Prof. Marcel Tunkumgnen Bayor


Dept: Pharmaceutics
Department of Pharmaceutics
KNUST, Kumasi

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Research Areas/Interests

GENERAL RESEARCH INTEREST:  Scientific investigations into plant medicines with especially, anticancer, antimalarial and or antimicrobial act...~more

My full CV

Positions Held & Hold

  • Director, Institute of Traditional and Alternative Medicine (ITAM), UHAS, Ho; September, 2019 – July 2021.


  • Member, Business and Executive Committee, UHAS, Ho; September, 2019 – July 2021.


  • Member, Academic Board, UHAS, Ho; September, 2019 – July 2021.


  • Member, Academic Planning and Management Committee (APMC), UHAS, Ho; September, 2019 – July 2021.


  • Member, School Board, School of Medicine, UHAS, Ho; January 2021.


  • Member, School Board, School of Sports and Exercise Medicine, UHAS, Ho; February 2021.


Head, Department of Pharmaceutics, KNUST; August 2016 – September 2019.

Chairman, Department of Pharmaceutics Board, August 2016 – September 2019.

Member, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Board, August 2014 – Present.  

Member, College of Health Sciences Board, August 2016 – 2019.

Chairman, University Standing Committee on University Teaching Skills, KNUST, 2017 – 2019.

Chairman, College QAPU Sub-Committee, CHS, KNUST, September 2016 – September 2019.

Chairman, Departmental Strategic Plan Development Committee, Department of Pharmaceutics, August 2016.

Chairman, Faculty Strategic Plan Development Committee, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, January, 2017.

Chairman, College Strategic Plan Development Committee, College of Health Sciences, KNUST, January, 2017.

Patron, Production Unit Committee, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, May 2017 – 2019.

Member, Committee to Self-evaluate KNUST for Institutional Accreditation, February, 2017.

External Examiner, Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ho, Ghana (April 2019)

Member, Committee to Complete Institutional Evaluation of KNUST for HAQAA Initiative African Quality Rating Mechanism (AQRM), April, 2017.

Faculty Representative, Senior Members/Senior Staff Housing Committee, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana; October 1, 2009.

Seminars Coordinator, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana; October 1, 2010 – August 2015.

Member, Technical Advisory Committee on Safety of Medicines, Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), Ghana; December, 2015 – Present.

Industrial Representative, Panel for FDA-Ghana, Training of Pharmacovigilance Persons for Pharmaceutical Industries in Ghana, Accra; dates.

KNUST Representative on the Academic Board, Madina Institute of Science and Technology, Accra; August 2016 – Present.

Council Member, Madina Institute of Science and Technology, Accra; August 2016 – Present.

Member, Appointments and Promotions Committee, Madina Institute of Science and Technology, Accra; August 2016 – Present.

Member, Admissions Committee, Madina Institute of Science and Technology, Accra; August 2016 – Present.

Member, Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Committee, Pharmacy Council of Ghana; October, 2015 – Present.

Chairman; Academic, Social and Research Pharmacists Association (ASRPA); Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana (PSGH); September, 2015 – Present.

Member, National Governing Board, Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana (PSGH); September, 2015 – Present.

Member, Disciplinary Committee, Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana (PSGH); September, 2017 – Present.

External Reviewer for Academic Staff Promotion, University of Ghana, Legon; (April 2019) & Wa Polytechnic, Wa; June, 2017.

External Reviewer for peer-reviewed journals, including; Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy; Journal of African Health Sciences; International Journal of Agriculture and Biology; International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Journal of Pharmaceutics (2010 – date)


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