Prof. Robert Clement Abaidoo


Dept: Theoretical and Applied Biology
Dept.of Theoretical and Applied Biology
College of Science, KNUST

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Research Areas/Interests

Safe water for Food Integrated Soil Fertility Management Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Tropical Legumes Understanding and Developing Climate Smart A...~more

My full CV


  1. 2017-2022: Building Stronger Universities (BSU I) Universities of Denmark and KNUST Collaboration (Successful)



Xenobiotic substances and heavy metals in the environment – a threat to health, ecosystems and development in Ghana Proposal submitted to Danida with Dr. Godfred Darko as main applicant (under evaluation)



2014-2017: Building Stronger Universities (BSU I) Universities of Denmark and KNUST Collaboration (Successful)

Building Stronger Universities (BSU I) Universities of Denmark and KNUST Collaboration (Successful)


Sustainable sanitation solutions (SUSA)-Ghana 2011 (Successful);


Safe Water for Food 2011 (Successful); DKK9.7m

Enhancing the performance and growth potential of street-food vending for accelerated socio-economic development in Ghana (Ghana-Denmark 2011 Pilot Research Cooperation Programme) (Successful); 4,981,499 DKK


Putting nitrogen fixation to work in smallholder African farms (Project implementation in 8 African countries, 2010 (Successful);

AGRA-KNUST Soil Science PhD study programme for West Africa at KNUST, 2010 (Successful)


Programme for Improving Livelihoods in Rural West and Central Africa through Productive and Competitive Yam Systems - Phase II 2010 (Successful)

Enabling environment for accelerated sanitation and hygiene uptake in Ghana: Lessons from DANIDA supported projects, 2010 (Successful)

Strengthening capacity for Yam Research for Development in Central and West Africa, 2010 (Successful)

Unleashing the Power of Cassava in Africa in response to the Food Price Crisis, 2009 (Successful)


Appropriate Postharvest technology Planning Project, Dept of Horticulture, KNUST, 2009 (Successful)


Evaluation and scaling up new chemical and biological commercial products for improving and sustaining crop yields in selected agro-ecological zones in sub- Saharan Africa, 2008 (Successful)


MSc Training in Plant Breeding and Seed Science in West Africa, Cohort 1, 2, and 3 (2008-2010) (Successful)

CORAF/WECARD – SCARDA MSc study programme at KNUST for Gambian and Ghanaian students, 2008 (Successful)

On-farm evaluation of soil fertility imporvement in cereal-legume crop rotations with in-situ produced organic matter submitted to Belgian International Cooperation, 2008 (Successful)

Concept note and the full proposal submitted by the Sudan Savanna Task Force for SSA-Challenge Program, 2008 (Successful),


Network for the development of Sustainable approaches for large Scale Implementation of Sanitation in Africa” funded by EU in 2006 (Successful).

KNUST-led project on “Evaluation of non-treatment options for maximizing public health benefits of WHO guidelines governing the use of wastewater in urban vegetable production in Ghana” funded by FAO/WHO/IDRC in 2007 (Successful).

IITA research opportunity grant on new approaches to assess the potential of soil conservation options in the savanna of West Africa, 2006 (Successful)

A proposal for additional funding for the BMZ-Project “Soil conservation options in the savanna of West Africa, 2006 (Successful)


Balancing livestock needs and soil conservation: Assessment of Opportunities in Intensifying Cereal-Legume-Livestock Systems in West Africa 2006, (Successful)

Concept note on “Community-based promotion of integrated Striga management practices in maize to enhance food security in the West African savanna” which was submitted to BMZ, 2005 (Successful);

University of Copenhagen-led project on “The Impact of Waste Water Irrigation on Human Health and Food Safety among Urban Communities in the Volta Basin – Opportunities and Risks” funded by CPWF in 2005 (Successful)

KNUST-led Project “Safeguarding Public Health Concerns, Livelihoods and Productivity in Wastewater Irrigated urban and Peri-urban Vegetable Farming in Ghana and Burkina Faso” funded by Challenge Program for Water and Food (CPWF), International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Sri Lanka in 2004 (Successful) ($360,000)

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