Prof. Eric Fosu Oteng-Abayie


Dept: Economics
Department of Economics
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi

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Research Areas/Interests

Energy and enviornmental sustainability; international economics; global value chain analysis; macro-fiscal policy; development microeconomics...~more

My full CV


Professor Oteng-Abayie is a Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics at KNUST, Ghana. He has experience in teaching, research, and management consulting since 2005. I have published articles in the areas of international economics, growth and development, macroeconomics, taxation, financial institutions, productivity and efficiency, energy economics, and quantitative research methods among others. My current research focuses on aspects of international economics,  economic growth and development, energy, and macro-fiscal policy.

As a professor, I teach international economics, intermediate microeconomics, research methods in economics, energy economics and investment, and managerial economics. I have supervised and examined many theses (BA, BSc, BBA, MSc, MPhil, and PhD).

I was the Head of the Business School at Garden City University College, Kumasi, until April 2008. I am a chair and member to several committees in higher education, including curriculum development, online learning management systems (LMS) and technologies, and institutional and programmes accreditation. I serve the Ghana Technical Education Commission (GTEC), formally the National Accreditation Board (NAB), as a subject matter expert in Economics and Business.

I have benefited from research and training grants from Ghana Statistical Services (GSS), IGC-LSE, GOGGIG-MOF, African Research Excellence Fund, Ubuntu Mobility Fund, and KReF, among others. 

I have also provided technical services to the Ministry of Finance (Tax Policy Unit, GOGGIG), Ministry of Energy, African Centre for Economic Transformation (ACET), GIZ, DFID, Tax Justice Coalition, OSIWA, GHAMFIN, ARB APEX Bank, Rural Banks, BSU, Energy Centre-KNUST, and Economic Commission of Africa (UNECA), among others.


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