Prof. (Mrs.) Esi Awuah

Part Time Professor

Dept: Civil Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering, KNUST

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Research Areas/Interests

Water supply and sanitation services delivery   Natural treatment systems for water and wastewater   Faecal sludge management Environme...~more

Grants/Funds Awarded

  1. 2019- Collaboration for the Development of a research hub 25million British Pounds in collaboration with UK University  for KNUST Facilitator in Ghana.
  2. 2014-2016 South to South Collaboration on Climate Change Mitigation Solar Installations for Public Universities and Small Communities- Chinese Government. $2.2million                                                                                                                
  3. UENR Auditorium Complex Bank of Ghana.  GHC   10million
  4. 2011 to 2016 Capacity building in sanitation for the urban poor by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with UNESCO-IHE Netherlands and 6 other Institutions. $8.5million                                                                                                                                                                     
  5. 2011 to 2016 EHELD project for capacity building for Liberia Universities in Collaboration with Rutgers University and RTI Washington DC Member Proposal development team.  $18 million                                                                           
  6. 2010 to 2013 CapWa EU project for water vapour capturing and energy conservation in industries         €63,000 
  7. 2009 to 2014 Director of the African SNOWS Project (Development of  proposal for capacity building in environmental health, water supply and sanitation for 9 Universities- 3 European and 7 African Universities) for a grant of  £1 million from Wellcome Trust UK      
  8. 2006-2010 SWITCH Project involving 32 institutions and 14 countries -Project co-ordinator in Ghana     (Total budget for 32 Institutions €13 Million). KNUST budget €250,000
  9. 2006-to 2008 TALIF Steering Committee representative from the College of Engineering. $1.5million                  
  10. 2005-2008 World Bank Road and Transportation Engineering Project. 
  11.         Project Director as Head of Department.  $1.85 million
  12. 2005-2007 Faecal Sludge Treatment   EAWAG/SANDEC/IWMI Proposal development and PhD Project Supervisor. $20,000
  13. 2004-2008 NUFFIC capacity building project in water resources and environmental sanitation -Project Director and Resource person. $1.8million   
  14. 2002 to date Partnership of water education and research (PoWER). Technical committee activities and proposal developments students supervision (Project involves several countries and Institutions).$120,000  
  15. 1996-2000 IHE capacity building in water and sanitation through the SAIL Foundation -Proposal development and resource person for training programs.   $1.5million
  16. 1994-1996 African Development Fund, Washington DC. For training artisans in VIP latrine construction. $25,000.00
  17. 1991-1997 Central State University/USAID linkage project on environmental assessment and water resources studies- Leader of water quality and Environmental team $500,000                                          
  18. 1991-1995 DANIDA Water and Sanitation Projects. Proposal development/Resource Person; Materials Development and training in the Volta Region of Ghana  $1 million
  19. 1990-1992 International Foundation of Science (Sweden) Composting of solid waste for agricultural purposes Principal Investigator. $5,000.00
  20. 1987-1992 UNDP/World Bank Project on water and sanitation capacity building. TNC, KNUST. Proposal writing and resource person for training programs.$6.3 million
  21. 1986-1996 Ministry of Health Ghana- Diploma training course for environmental health technologists, Course co-ordinator.  $50,000.00

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