Dr. Collins Ayine Nsor

Senior Lecturer

Dept: Forest Resources Technology
Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources,
Dept. of Forest Resources Technology,
Private Mailbag, Univ. Post Office
Knust, Kumasi - Ghana.

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Research Areas/Interests

1. Biovdiversity assessment in Savannah ecosystems; 2. Plant spatial distirbution pattern and diversity, along disturbance gradients; 3. Quantfying fi...~more

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Research Projects (Current and Past)

1. Assessing the impact of anthropogenic activities on Odonata distribution: A case study of the Owabi wetland sanctuary

2.Odonata response to anthropogenic impacts: the menace of deforestation in the Atewa Range Forest Reserve

3.Ecology of small terrestrial mammals in southern Ghana: community occupancy and microhabitat variables 

4. Assessing the factors that influence the distribution of trees in urban areas: a case of Kumasi Metropolitan Area

5.Assessing the impact of anthropogenic activities on Odonata distribution: A case study of the Owabi wetland sanctuary

6. A Comparative Assessment of Macrophyte Community Distribution along Four Riverine Continuum in Bomfobiri Wildlife Sanctuary, Ashanti Region, Ghana

7. Modelling the spatial distribution of benthic invertebrates along the Wewe River, Kumasi, Ghana

8. Terrestrial invertebrate community structure along the riparian zone of the Wewe River, Kumasi Ghana

9.Investigating terrestrial invertebrate plant community type association along the riparian zone of the Wewe River, Kumasi, Ghana 

10. Distribution and potential impact of alien invasive species in Mole National Park, Northern Region (Ghana)

11. Predictive factors influencing insect community structure in Mole National Park, Northern Region (Ghana)

12. Assessing the functioning state of the Owabi wetland, using the plant species range shift approach, in the Ashanti region (Ghana)

13. Bird Community structure and habitat preferences in the Owabi wildlife Sanctuary, Ghana

14. Factors influencing Habitat preferences of birds and their distribution patterns in four different landuse types, in the Wewe forest reserve, Kumasi Ghana

15. Quantifying plant assemblage response to disturbance-related drivers in urban wetlands, Kumasi Metropolitan Area, Ashanti Region (Gnana)

16. Butterfly diversity and distribution in Tinte-Bepo Forest Reserve, Bono Region (Ghana)

17. Determinants of species-coexistence in Mole National Park

18. Assessment of Plant diversity in Tinte-Bepo Forest Reserve

19. Drivers of plant structural attributes in Mole National Park

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