Dr. Kwabena Boateng


Dept: Sociology and Social Work
c/o Dr Kwabena Boateng, Department of Sociology & Social Work, KNUST, Kumasi-Ghana

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Research Areas/Interests

Community Development, Chieftaincy/Traditional Leadership, Local Governance...~more


    Afranie, S., Boateng, K. & Akotey, M.K. (2023). Partnership Modalities for Traditional Leaders and Local Government Authorities in Ghana: The Prospects and Challenges, Asian Development Perspective 14(2):83-95 https://doi.org/10.22681/ADP.2023.14.2.26

    Afranie, S., Mohammed, I., & Boateng, K. (2022). Social Protection Schemes for Children in Ghana. In Tonah, S. (ed.) Marriage and Family Structure in Contemporary Ghana (pp. 451-474). Woeli Publishing Services.

    Boateng, K., & Tete Larbi, R. (2021). Collaboration between Chiefs and Local Government Actors in Combating Climate Change: Evidence from New Juaben, Ghana Kwabena, Contemporary Journal of African Studies 8 (2), 25-41. https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/contjas.v8i2.3


    Boateng, K., & Afranie, S. (2021). Capacity Development Approaches for Chiefs and Local Government Authorities: The Case of the Royal Academy. UDS International Journal of Development, 8(1): 501-513.


    Akotey, M.K & Boateng, K. (2021). Local Government Public Accountability in Ghana: A Case Study of Selected Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies. Asian Development Perspective, 12(1):32-45. https://doi.org/10.22681/ADP.2021.12.1.32


    Boateng, K., & Bawole, J.N. (2021). Are two heads better than one? Challenges and prospects of chiefs and local government collaborative community development in Ghana. Community Development, 1-19 https://doi.org/10.1080/15575330.2021.1923043


    Boateng, K., & Afranie, S. (2020). Chieftaincy: An Anachronistic Institution within a Democratic Dispensation? The Case of a Traditional Political System in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Development Studies, 17 (1), 25-47 DOI//http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/gjds.v17i1.2 (May, 2020)


    Boateng, K., & Afranie, S. (2020). All Hands on Deck: The Process and Activities of Collaboration between Chiefs and Local Government Authorities in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Development Studies, 17 (1), 92-113 DOI//http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/gjds.v17i1.5 (May, 2020)


    Boateng, K., Afranie, S. and Amoah, S. K. (2016). Social Mobilisation in the Midst of Social Change:  The Case of Traditional Authorities in Ghana. Journal of Educational and Social Research 6 (2) May 2016.

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