Mr. Collins Atta Poku


Dept: Nursing
Private Mail Bag, UPO, Department of Nursing, College of Health Science, KNUST

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Research Areas/Interests

Nursing Management and Administration Health Workforce Patient Safety Professional Practice Environment Patient outcomes Nursing Job Outcomes (Job Sa...~more

My full CV

Research Projects (Current and Past)

  1. Poku, C.A., Donkor, E. & Naab, F. Determinants of emotional exhaustion among the nursing workforce in urban Ghana: a cross-sectional study. BMC Nursing 19, 116 (2020).
  2. Influence of Professional Practice Environment and Burnout on Job Satisfaction among nurses in Ghana – Published - IJRDO - Journal of Health Sciences and Nursing (ISSN: 2456-298X)
  3. Impact of Professional Practice Environment and burnout on nurses’ intention to leave a job – Under Review (International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences)
  4. The impact of “Regenerative health” in the prevention of communicable diseases at Kumasi Metropolis (BSc Nursing Thesis)
  5. The role of traditional medicine in the health care delivery of Ghana (Diploma in Nursing Dissertation)

The Work-related Quality of Nurses and turnover intentions of nurses in the COVID-19 era

Nursing Workforce Retention in Rural Ghana: Evaluating Implementation Policy of Rural Incentives

Work-related challenges and the coping strategies used by nurses in the SAR-COV2 pandemic: Scoping review

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