Grants/Funds Awarded
- €360,432.77 from the EU for Research for Development and Innovation Agriculture and Learning (ReDIAL) Project 2020-2024
- $1,754,210 from Danida for Access-Authority Nexus in Farmer-Herder Conflicts Project 2019 - 2023
- $363,600 from Danida for Access and Exclusion along the Charcoal Commodity Chain in Ghana studies 2014-2019
- $150,000 from FAO/ACP for project on Linking Communities to Forest Concession Holders to Produce Legal Lumber for the Domestic Market 2012
- £200,000 grant from DFID for studies on Chainsaw Milling and Lumber Trade in West Africa 2005-2006
- $197,424 from ITTO for Quality Control and Standardization of Ghanaian Wood Products 2005-2008
- $73,250 from ITTO for Sustainable Community Mangrove Management Project 2006-2008
- $428,000 from ITTO for Silviculture and Economics of Natural Forest Management Research 1999-2002
- $358,000 from ITTO for forest fire management research, 1995-1998.