Dr. Amos Mensah

Senior Lecturer

Dept: Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness and Extension
NCB-Ground Floor, Room 1

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Research Areas/Interests

SPECIALIZATION: RESEARCH & TEACHING Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (Efficiency and Productivity Measurement) Agribusiness an...~more

My full CV


Dr. Amos Mensah

Current address

KNUST-Kumasi, Ghana

Dept of Agric. Economics, Agribusiness and Extension

Email: amensah@knust.edu.gh

Skype: ghanaba-amos       

Permanent address

Post Office Box KF 2509

Koforidua, Ghana

Email: mensahamos@yahoo.co.uk

Email: ghanaba.amos@gmail.com



Dr. Amos Mensah is currently a lecturer at the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources of KNUST, Ghana. He has over 15 years of professional experience in the agriculture sector, working as a consultant, researcher, and public advocate for policy improvement geared towards inclusive rural development. He is an experienced and seasoned Agricultural Economist with special skills in Efficiency and Productivity analysis along agricultural value chains. Dr. Mensah’s varied competencies (in academic, research, policy, and social engagements) have enabled him to work across different sectors locally and internationally. He has a good understanding of the agricultural sector and its development challenges in Africa, (such as those affecting technology adoptions, dissemination, and their impact on technical areas of agricultural productivity, nutrition, poverty alleviation, and income generation in rural areas). He holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from the Georg-August University Göttingen in Germany. He also graduated with a Master of Science degree with a specialization in Tropical and International Agriculture from the same university. Prior to these, he graduated with Bachelor of Science Honours (B.Sc. Hons.) degrees in agriculture from KNUST, Ghana.

 Past and current works of Dr. Mensah demonstrate his knowledge of the varied issues affecting African agricultural development, agricultural research, education, science, and technology. His recent publications (both pear reviewed and blog posts) highlight his deep knowledge and expertise in these areas. In all his writings, he has demonstrated the important linkage between the areas of productivity growth and practical policy reforms to stimulate job creation and poverty alleviation in an agrarian economy like Ghana. Dr. Mensah has strong econometric modeling skills in analyzing complex development policy scenarios as well as being able to communicate clearly results to both academic and non-academic stakeholders. His background in agriculture and economics makes him an expert in all key dimensions of agriculture and its related development issues. He is therefore highly skilled and experienced in agriculture & agribusiness value chain analysis, project development, and development of agricultural business models through various short courses undertaken and practical experience of assisting various agencies to develop agricultural projects and business models.


  • Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (Efficiency and Productivity Measurement)
  • Agribusiness and Agricultural marketing systems (Value Chain Improvement and Analysis)
  • Analysis of Development Policies on Rural Welfare (Poverty, Equality and Empowerment)
  • Production Economics and Farm Management (Farm-level Risk in Agricultural Production)
  • Water Scarcity and Global Climate Change (Diminishing Returns in Agricultural Production)
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods (Survey Design, Monitoring and Evaluation)
  • Climate Change, Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies on Farm Output and Productivity


PUBLICATIONS (Peer Reviewed Journals)

  • D. Thesis “Performance of the Fruit Crop Industry in Ghana: Empirical Results and Policy Implications” at SUB-Göttingen-eDiss and in GAUSS. This research focuses on the estimation of technical inefficiency and technology gaps effects in the Ghanaian fruit crop industry. The methodological framework is based on the stochastic production frontier analysis approach with extension to multiple outputs. Special attention is directed at the impact of policy changes on farm households in rural areas. The linkage between the areas of productivity growth and policy reform in an export market-oriented industry is at the core of the research agenda. http://ediss.uni-goettingen.de/handle/11858/00-1735-0000-0023-995C-0


  • Profit efficiency among maize farmers and implications for poverty alleviation and food security in Ghana. Paper published by Scientific African (ScienceDirect). Received 22 January 2019, Revised 7 September 2019, Accepted 10 October 2019, Available online 15 October 2019. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468227619307677
  • Drivers of Technical Efficiency and Technology gaps in Ghana’s Mango Production Sector: a Stochastic Metafrontier Approach. A paper published by the African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (AfJARE). Vol. 11, No 2, June 2016.




  • Determinants of MD2 Adoption, Production Efficiency and Technology Gaps in the Ghanaian Pineapple Production Sector. A paper published by the Ghana Journal of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (GJAEAB). Vol. 1, No 1, August 2018.



  • Mensah Amos., Asiedu Edward., Kleemann Linda (2016)

Ghana Baseline Report on Green Innovation Centers for the Agriculture and Food Sector Program Submitted to GIZ – Germany/GIC- Accra Ghana.



  • Measuring Peasant Productivity: the case of Ghana Maize Sector
  • Rice Production In Ghana: Bottlenecks and Scope for Improvements
  • Roadside Agribusinesses, Household Income, and Poverty: Insights from Ghana
  • Farmers Participation in Micro-credit Schemes, Production Technology, and Efficiency
  • Economic Analysis of Small-scale Agribusinesses in Tanzania: Challenges and Scope for Improvements
  • Farmers Access to Credit and its Impact on Agricultural Technology Adoption in Indonesia.


Online Articles on Agricultural Development & Policy Issues

  • Rice Production in Ghana: Bottlenecks and Scope for Improvements (Wednesday, 18 May 2016 07:57, Ghana Talks Business)


  • Resuscitating Ghana Economy: The Role of Enhancing Agricultural Productivity (Monday, 08 February 2016 12:18, Ghana Talks Business)


  • Turning waste to Gold: a Sustainable Green Growth Approach to Tackle Ghana’s Waste Problems (July 15, 2016. Editor's Pick the LEAD Special)





  • Amos Mensah. “Panel Discussant – Agricultural Finance and Markets: Options for Agribusiness Development in Ghana”. The 3nd GAAE conference: “Sustainable Agriculture for National Development: Finance, Markets, and Job Creation” 23rd – 26th July 2019. ISSER Conference Facility, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana.
  • Amos Mensah. “Chair-Person, GAAE Middle Zone Local Organizing Committee (LOC)”. The 2nd GAAE conference: “GHANA’S AGRICULTURE, FOOD SECURITY and JOB CREATION” 8th – 11th August 2018. KNUST - IDL Conference Centre, Kumasi Ghana.
  • Amos Mensah and Bernhard Brümmer. “Determinants of MD2 Adoption, Production Efficiency and Technology Gaps in the Ghanaian Pineapple Production Sector”. The 1st GAAE conference: “SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION and AGRIBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT for FOOD and JOBS: POSSIBILITIES and REALITIES” 27th – 29th September 2017. UDS International Conference Centre, Tamale Ghana. (Oral Presentation)
  • Amos Mensah and Bernhard Brümmer. “A multi-output production efficiency analysis of commercial banana farmers in the Volta Region of Ghana: A stochastic distance function approach”. The 5th AAAE conference: “TRANSFORMING SMALLHOLDER AGRICULTURE IN AFRICA: THE ROLE OF POLICY AND GOVERNANCE” 23 – 26 September 2016. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. (Oral Presentation)
  • Amos Mensah and Bernhard Brümmer. “Determinants of MD2 Adoption, Production Efficiency and Technology Gaps in the Ghanaian Pineapple Production Sector”. The 29th ICAE conference: “AGRICULTURE IN AN INTERCONNECTED WORLD” 8 – 14 August 2015. Milan, Italy. (Oral Presentation)
  • Panelist (Expert Discussant) “Symposium – Productivity and Efficiency of Organic Farms” at the 29th ICAE conference: “AGRICULTURE IN AN INTERCONNECTED WORLD” 8 – 14 August 2015. Milan, Italy.
  • Amos Mensah and Bernhard Brümmer. “Determinants of MD2 Adoption, Production Efficiency and Technology Gaps in the Ghanaian Pineapple Production Sector”. The 14th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. 15-18 June 2015. Grand Marina Congress Center, Helsinki, Finland (Oral Presentation).
  • Scientific/Expert reviewer for the 29th ICAE conference: “AGRICULTURE IN AN INTERCONNECTED WORLD”, 8 – 14 August 2015. Milan, Italy.
  • Amos Mensah. Regional DAAD-Alumni Conference in cooperation with WACCI and ISSER: A World without Hunger - Food Security, Agriculture and Economic Aspects. 23rd September 2015. ISSER Conference Room, Campus University of Legon. (Oral presentation, Expert discussant, Expert group moderation on the topic “A World without Hunger: The Role of Smart Agriculture”)
  • Reviewer and Presenter at the Georg-August-Universität, Fakultät für Agrarwissenshaften, Department für Agrarökonomie und Rurale Entwicklung (DARE), Doktorandenseminar. 2012 – 2014. Göttingen, Germany.



Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics (Dr. Sc. Agr.).

Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development.


Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Germany


Agricultural Economics (Impact Evaluation, Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Agricultural Market Analysis, and Rural Development Economics).

 Research topic:

Performance of the Fruit Crop Industry in Ghana: Empirical Results and  Policy Implications


Master of Science (M.Sc.): Tropical and International Agriculture.


Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Germany


Socioeconomics of Rural Development and Policy Analysis.

 Research topic:

Farmers’ Participation in Credit Markets and its Impact on Adoption of Agricultural Technology in Central Sulawesi-Indonesia.      


Bachelor of Science (Honours): Agriculture.


Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi, Ghana.


Plant breeding and Agronomy.

 Research topic:

Evaluation of F2 and F3 Generations of an Inter-specific cross of Tomato (i.e. L. Pimpinellifolium (CH) * NR46).    


Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSSC)


Pope John Secondary School, Koforidua - Ghana.



Oct. 2016 -  To Date

Lecturer, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness & Extension


  • Teaching (undergraduate and graduate students)
  • Research
  • Community Service

Oct. 2016 – Dec. 2016

Consultant (Team member): Concern Universal. Evaluation Study for the Sorghum Sub-Sector in Ghana


  • Data Analyst
  • Assessing the Economic Impact of the Project
  • Identification of Project Overlays

Nov. 2015 – 30.04.2016 

Consultant (National Expert): GIZ Multi-Country Baseline Study: Innovation Centers for Agricultural and Food Sector – Ghana Green Innovation Center.


  • Training and supervision of enumerators (using CAPI)
  • Steering field data collection activities (quantitative data collection)
  • Implementation of Focus Group Discussion across study regions (qualitative data collection)
  • Writing of progress report to national and international partners/donors (GIZ, GFA)
  • Writing and presentation of the country report to GIZ and MoFA

Nov. 2014 – Oct. 2016

Post-Doc Research Fellow. Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development. Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Germany


Conduct Research. Teaching Assistants. Supervision of thesis and seminar work of Bachelor and Master students


Doctoral research fellow (Ph.D. research). Student research assistant.

Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany.


Conduct Ph.D. Research. Teaching Assistants. Supervision of thesis and seminar work of Bachelor and Master students

2004 - 2010

Strategy Analyst

Puk-Mini-Car Gmbh. Göttingen, Germany


Build spreadsheets (internal data collection) and models to provide analysis of company performance trends and analysis of strategies and policies for the long-term development of the company

2001 – 2002

Assistant Administrative Manager


Prince Boateng Memorial School, Nsawam-Ghana


Assisting the General manager in the day to day running of the school, and specifically responsible for the welfare of student, teaching and non-teaching staff


National Service. Brentu Secondary & Technical School (B.S.T.S) Enchi-Ghana.


1) Tutor for Biology, Agricultural Science and General Science.


2) Head, Agric Project Committee


3) Head, Environment and Sanitation Committee


4) Chairman of the school electoral commission

  • Founded an HIV-AIDS awareness and education club; responsible for educating the student population and the surrounding villages about the facts of aids and prevention methods. This club is still active up to date.



Internship - Agronomy, Bonsu Cocoa Research Institute. Bonsu-Ghana



  • August 208 – To date: General Secretary. Ghana Association of Agricultural Economists (GAAE)
  • July 23rd – 26th, 2019. Secretary, GAAE Communiqué Drafting Committee. The 3nd GAAE conference: “Sustainable Agriculture for National Development: Finance, Markets and Job Creation” 23rd – 26th July 2019. ISSER Conference Facility, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana.
  • August – To date: Collage of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) representative – Student Financial Services Committee. KNUST Ghana.
  • 2016 – To date: Member of the Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness and Extension Research & Development Committee. CANR. KNUST Ghana.
  • 2016 – To date: Hall Fellowship, Independence Hall. KNUST Ghana.
  • 2016 – To date: Academic Tutor, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness and Extension. CANR. KNUST Ghana.
  • 2017 – To date: Coordinator for the Graduate Programme - Sustainable Integrated Rural Development in Africa (SIRDA). CANR. KNUST Ghana.
  • January 2018 – August 2018: Chairman of the Local Organising Committee (LOC). The 2nd GAAE conference: “GHANA’S AGRICULTURE, FOOD SECURITY and JOB CREATION” 8th – 11th August 2018. KNUST - IDL Conference Centre, Kumasi Ghana
  • January 2018 – To Date: Associate Editor, Ghana Journal of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (GJAEAB). Ghana.
  • August 2018 – To Date: Examination Officer, Department Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness and Extension, CANR. KNUST Ghana.
  • August 2018 – To Date: Skilled Helper & Member of the CANR Counseling Team, KNUST. Kumasi Ghana.
  • August 2018 – To Date: General Secretary, Ghana Association of Agricultural Economist (GAAE). Ghana.
  • January 2018 – To Date: Patron & Funding Member, Ghana Association of Sustainable and Integrated Development, KNUST Chapter.


  • Excellent reading and writing skills of English (official working language in Ghana)
  • Excellent reading and writing skills of German
  • Four other Ghanaian languages (Ga, Ashanti, Krobo and Fanti)


  • Excellent working knowledge of all Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
  • Statistical software (STATA, SPSS, OxMetrics and R)
  • Internet, Cloud service, Email and Social network applications




Outstanding Editorial Board Member



Ghana Association of Agricultural Students (GAAS), University of Science and Technology (UST) Kumasi–Ghana.


Active Member (GAAS-UST)


Ghana Association of Agricultural Students (GAAS), University of Science and Technology (UST) Kumasi–Ghana.



Devoted Member. Transport and Evangelism Committee. Pentecost Students and Associates (PENSA-UST).



  • Able to work with a culturally diverse group of people and working in a team.
  • Able to organize and plan effectively with good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to work long hours and under intense pressure to meet deadlines.
  • Flexibility and Willingness to travel extensively
  • Practical experience (expert knowledge) in designing and administering field survey questionnaires to capture all the relevant variables needed for a comprehensive baseline survey (study/analysis).



  • International Association of Agricultural Economist (IAAE)
  • European Association of Agricultural Economist (EAAE)
  • African Association of Agricultural Economist (AAAE)
  • Ghana Association of Agricultural Economist (GAAE)
  • University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG)



Contact person for Ghanaian and African students who wish to study at Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany. I provide such prospective students with information and advisory service concerning living and studying in Göttingen from an African point of view and helping them to integrate quickly in the German university system when they arrive.



Listening to music, playing football, swimming, jogging and working out at the gym




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