Dr. Dickson Adom


Dept: Educational Innovations in Science and Technology
PMB, University Post Office, EIST, KNUST, Ghana

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Research Areas/Interests

African Art and Culture, Anthropology, Education and Art for Biodiversity Conservation and Environmental Sustainability   Traditional Ecologi...~more

Grants/Funds Awarded

British Academy Travel Grant, December 2019

Association of African Universities Travel Grant, November 2019

Getty Foundation Travel Grant, February 2020

DAAD Germany Post-Doctoral Scholarship Grant, 2020

Beneficiary of  North-West University IREA-program (Institutional Research Excellence Award-program)- 2019-2021

Harvard X Scholarship Award (Africa Live! Entrepreneurship in Emerging Communities)- Harvard University and Africa Live Scholarship Secretariat, December 2020-February 2021

GESI Project in 5 Colleges of Education affiliated to KNUST (GESI capacity building workshop, GESI Challenge, and Sexual Harassment Baseline Survey)- October 2022- 15,100 USD by Mastercard Foundation/T-TEL/GTEC

Botanical Gardens Conservation International, U.K. (2, 500 British Pounds)- Pilot Study on IK for Native Tree Species Education in Selected Elementary Schools in Ghana- August 2023- December 2023

The Kunsthistorisches Institut (KHI) in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut CIHA Travel Grant 2024- 1.600,00 €- (Lyon, June 23–27, 2024)

Gower Street Foundation- 10, 000 British Pounds- (January 2024- July 2024)- Indigenous Knowledge Inspired Pedagogical Model for Native Trees Species Education in Elementary Schools in Ghana

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