soybean nodulation and yield in northern Guinea savannah of Nigeria. IJAAR (1): 66-73
Aliyu, I. A., Yusuf, A. A., Abaidoo, R. C. (2013). Response of grain legumes to rhizobial inoculation in two savanna soils of Nigeria. African Journal of Microbiology Research Vol. 7(15), pp. 1332-1342.
Aidoo, R., Nimo, F., Bakang, J-V.A., Ohene-Yankyera, K., Fialor, S.C., Osei-Mensah, J., Abaidoo, R.C. (2012). Estimation of Margins and efficiency in the Ghanaian yam marketing chain. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development. 2(2): 226-234.
Aidoo, R., Nimo, F., Bakang, J-V.A., Ohene-Yankyera, K., Fialor, S.C., Abaidoo, R.C. (2012). Economics of small-scale seed yam production in Ghana: implications for commercialization. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa. 13(7): 65-78. Published by Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, Pennsylvania, USA..
Oikeh, S., Niang, A., Abaidoo, R., Houngnandan, P., Futakuchi, K., Koné, B., and Touré, A, (2012). Enhancing Rice Productivity and Soil Nitrogen Using Dual-Purpose Cowpea-NERICA® Rice Sequence in Degraded Savanna. Journal of Life Sciences 6 (2012): 1237-1250.
Bamire, A. S., Abaidoo, R,. Jemo, Abdoulaye, M, T., Yusuf, A. and. Nwoke, O. C (2012) Profitability analysis of commercial chemical and biological crop products among farm households in agro-ecological zones of West Africa. African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 7(23), pp. 3385-3394, 19 June, 2012
Michael Olajire Dare, Robert Abaidoo, Olajire Fagbola & Robert Asiedu (2012): Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soils of yam (Dioscorea spp.) cropping systems in four agroecologies of Nigeria, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, DOI:10.1080/03650340.2011.653682
Keraita, B., C. Abaidoo, I. Beernaerts, S. Koo-Oshima, P. Amoah, P. Drechsel, and F. Konradsen (2012) Safe re-use practices in wastewater-irrigated urban vegetable farming in Ghana. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, ISSN: 2152-0801 online,
Laditi, M. A., Nwoke, O. C., Jemo, M., Abaidoo R. C., and. Ogunjobi, A. A. (2012). Evaluation of microbial inoculants as biofertilizers for the improvement of growth and yield of soybean and maize crops in savanna soils. African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 7(3), pp. 405-413. Available online at; DOI: 10.5897/AJAR11.904
Olaleye Oladiran, Fagbola Olajire, Abaidoo Robert C., Ikeorah Nnenna (2012). Phosphorus Response Efficiency in Cowpea Genotypes. Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 4, No. 1; 2012; doi:10.5539/jas.v4n1p81 URL:
Owusu, V. Bakang, J-E. A., Abaidoo, R.C., Kinane, M. L (2012) Perception on untreated wastewater irrigation for vegetable production in Ghana, Environ Dev Sustain (2012) 14:135–150; DOI 10.1007/s10668-011-9312-x
Yusuf, A.A., and Abaidoo, R. (2011). Residual Effect of Long Term Application of Organic and Mineral Fertilizers on Selected Chemical Properties of a Savanna Alfisol. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 1 (2011) 106-110.
Killani, A.S., Abaidoo, R.C., Akintokun, A.K., and Abiala, M. A. (2011). Antagonistic effect of indigenous Bacillus subtilis on root-/soil-borne fungal pathogens of cowpea. Researcher, 3(3): 11-18.
Amoah, P., Keraita, B., Akple, M., Drechsel, P., Abaidoo, R.C., Konradsen, F., (2011a). Low-cost options for reducing consumer health risks from farm to fork where crops are irrigated with polluted water in West Africa., Research Report. International Water Management Institute. Colombo, Sri Lanka. doi:10.5337/2011.201
Amoah, P., Keraita, B., Akple, M., Drechsel, P., Abaidoo, R.C., Konradsen, F.,(2011b). Low-cost options for reducing consumer health risks from farm to fork where crops are irrigated with polluted water in West Africa., Research Report. International Water Management Institute. Colombo, Sri Lanka. doi:10.5337/2011.201
Killani1, A.S., Abaidoo, R.C., and Akintokun, A.K. (2011). Rice husk extract is potentially effective as a phytopesticide against root-/soil-borne fungal pathogens of cowpea. Nature and Science: 9(3), 72-79.
Junge, B.; Alabi, T.; Sonder, K.; Marcus, S.; Abaidoo, R.; Chikoye, D.; Stahr, K. (2010). Use of remote sensing and GIS for improved natural resources management: case study from different agroecological zones of West Africa. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31: 23, 6115 — 6141.
Junge, B., Mabit, L., Dercon, G., Walling, D.E., Abaidoo, R., Chikoye, D., and Stahr, K. (2010). First use of the 137Cs technique in Nigeria for estimating medium-term soil redistribution rates on cultivated farmlandSoil and Tillage Research 210:211-220 (doi:10.1016/j.still.2010.07.012)
Dare, M.O., Abaidoo, R.C., Fagbola, O., Asiedu, R. (2010). Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation and phosphorus application on yield and nutrient uptake of yam. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 41 (22) : 2729 — 2743
Emmanuel, B., Oyetunji, O. Osonubi. O., Abaidoo, R. Fagbola, O. (2010). Abundance and distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) species in long-term soil fertility management systems in Northern Nigeria. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 33 (9): 1264 — 1275. (
Yusuf, A. A, Iwuafor, E.N.O., Abaidoo, R.C., Olufajo, O.O., and Sanginga, N. 2009 Effect of crop rotation and nitrogen fertilization on yield and nitrogen efficiency in maize in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria. African Journal of Agricultural Research 4 (10): pp. 913-921
Yusuf, A.A., Iwuafor, E.N.O., Abaidoo, R.C., Olufajo, O.O., and N. Sanginga, N. (2009). Grain legume rotation benefits to maize in the Northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria: Fixed-nitrogen vs. other rotation effects. Nutr. Cycl Agroecosyst 84: 129–139.
Nwoke, O.C., Okogun, J.A., Sanginga, N., Diels, J., Abaidoo, R.C., and Osonubi, O. (2009). Phosphate rock utilization by soybean genotypes on a low-P savanna soil and the status of soil P fractions after a subsequent maize crop. African J. of Biotechnology 8(15):3477–3488.
Junge, B. Deji, O. Abaidoo, R., Chikoye, D., and Stahr, K. 2009. Farmers’ adoption of soil conservation technologies: A case study from Osun State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 153(3): 287–304.
Andoh, LA., Abaidoo, R.C., Obiri-Danso, K., Drechsel, P., Kondrasen, F., and Klank, L.T. (2009). Helminth contamination of lettuce and associated risk factors at production sites, markets and street food vendor points in urban and peri-urban Kumasi, Ghana. Research Journal of Microbiology 4(1): 13-22.
Yusuf, A.A., Abaidoo, R.C., Iwuafor, E.N.O., Olufajo, O.O., and N. Sanginga, N. (2009) Rotation effects of grain legumes and fallow on maize yield, microbial biomass and chemical properties of an Alfisol in the Nigerian savanna Agric. Ecosystem and Environment 129: 325-331.
Drechsel, P., Keraita, B., Amoah, P., Abaidoo, R.C., Raschid-Sally, L., Bahri, A., 2008. Reducing health risks from wastewater use in urban and peri-urban sub-Saharan Africa: applying the 2006 WHO guidelines. Water Sci. Technol. 57, 1461–1466. doi:10.2166/wst.2008.2
Kamara, A.Y., Kwari, J., Ekeleme, F., Omoigui, L., and Abaidoo, R. 2008. Effect of phosphorus application and soybean cultivar on grain and dry matter yield of subsequent maize in the tropical savannas of north-eastern Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology. 7 (15): 2593–2599
Chikoye, D., Lum, A.F., Abaidoo, R., Menkir, A., Kamara, A, Ekeleme, F., and Sanginga, N. 2008 Response of corn genotypes to weed interference and nitrogen in Nigeria. Weed Science 56:424–433.
Yusuf, A.A. Iwuafor, E.N.O., Abaidoo, R.C., Olufajo, O.O. and Sanginga, N. 2008. Residual benefits of two Cowpea Genotypes and natural fallow to subsequent maize in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development 2008, 102 (3): 271-287.
Chikoye, D. Lum, A. F. Abaidoo, R., Menkir, A., Kamara, K., Ekeleme, F. and Sanginga, N. (2008) Response of corn genotypes to weed interference and nitrogen in Nigeria. Weed Science 2008 56:424–433
Nwoke, O.C., Diels, J. Abaidoo, R.C., Nziguheba, G., Merckx, R. (2008). Root characteristics and accumulation of organic acids in the rhizosphere of soybean (Glycine max) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in relation to phosphorus acquisition in low-P savanna soils. African journal of Biotechnology 7(20): 3617-3624.
Yusuf, A.A., Abaidoo, R.C., Iwuafor, E.N.O., and Olufajo, O.O. (2008). Genotype effects of cowpea and soybean on nodulation N2-fixation and N balance in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria. Journal of Agronomy, 7:258-264.
Y. Kamara, J. Kwari, F. Ekeleme L. Omoigui, R. Abaidoo (2008) Effect of phosphorus application and soybean cultivar on grain and dry matter yield of subsequent maize in the tropical savannas of north-eastern Nigeria; African Journal of Biotechnology 7(15): 2593-2599.
Jemo, M., Nolte, C., Tchienkoua, M., Abaidoo, R.C. (2008). Biological nitrogen fixation potential by soybeans at two low-P soils southern Cameroon. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
Oikeh, S.O., Houngnandan, P., Abaidoo, R.C., Rahimou, I., Touré, A., Niang, A., Akintayo, I. (2008). Integrated soil fertility management involving promiscuous dual-purpose soybean and upland NERICA enhanced rice productivity in the savannas. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems.
Dare, J., Abaidoo, R. C., Fagbola, O., Asiedu, R. (2008) Effects of mycorrhizal inoculation and phosphorus concentrations on the yield and nutrient uptake of yams JFAE 6(2) 227–233.
Drechsel, P., Raschid-Sally, L., Abaidoo, R. (2008). Reducing risk from wastewater use in urban farming – A case study of Accra, Ghana. In ‘Urban water security: managing risks’ (Edts Jimenez B., and Joan Rose). UNESCO Publication.
Drechsel, P., Keraita, B., Amoah, P., Abaidoo, R., Raschid-Sally, L., Bahri, A. (2008). Reducing health risks from wastewater use in urban and peri-urban sub-Saharan Africa: Applying the 2006 WHO guidelines. Water Science & Technology 57 (9)
Keraita, B., Kondrasen, F., Drechsel, P., Abaidoo, R.C. (2007). Reducing microbial contamination on wastewater irrigated lettuce by cessation of irrigation before harvesting. Tropical Medicine and International Health 12 (Suppl 2) :7-13
Keraita, B., Kondrasen, F., Drechsel, P., Abaidoo, R.C. (2007). Effect of low-cost irrigation methods on microbial contamination of lettuce irrigated with untreated wastewater Tropical Medicine and International Health 12 (Suppl 2):14-21.
Amoah, P., Drechsel, P., Abaidoo, C., Klutse, A. (2007). Effectiveness of common and improved sanitary methods in West Africa for the reduction of coliform bacteria and helminth eggs on vegetables. Tropical Medicine and International Health 12(Dec, 12):40-50.
Okogun, J. A., Sanginga, N., Abaidoo, R. (2007). Evaluation of maize yield in an on-farm maize-soybean and maize-lablab crop rotation systems in the Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. Pakistan J. Biol. Sci. 10(21):3905-3909.
Pypers, P., Huybrighs M., Diels, J., Abaidoo, R., Erik Smolders, E., Merckx, R. (2007). Does the enhanced P acquisition by maize following legumes in a rotation result from improved soil P availability? Soil Biol. Biochem. 39: 2555–2566.
Kamara, A.Y., Abaidoo, R., Kwari, J., Omoigui, L. (2007). Influence of phosphorus application on growth and yield of soybean genotypes in the tropical savannas of northeast Nigeria. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 50(0): 1-14.
Nwoke, OC., Diels, J. Abaidoo, R. C., Sanginga, N. (2007). Utilization of phosphorus from different sources by genotypes of soybean and cowpea in a low-phosphorus savanna soil. African J. of Agricultural Research, 2(4): 150-158.
Jemo, M., Abaidoo, R. C., Nolte, C. Horst, W. J. (2007). Aluminum resistance of cowpea as affected by P-deficiency stress J. Plant Physiology 164(4): 442-451.
Amoah, P., Drechsel, P., Abaidoo, R. C., Henseler, M.(2007). Irrigated urban vegetable production in Ghana: Microbiological contamination in farms and markets and associated consumer risk groups Journal for Water and Health, 5 (3): 455–466
Abaidoo, R.C., Keyser, H.H., Singleton, P.W., Dashiell, K.E., Sanginga, N. (2006). Population size, distribution, and symbiotic characteristics of indigenous Bradyrhizobium that nodulate TGx soybean genotypes in Africa. Applied Soil Ecol. 35(1): 57–67.
Jemo, M., Abaidoo, R.C., Nolte, C., Tchienkoua, M., Sanginga, N., Horst, W.J. (2006). Phosphorus benefits from grain-legume crops to subsequent maize grown on acid soils of southern Cameroon. Plant and Soil 284: 385-397.
Pypers, P., Van Loon, L., Jan Diels, J., Abaidoo, R., Erik Smolders, E., Merckx, R. (2006). Plant-available P for maize and cowpea in P deficient soils from the Nigerian Northern Guinea savanna – Comparison of E- and L-values, Plant Soil 283:251–264.
Jemo, M., Abaidoo, R.C, Nolte, C. and Horst, W.J. 2006. Genotypic variation for phosphorus uptake dinitrogen fixation in cowpea on low-phosphorus soils of southern Cameroon. J. Plant and Soil Nutrition. 169: 816-825.
Randall, P.J. Abaidoo, C., Hocking, P. J., Sanginga, N. (2006). Mineral nutrient uptake and removal by cowpea, soybean and maize in West Africa, and implications for carbon cycle effects on soil acidification. Experimental Agriculture 42(4): 475–494.
Amoah, P., Drechsel, P., Abaidoo, R.C., Ntow, J.W. (2006). Pesticide and pathogencontamination of vegetables in Ghana’s urban markets. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 50:1–6.
Glover, R.L.K., Abaidoo, R.C., Jakobsen, M., Jespersen, L. (2005). Biodiversity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from a survey of pito production sites in various parts of Ghana. Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 28:755-761.
Okogun, J. A., Sanginga, N., Abaidoo, R., Dashiell, K., Diels, J. (2005). On-farm evaluation of biological nitrogen fixation potential and grain yield of Lablab and two soybean varieties in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria. Nutrient Cycling and Agroecosystems, 73 (2-3): 267-275.
Amoah,, Drechsel, P., Abaidoo, R.C. (2005). Irrigated urban vegetable production in Ghana: sources of pathogen contamination and health risk elimination. Irrigation and Drainage 54 (S1): S49-S61.
Kofi, J.O., Abaidoo, R.C., Obiri-Danso, K., and Nyako, K.O. (2005). Laboratory breeding and embryology of Biomphalaria pfeifferi. Journal of Ghana Science Association. 7(2) 11–22.
Ennin, S. A., Dapaah, K., and Abaidoo, R.C. (2004). Nitrogen credits from cowpea, soybean, groundnut and Mucuna to maize in rotation. West African J. Appl. Ecol. 6: 65–74.
Abaidoo, R.C., Keyser, H.H., Singleton, P.W., Borthakur, D. (2002). Comparison of molecular and antibiotic resistance profile methods for the population analysis of Bradyrhizobium (TGx) isolates that nodulate the new TGx soybean cultivars in Africa. J. Appl. Microbiol. 92:109-117.
Abaidoo, R.C., Van Kessel, C., Akanwariwiak, W.G., and S.A. Ennin, S.A. (2001). Utilization of nitrogen resources in legume-cereal systems: Influence of soil N availability and Bradyrhizobium Journal of Ghana Science Association Vol. 3 (1): 31-34.
Abaidoo, R.C, Dashiell, K.E., Sanginga, N., Keyser, H.H., Singleton, P.W. (2001). Nodulation and nitrogen uptake indices as selection criteria for promiscuous soybean genotypes in association with resident soil rhizobia populations. Journal of Ghana Science Association, Vol. 3 (2): 38-50.
Abaidoo, R.C, Keyser, H.H., Singleton, P.W., Borthakur, D. (2000). Bradyrhizobium spp. (TGx) isolates nodulating the new soybean cultivars in Africa are diverse and distinct from bradyrhizobia that nodulate North American soybean. Int. J. of Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 50: 225–234.
Abaidoo, R.C., Dashiell, K.E., Sanginga, N., Keyser, H.H., Singleton, P.W., (1999). Time course of N2-fixation of promiscuous soybean genotypes measured by the isotope-dilution method. Biology and Fertility of Soils 30(3): 187-192.
Hill, S., Abaidoo, R., Miyasaka, S. (1998). Sodium chloride concentration affects early growth and nutrient accumulation in Taro. HortScience, 33(7): 1153-1156
Carsky, R.J., Abaidoo, , Dashiell, K., Sanginga, N. (1997). Effect of soybean on subsequent maize grain yield in the guinea savanna zone of West Africa. African Crop Sci. J. 5: 31-38.
Sanginga, N., Abaidoo, R., Dashiell, K., Carsky, R.J., Okogun, A. (1996). Persistence and effectiveness of rhizobia in the nodulation of promiscuous soybeans in moist savanna zones of Nigeria. Appl. Soil Ecol. 3: 215-224.
Adimado, A.A., Abaidoo, R.C., Bondzi, C. (1991). Antimicrobial effect of some N6-tetradentate macrocyclic metal complexes and their precursors. J. Transition Metal Chem. 16:407-409.
Somasegaran, P., Abaidoo, R.C., Kumaga, F. (1990). Host-Bradyrhizobium relationships and nitrogen fixation in the Barbara groundnut. Trop. Agric. (Trinidad). 67: 137-141.
Abaidoo, R.C, George, T., Bohlool, B.B., Singleton, P.W. (1990). Influence of elevation and applied nitrogen on rhizosphere colonization and competition for nodule occupancy by different rhizobial strains on field-grown soybean and common bean. Can. J. Microbiol. 36: 92-96.
Abaidoo, R.C, Van Kessel, Chris. (1989). 15N uptake, N2-fixation, and rhizobial interstrain competition in soybean and bean, intercropped with maize. Soil Biol. 21:155-159.
Contribution to Books:
Drechsel, P., Keraita, B., Seidu, R., Abaidoo, R.C., 2010. Human Health Risks from Wastewater-irrigated Vegetable Farming, in: Drechsel, P., Scott, C.A., Raschid-Sally, L., Redwood, M., Bahri, A. (Eds.), Wastewater Irrigation and Health: Assessing and Mitigating Risk in Low-Income Countries. London, Earthscan, London, pp. 104–115.
Abaidoo, R.C., Keraita, B., Drechsel, P., Dissanayake, P., Akple, M. S. 2010. Soil Crop contamination through wastewater irrigation and options for risk reduction in developing countries. In (Dion, P ed) Soil Biology and Agriculture in the Tropics. Soil Biology, Vol 1. 350p. ISBN: 978-3-642-05075-6
Junge B., Abaidoo R., Chikoye D. & Stahr, K. (2008) Soil Conservation in Nigeria,West Africa: Literature Review of Past and Present Initiatives On-Station and On-Farm. Monograph published on the website of The Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS), (Accessed 21 October 2008)
Amoah, P., Abaidoo, R., and Drechsel, P. (2008). Sources of pathogen contamination in urban vegetable farms in Ghana. In: F.-R. Mahieu (Ed.) Agricultures et Développement Urbain en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre. Editions de L’Harmattan, collection "éthique économique”, p. 123-132.
Abaidoo R.C., Sanginga, N., Okogun, J.A., Kolawole, G.O., Diels, J., Tossah, B.K. (2007). Evaluation of soybean genotypes for variations in phosphorus use efficiency and their contribution of N and P to subsequent maize crop in three agroecological zones of West Africa. In Demand driven technologies for sustainable maize production in West and Central Africa: Proceedings of the fifth Biennial West and Central Africa Regional Maize Workshop. IITA-Cotonou, Benin, 3–6 May, 2005. WECAMAN/IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. 515pp
Yusuf A.A. Iwuafor, E.N.O., Olufajo, O.O., Abaidoo, R. C., Sanginga, N. (2007). Residual Benefits of Soybean Genotypes and Natural Fallow to Subsequent Maize the in Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. In Demand driven technologies for sustainable maize production in West and Central Africa: Proceedings of the fifth Biennial West and Central Africa Regional Maize Workshop. IITA-Cotonou, Benin, 3–6 May, 2005. WECAMAN/IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. 515pp
Abaidoo R.C., Okogun J.A., Kolawole G.O., Diels J., Randall P., Sanginga, N. (2007). Evaluation of cowpea genotypes for variations in their contribution of N and P to subsequent maize crop in three agro-ecological zones of West Africa. In Bationo, A; Waswa, B.; Kihara, J.; and Kimetu, J. (eds) Advances in integrated soil fertility management in sub Saharan Africa: challenges and opportunities. 1000 pp.
Saidou, A.K., Abaidoo, R.C., Singh, B.B., Iwuafor, E.N.O., Sanginga, N. (2007). Evaluation of cowpea genotypes for variations in their contribution of N and P to subsequent maize crop in three agro-ecological zones of West Africa. In Bationo, A; Waswa, B.; Kihara, J.; and Kimetu, J. (eds) Advances in integrated soil fertility management in sub Saharan Africa: challenges and opportunities. 1000 pp.
Manzoor Qadir (Coordinating lead author); Dennis Wichelns, Liqa Raschid-Sally, Paramjit Singh Minhas, Pay Drechsel, Akiça Bahri, and Peter McCornick (Lead authors); Robert Abaidoo, Fatma Attia, Samia El-Guindy, Jeroen H.J. Ensink, Blanca Jimenez, Jacob W. Kijne, Sasha Koo-Oshima, J.D. Oster, Lekan Oyebande, Juan Antonio Sagardoy, and Wim van der Hoek (Contributing authors) (2007). Agricultural use of marginal-quality water resources presents opportunities and challenges. In (M.Qadir ed.) Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. 2007. Water for Food, Water for Life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London: Earthscan and Colombo: International Water Management Institute"
Abaidoo R.C., S.K.A. Danso (editors) “Enhancing BNF research and application for food security and poverty alleviation in smallholder African farming communities, (2004) -Proceedings of African Association of Biological Nitrogen Fixation (AABNF) conference held in Accra, October 2002.
Ennin, S. A., Dapaah, K., Abaidoo, R.C. (2004). Nitrogen credits from cowpea, soybean, groundnut and Mucuna to maize in rotation. In Abaidoo R.C. and Danso S.K.A. (eds) Enhancing BNF research and application for food security and poverty alleviation in smallholder African farming communities, 2004-Proceedings of African Association of Biological Nitrogen Fixation (AABNF) conference held in Accra, October 2002.
Mensah, E., Amoah, P., Abaidoo, R. C., Drechsel, P. (2001). Environmental concerns or urban and peri-urban agriculture: Case studies from Accra and Kumasi. In (eds: P. Drechsel and D. Kunze) Waste Composting for Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture: Closing the Rural –Urban Nutrient Cycle in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cabi Publishing, UK.
Abaidoo, R.C, Keyser, H.H., Singleton, P.W., Borthakur, D. (2000). Genomic arrangement of nod gene sequences of Bradyrhizobium isolates from TGx. soybean genotypes in relation to Bradyrhizobium japonicum Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture 38: (Nitrogen Fixation: from Molecules to Crop Productivity) p.297.
Abaidoo, R.C., Keyser, H.H., Singleton, P.W., Borthakur, D. (1999). Distribution and characteristics of Bradyrhizobium spp. nodulating African soybeans. In Highlights of Nitrogen Fixation Research (ed. Martinez and Hernandez). Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. New York, 1999. pp 77-84.
Abaidoo, R.C., Akanwariwiak, G. (1994). Soil mineralizable N and indigenous rhizobia population as determinants of legume response to inoculation. In: (eds. M. Sadiki and H. Hilali) Recent Developments in Biological Nitrogen Fixation Research in Africa. IAV Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco
Abaidoo, R.C., Parwar, B., Sandoh, P., Opoku, A. and Akley, E.K. (2013). Soybean Recipes for a healthy life. International Institute of Tropical, Agriculture, Ibadan, 38pp.
On-farm practices for the safe use of wastewater in urban and peri-urban horticulture: A training handbook for farmer field schools. An FAO Publication, 2012/ (Robert Abaidoo coordinated the technical inputs of the various contributors and provided some technical information from the field tests)
Amoah, P., Keraita, B., Akple, M., Drechsel, P., Abaidoo, R.C., and Flemming Konradsen (2011). Low-Cost Options for Reducing Consumer Health Risks from Farm to Fork Where Crops Are Irrigated with Polluted Water in West Africa. International Water Management Institute. Colombo, Sri Lanka: 45p. (IWMI Research Report 141).doi: 10.5337/2011.201
Abaidoo, R., Kenane, C. Osei, B. Keriata, J. Akatse, A. Youdeowei, K.G. A. De Graft-Johnson (2010). Health-risk reduction options for vegetable production in urban and peri-urban areas: A handbook for farmer field schools.
Amoah, P., Keraita, B., Akple, M., Drechsel, P., Abaidoo, R.C., Konradsen, F., Bakang, J., Kranjac-Berisavljevic, G., Agyekum, W., Klutse, A., 2009. Safeguarding Public Health Concerns, Livelihoods and Productivity in Wastewater Irrigated Urban and Peri-urban Vegetable Farming. Kumasi, Ghana. doi:10.5337/2011.201
Edited conference papers/proceedings, edited abstracts, posters and others
Boahen, S., Chikoye, D., Tefera, H., Abaidoo, R., (2010) Growth and yield of determinate and indeterminate soybeans in Mozambique (abstract)
Abaidoo, R.C., Singh, B.B., Nwoke, C., Pypers, P., and Kolawole, G.O. (2007). Evaluation of shoot and root traits for identifying P-use efficient cowpea genotypes. Submitted to the symposium “Innovations as key to the green revolution in Africa: exploring the scientific facts” organized by TSBF/AfNet and SOFECSA at Arusha, Tanzania from 17-21 September 2007.
Abaidoo, R.C., Singh, B.B., Nwoke, C., Pypers, P., and Kolawole, G.O. (2007). Evaluation of shoot and root traits for identifying P-use efficient soybean genotypes; submitted for the symposium “Innovations as key to the green revolution in Africa: exploring the scientific facts” organized by TSBF/AfNet and SOFECSA at Arusha, Tanzania from 17-21 September 2007.
Dare, M. O., Abaidoo, R.C., Fagbola, O., Asiedu, R. (2007). Variability of yam (Dioscorea) genotypes in root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhiza in the yam belt of Nigeria. African Crop Science African Crop Sciences Proceedings, Vol. 8, El-Mina Egypt 27-31 October 2007
Oikeh, S.O., Houngnandan, P., Rahimou, I., Toure, A., Niang, Abaidoo, R.C., Inoussa, A. (2007) Integrated soil fertility management involving promiscuous dual-purpose soybean and upland NERICA enhanced rice productivity in the savannas; submitted to the symposium “Innovations as key to the green revolution in Africa: exploring the scientific facts” organized by TSBF/AfNet and SOFECSA at Arusha, Tanzania from 17-21 September 2007.
Nwoke, O.C., Abaidoo, R.C., G. Nziguheba, G., Diels, J. (2007) Residual effects of contrasting organic residues on maize growth and phosphorus accumulation over four cropping cycles in savanna soils; submitted to the symposium “Innovations as key to the green revolution in Africa: exploring the scientific facts” organized by TSBF/AfNet and SOFECSA at Arusha, Tanzania from 17-21 September 2007.
Nziguheba, G., Nwoke, C., Diels, J, Abaidoo, R., Merckx, R. (2007). Changes in soil organic matter and soil chemical properties in a 20-year experiment with annual organic inputs. Presented at International Symposium on Organic Matter Dynamic in Agroecosytems, Poitiers (France), 16-19 July 2007.
Junge, B., Deji, O., Abaidoo, R., Chikoye, D., Stahr, K. (2007). Assessment of past and present soil conservation initiatives in Nigeria, West Africa. Proceedings of Deutscher Tropentag (DTT), 9-11 October 2007, Witzenhausen/Germany,
Nziguheba G., Nwoke C., Diels J., Abaidoo R., Merckx R. (2007). Changes in soil organic matter and soil chemical properties in a 20-year experiment with annual organic inputs. Presented at International Symposium on Organic Matter Dynamic in Agroecosytems, Poitiers (France), 16-19 July 2007.
Drechsel, P., Keraita, B., Amoah, P. Abaidoo, R., Raschid Sally, L., Bahri, A. (2007). Reducing health risks from wastewater use in urban and peri-urban sub-Saharan Africa: Applying the 2006 WHO guidelines. Proceedings of the 6th IWA Specialist Conference on Wastewater reclamation and reuse for sustainability. Belgium, October 2007. (Award-winning paper)
Junge, B., Deji, O., Abaidoo, R., Chikoye, D., Stahr, K. (2007). Assessment of past and present soil conservation initiatives in Nigeria. Proceedings of Annual Conference of International Erosion control Association (IECA), Orlando/USA. 12 pp.
Junge, B., Deji, O., Abaidoo, R., Chikoye, D., Stahr, K. (2007). Soil conservation in Nigeria: Assessment of past and present initiatives. Proceedings of African Network for Soil Biology and Fertility (AfNet) of Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF), 17-21 September 2007, Arusha/Tanzania, CIAT. 20 pp.
Junge, B., Abaidoo, R.., Chikoye, D., Stahr, K. (2006). Measurement of soil erosion based on radionuclides in Ibadan, Nigeria. Proceedings of 31st Annual Conference of Soil Science Society of Nigeria. 13-17 November 2006, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. 8 pp).
Abaidoo, R.C., Nwoke, C., Nziguheba, G., Diels, J., Chikoye, D. (2006). Variations in biological nitrogen fixation and P use efficiency among cowpea and soybean genotypes in the West African moist savanna. First Research Co-ordination Meeting of the Coordinated Research Project on “Selection and Evaluation of Food (cereal and legume) Crops Tolerant to Low Nitrogen and Phosphorus Soils through the use of Isotopic and Nuclear-Related Techniques”, Vienna, Austria October 16 to 20, 2006.
Junge, B., Abaidoo, R., Chikoye, D., Stahr, K. (2006). Measurements of soil redistribution rates based on the radionuclides 137Cs, 210Pb, and 7Be in Nigeria, West Africa.
Junge, B., Abaidoo, R., Chikoye, D., Stahr, K. (2006). Soil Conservation options in the savanna of West Africa: new approaches to assess their potential. (for IITA Board viewing; August 2006).
Junge, B., Abaidoo, R., Chikoye, D., Alabi, T., Stahr, K. (2006). Monitoring of land use intensification and linkage to soil erosion in Nigeria and Benin, West Africa
Jemo, M., Frossard, E., Abaidoo, R., Jansa, J. (2006). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities under different land use in southern Cameroon. Mycorrhiza Conference, Zurich, June 2006.
Nwoke, C. Abaidoo, C., Nziguheba, G. (2006). Soil phosphorus availability in the moist savanna of West Africa, African Fertilizer Summit, Abuja, Nigeria (June 9-13, 2006).
Nwoke, C., Abaidoo, C., Nziguheba, G. (2006). Soil phosphorus availability in the moist savanna of West Africa , African Fertilizer Summit, Abuja, Nigeria (June 9-13, 2006)
Nziguheba, G., Abaidoo, R., Nwoke, C., Diels, J. (2006). Assessing nutrient deficiencies in the West African savanna. African Fertilizer Summit, Abuja, Nigeria (June 9-13, 2006).
Kamara, A. Menkir, A., Okogun, J.A., Nziguheba, G., Abaidoo, R. (2006). Improving productivity of maize in the West African savannas. 2006 African Fertilizer Summit, Abuja, Nigeria (June 9-13, 2006).
Chikoye, D., Abaidoo, R.C., Singh, B.B. (2005). Field evaluation of scepter and stomp for pre-emergence weed control in cowpea: probable effects on VAMF community structure and function, biological nitrogen fixation, and cowpea grain and fodder yields. 7th African Crop Science Society Conference, 5-9 December, 2005, Entebbe, Uganda. (Award-winning poster)
Nwoke, O.C., Diels, J., Abaidoo, R.C., Sanginga, N. (2005) Low phosphorus availability in West African moist savanna soils: effect of sparingly soluble P sources on the growth of soybean, cowpea and maize. Paper submitted for the African Crop Science Society Conference, 5-9 December, 2005, Entebbe, Uganda.
Abaidoo, R.C., Drechsel, P., Amoah, P., Keriata, B., Agyekum, W., Titiati, A. (2005). Minimizing health risks and improving system productivity in irrigated urban and per-urban vegetable farming for enhanced livelihoods. (CGIAR CPWF International Workshop on enhancing human and ecological well-beings in Africa through sustainable increases in water productivity. November 28th – December 1st, 2005).
Abaidoo, R.C., Kondrasen, F., Samuelsen, H., Henseler, M. (2005). The impact of waste water irrigation on human health and food safety among urban communities in the Volta Basin – opportunities and risks. (CGIAR CPWF International Workshop on enhancing human and ecological well-beings in Africa through sustainable increases in water productivity. November 28th – December 1st , 2005).
Abaidoo R.C., Diels, J., Chikoye, D., Minkir, A., Badu-Apraku, B. (2005). Providing farmers with tools to improve on the resilience of their production systems. (West and Central Africa Regional Maize Workshop, 3 - 6 May, 2005 at IITA-Cotonou, Calavi Station, Benin Republic).
Abaidoo R.C., Sanginga, N., Okogun, J.A., Kolawole, G.O., Diels, J., Tossah, B.K. (2005). Evaluation of soybean genotypes for variations in phosphorus use efficiency and their contribution of N and P to subsequent maize crop in three agroecological zones of West Africa (West and Central Africa Regional Maize Workshop 3 - 6 May, 2005 at IITA-Cotonou, Calavi Station, Benin Republic).
Yusuf, A.A., Iwuafor, E.N.O., Olufajo, O.O., Abaidoo, R.C., Sanginga, N. (2005). Residual benefits of soybean genotypes and natural fallow to subsequent maize the in northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria (West and Central Africa Regional Maize Workshop, 3 - 6 May, 2005 at IITA-Cotonou, Calavi Station, Benin Republic).
Abaidoo, R.C., Dercon, G., Diels, J., Fatokun, C., Kolawole, G., Nolte, C., Nwoke, C., Okogun, , Pypers, P., Randall, P., Singh, B.B., Sanginga, N. Vanlauwe, B., Tossah. B. (2004) Targeting efficient grain legumes: A sustainable soil fertility management tool for the dry and moist savannas? IITA Work Planning Week, Nov. 2004.
Diels, J., Abaidoo, , Pypers, P., Nwoke, C., Sanginga, N., Randall, P., Merckx, R. (2004). Selection for phosphorous use efficiency in grain legumes for the West-African savanna. Final Research Co-ordination meeting of the Co-ordinated Research Project on ‘Development of Management Practices for Sustainable Crop Production Systems on Tropical Acid Soils through the use of Nuclear and Related techniques”. Vienna, 15-19 November 2004.
Amoah, P., Drechsel, P., Abaidoo, R.C., Obuobie, E. (2004). Vegetable irrigation with low- quality water in West Africa: Risk factors and risk elimination. Paper presented at the International Workshop on Management of Poor Quality Waters for Irrigation: Institutional, Health & Environmental Aspects in Moscow, September 9-10, 2004
Jemo, M., Nolte, C., Abaidoo, , Tchienkoua, M., Horst, W.J. (2004). Genotypic differences in P efficiency and N2 fixation of soybean as affected by P source and soil status in Southern Cameroon. International Conference on Plant and Soil Interaction at Low pH (PSILPH), at Sendai, Japan 1-5 August 2004.
Abaidoo, R.C., Randall, P.J., Sanginga, N., Okogun, J., Kolawole, G.O., Diels, J. (2004). Evaluation of cowpea genotypes for variations in phosphorus (P) use efficiency, N2 fixation traits, and N, and P contribution to a subsequent maize crop in three agroecological zones of West Africa. International AfNet Meeting held in Cameroon, April 2004.
Abaidoo, R.C., Randall, P.J., Sanginga, N., Okogun, J., Kolawole, G.O., Diels, J. (2004). Variation for phosphorus (P) efficiency and response in cowpea and soybean and attempts to identify possible mechanisms involved. Presentation made by R. C. Abaidoo at the International AfNet Meeting held in Cameroon, April 2004.
Saidou, A.K., Singh B.B., Abaidoo, C., Iwuafor, E.N.O., Sanginga, N. (2004). Variability of cowpea breeding lines to low phosphorus tolerance and response to external application of phosphorus in the Sahel and Sudan savannas of West Africa. Presentation made by A.K. Saidou at the International AfNet Meeting held in Cameroon, April 2004.
Kamara, A.Y., Menkir, A., Kureh, I., Okogun, J.A., Abaidoo, C., Franke, A.C., Sanginga, N. (2004). Resilient crops in the cereal-legume production systems of the dry and moist savannas of West and Central Africa. Presentation by A.Y. Kamara at the International AfNet meeting held in Cameroon, April 2004. (Award-winning poster)
Abaidoo, R.C. (2004). P cycling in cowpea, and soybean/maize rotation systems in the moist and derived savanna. Presentation at ACIAR-IITA end-of–project workshop-IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, 6-7 February 2004
Abaidoo, R.C. (2004). Intra-specific variation within cowpea and soybean genotypes in P acquisition in low P soils of moist and derived savannas. Presentation at ACIAR-IITA end-of–project workshop-IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, 6-7 February 2004.
Abaidoo, R.C. (2004). Overview of Phosphorus studies in the BNMS and ACIAR projects. Presentation at BNMS Planning Workshop at ITRA - Kpalimé (Togo), 2-4 February 2004.
Abaidoo, R.C. (2003). Improving phosphorus availability in cropping systems in sub-Saharan Africa. Paper presented at a Workshop sponsored by the International Atomic Energy Agency, “Development of Management Practices for Sustainable Crop Production Systems on Tropical Acid Soils Through the Use of Nuclear and Related Techniques” 18 - 22 August 2003, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Abaidoo R.C., Carsky R.J., Danso S.K.A., Fening J., Giller K., Gueye M., Kahindi J.H.P., Mpepereki S., Osunde A., Sanginga N.( Convener), Schulz S., Vanlauwe B., and Woomer P. (2001). Medium-term plan on Collaborative Research Initiative on Biological Nitrogen Fixation for African African Agriculture February 19-23, 2001, University of Ghana Legon, Accra, Ghana.
Drechsel, P., Amoah, P. Cofie, O.O., Abaidoo, R.C. (2000). Increasing use of poultry manure in Ghana: Is farmers’ race consumers’ fate? Urban Agric. Magazine. 1 (2): 25-27.
Abaidoo, R.C, and Ofosu Asiedu, A. (1989). Symbiotic plant associations in soil management for wood fuel production. Fourth National Energy Symposium. UST, Kumasi, Ghana. November, 20-24, 1989.
Abaidoo, R.C, and Ofosu Asiedu, A. (1989). Root symbiosis in soil resource management. Soil Sci. Soc. of Ghana Symposium. University of Ghana, Legon. November, 24-25. 1989.