Dr. (Mrs.) Akosua Mawuse Amankwah

Senior Lecturer

Dept: Industrial Art
Faculty of Art

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Research Areas/Interests

Effective collaboration between Textiles and Fashion Industries in Ghana towards product development in global competitive market place; sustainable d...~more

My full CV


Akosua Mawuse Amankwah is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Industrial Art, Faulty of Art, of the College of Art and Built Environment (CABE)- Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Tecknology (KNUST) Kumasi Ghana. She holds a Bachelor of Art in Textiles (2001), a Master of Design in Professiional Design for Textiles and Fashion (MDES) from Heriot Watt Universit, Edinburgh (2007) and a PhD in Fashion Design Technology from KNUST (2023). She facilitates Design and Marketing related courses in undergraduate and post graduate programs in her Department. Her research interest is in Ghana Fashion Industry Sustainability particularly in the area of Circular Fashion.  she is a menber of the University Teachears Aassociation of Ghana (UTAG); The Institute of Textiles and Fashion Professionals, Ghana (ITFPG); the International Learning Network on Sustainability (LeNS); and an Outreach Member of the International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes (IFFTI). 

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