Dr. Prince Boakye Frimpong

Senior Lecturer

Dept: Economics
Department of Economics, KNUST

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Research Areas/Interests

Applied Econometrics, Health Economics, Resource Economics, Energy Economics, Labour Economics, and Gender Economics...~more

My full CV


    Journal Articles

    1. Ntsiful, E., Dramani, J. B., Adusah-Poku, F., & Frimpong, P. B. (2024). Effect of electricity access on the value of women’s labour and time in Ghana. World Development Perspectives35, 100614.
    2. Dramani, J. B., Ofori-Mensah, K. A., Otchere, N. O., Frimpong, P. B., Adu-Poku, A., & Yazdanie, M. (2024). Estimating and forecasting suppressed electricity demand in Ghana under climate change, the informal economy and sector inefficiencies. Heliyon.
    3. Afriyie, A.B., Oteng-Abayie, E.F., Frimpong, P.B., Amanor, K. "Households’ preference and willingness to pay for alternative energy sources: a discrete choice experiment." Sustainable Energy Research 11.1 (2024): 22.
    4. Gyasi, R. M., Aikins, E., Dumedah, G., Gyasi-Boadu, N., Frimpong, P. B., Boampong, M. S., ... & Phillips, D. R. (2024). Risk of sleep problems in middle-aged and older adults experiencing bodily pains: Serial multiple mediation estimates of emotion distress and activity limitations. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
    5. Yazdanie, M., Frimpong, P. B., Dramani, J. B., & Orehounig, K. (2024). Depreciating currency impacts on local-scale energy system planning: The case study of Accra, Ghana. Energy Strategy Reviews53, 101362.
    6. Yazdanie, M., Frimpong, P. B., Dramani, J. B., & Orehounig, K. (2024). The impacts of the informal economy, climate migration, and rising temperatures on energy system planning. Energy Reports11, 165-178.
    7. Amanor, K., Oteng-Abayie, E. F., Osei-Fosu, A. K., & Frimpong, P. B. (2023). A decomposition analysis of microcredit welfare gaps in Ghana. A gender analysis. Social Sciences & Humanities Open7(1), 100464.
    8. Dramani, J. B., Frimpong, P. B.and Ofori-Mensah, K. A., (2022), Modelling the informal sector and energy consumption in Ghana, Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 6(1), 100354
    9. Duodu, E., Oteng-Abayie, E.F., Mensah, G., and Frimpong, P.B. (2022), Natural resource abundance, environmental sustainability, and policy and institutions for environmental sustainability in sub-Saharan Africa, Resources Policy, 103097
    10. Amporfu, E., Sakyi, D., Frimpong, P. B., & Olaniyan, O. (2022) Demographic Dividend of Ghana: The National Transfer Approach. African Review of Economics and Finance, 2(1), 1-18
    11. Gyabaah, K. T., Arthur, E., Novignon, J., and Frimpong, P.B. (2022) "Access to credit and informal firm performance: evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa''', African Review of Economics and Finance, 14(1), 229-253.
    12. Duodu, E., Oteng-Abayie, E.F., and Frimpong, P.B., and Takyi, P.O. (2022). The impact of the Compact with Africa Initiative on foreign direct investments and environmental pollution, Management of Environmental Quality. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/MEQ-01-2022-0011/full/html 
    13. Oteng-Abayie, E. F., Duodu, E., Mensah, G., & Frimpong, P. B. (2022). Natural resource abundance, environmental sustainability, and policies and institutions for environmental sustainability in sub-Saharan Africa. Resources Policy, 79, 103097.
    14.  Forson, P., Dramani, J. B., Frimpong, P. B., Arthur, E., & Mahawiya, S. (2022). Effect of oil price volatility on trade balance in sub?Saharan Africa. OPEC Energy Review.
    15. Duodu, E., Baidoo, S. T., Yusif, H., & Frimpong, P. B. (2022). Money supply, budget deficit and inflation dynamics in Ghana: An empirical investigation. Cogent Business & Management, 9(1), 2043810.
    16. Duodu, E., Kwarteng, E., Oteng-Abayie, E.F., and Frimpong, P.B. (2021) "Foreign Direct Investments and Environmental Quality in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Merits of Policy and Institutions for Environmental Sustainability,  Environ Sci Pollut Res. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-15288-1
    17. Adu, G., Dramani, J.B., Oteng-Abayie, E.F., and Frimpong, P.B.. "Powering the Powerless: The Economic Impact of Rural Electrification in Ghana", Development Effectiveness, (Under review).
    18. Amporfu, E., Sakyi, D., Frimpong, P.B., Arthur, E., and Novignon, J., "The distribution of housework among men and women in Ghana: A National Time Transfer Accounts Approach, Journal of Economics of Ageing (Under review)
    19. Dramani, J. B., and Frimpong, P.B.. (2020) "The effect of crude oil price shocks on domestic macroeconomic stability in Ghana", OPEC Energy Review, 44(3): 249-277, DOI:10.1111/opec.12182
    20. Frimpong, P.B., Antwi, A.O., and Brew, S.E.Y. (2017) "Effect of Energy Prices on Economic Growth in the ECOWAS Sub-Region: Investigating the Channels Using Panel Data", Journal of African Business, DOI: 10.1080/15228916.2017.1405706.
    21. Alagidede, P., Adu, G. and Frimpong, P.B.. (2016) "The Effect of Climate Change on Economic Growth: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa", Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 18(3):417--436, 2016.
    22. Augustt, R.M., Adu, G. and Frimpong, P.B. (2015) "The Nexus between Output Fluctuations and Fiscal Deficits: Empirical Evidence on Ghana", International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 7(2):100--117.
    23.  Frimpong, P.B., and Adu, G. (2014) "Population Health and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Panel Cointegration Analysis", Journal of African Business, 15(1):36--48.
    24. Frimpong, P.B. (2013) "The Quest for Equity in the Provision of Health Care in Ghana", African Review of Economics and Finance, 4(2): 216--234.
    25. Adu, G., Marbuah, G., Mensah, J.T., and Frimpong, P.B.  (2013) "Macroeconomic Development and Stock Market Performance: A Nonparametric Approach", Journal of Economics and Econometrics, 55(2): 100--129.


    Book Chapter

    Graham, E., Dramani, J. B., & Frimpong, P. B. (2023). 7. Ghana’s monetary policy and COVID-19: a critical appraisal. COVID-19 and the Response of Central Banks: Coping with Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa, 104.

    Working papers

    1.  Bratti, M., Frimpong, P. B., and Russo, S. (2021). "Prenatal Exposure to Heat Waves and Child Health in Sub-saharan Africa". IZA Discussion Papers, No. 14424. https://ideas.repec.org/p/iza/izadps/dp14424.html

    Technical Reports

    1. Corporate Taxation in Ghana (2020). A Report submitted to the Ghana Ministry of Finance.
    2. Ghana Youth Business Performance and Sustainability Index Report (2021), Available at https://gcyegh.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/GHANA-YOUTH-BUSINESS-PERFORMANCE-Final-25-6-2021.pdf 

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