Prof. Hassan Karimaie

Gnpc Chair

Research Areas/Interests


    Peer Reviewed Journal Articles


    1. H. Karimaie, B. Nazarian, T. Aurdal, P. H. Nøkleby and O. Hansen. “Simulation Study of CO2 EOR and Storage Potential in a North Sea Reservoir”. Presented at 13th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-13, 14-18 November 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland and will be published in Energy Procedia, ELSEVIER, 2017.
    1. H. Karimaie, E. Lindeberg. “Experimental verification of CO2 dissolution rate due to diffusion induced convection”. Presented at 13th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-13, 14-18 November 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland and will be published in Energy Procedia, ELSEVIER, 2017.
    2. Namani, Y. Souraki, J. Kleppe, L. Høyer and H. Karimaie “Scaled Experimental and Simulation Study of Segregation in Water above Gas Injection”. SPE-185183-PA. Peer reviewed paper to be published in SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 2017.
    3. H. Karimaie and O. Torsæter. “Investigation of Oil Recovery in Fractured Carbonate Rock by Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Gas in Weakly Water-Wet Condition”. Energy and Environmental research; Vol. 6, No. 1; 2016, ISSN 1927-0569, E-ISSN 1927-0577,
    4. Namani, Y. Souraki, L. Høier, H. Karimaie and J. Kleppe. “Experimental study of Miscible Hot WAG injection in Heavy oil and Slightly Heavy Oil Reservoirs”. International Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology. ISSN 0973-6328 Volume 7, No. 3 (2013), pp. 265-278.
    5. Namani, J. Kleppe, L. Høier, H. Karimaie and O. Torsæter. “Analytical Model for Zones Distributions in Non-Horizontal Miscible WAG Injection”. Published in Energy and environmental Research; Vol.2, No.2; 2012 ISSN 1927-0569.
    6. Souraki, M. Ashrafi, H. Karimaie and O. Torsæter. “Experimental Analyses of Athabasca Bitumen Properties and Field Scale Numerical Simulation Study of Effective Parameters on SAGD Performance”. Energy and Environment Research; Vol. 2, No. 1; 2012 ISSN 1927-0569 E-ISSN 1927-0577.
    7. H. Karimaie and O. Torsæter. “Low IFT Gravity Drainage in Fractured Reservoirs” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (JPSE), Volume 70, Issues 1-2, 2010, Pages 67-73.
    8. H. Karimaie, G.R. Darvish, E. Lindeberg and O. Torsæter. “Experimental Investigation of Secondary and Tertiary Gas Injection in Fractured Carbonate Media”. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (JPSE) Volume 62, Issues 1-2, 2008, Pages 45-51.
    9. H. Karimaie and O. Torsæter. "Effect of Injection Rate, Initial Water Saturation and Gravity on Water Injection in Slightly Water-Wet Fractured Porous Media". Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (JPSE) 58 (2007) 2937-308.
    10. H. Karimaie. “Aspects of Water and Gas Injection in Fractured Reservoirs”. Thesis for the degree of philosophiae doctor at NTNU. December 2007. ISBN 978-82-471-5532-5, ISSN: 1503-818.
    11. M. R. Esfahani, E. Kazemzadeh., S.M. Hashemi and H. Karimaie. “Determination of       Wettability of Iranian Carbonate Reservoir Rocks in Restored-State”. Journal of Science of University of Tehran (JSUT), 33 (1), 2007, p. 1-9.
    12. H. Karimaie, O. Torsæter, M. R. Esfahani, M. Dadashpour. "Experimental Investigation of Oil Recovery during Water Imbibition". Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (JPSE) 52 (2006) 297-304.
    13. M. Hashemi, M.R. Esfahani and H. Karimaie. “Application of tracer analysis to calculate effective pore volume in reservoir rock”. Published in petroleum research journal of Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), in Persian language, Autumn 2006, volume 54.
    14. Shahabi Nezhad, H. Karimaie and S. M. Hashemi: “Capillary Pressure Measurement Using Centrifuge”. Published in Journal of Research and Development in RIPI, Iran, summer 1995.

    Refereed Conferences (Abstract peer-reviewed, full paper peer-reviewed)


    1. SA. Hosseini, Y. Salimidelshad, MR. Esfahani, H. Aloki Bakhtiari, H. Karimaie. "Effect of Chemical Solvents on the Removal of Halite Scales from Porous Media. Presented at EAGE Conference and Exhibition, London, June 2019.
    2. J. Taheri-Shakib1, A. Shekarifard1, H. Naderi, H. Karimaie. "Influence of Electromagnetic Waves on the Porous Media: Experimental Study". Presented at EAGE Conference and Exhibition, London, June 2019.
    3. H. Karimaie, S. Pour Mohammadi, H.H. Nyrønning and Jules Reed. “Feasibility Study and Development Concepts for Barents Sea Oil Discoveries”. OTC-28498 MS. Presented at Oil Technology Conference, OTC, March 2018, Kuala Lumpour.
    4. H. Karimaie, S. Pour Mohammadi and H.H. Nyrønning. “Making Advances to Enhance Production from the Barents Sea Discoveries”. Presented in 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, June 2016, Vienna.
    5. S. Jensen, H. Karimaie and O. Torsæter. "Micromodel experiments on CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifer”. Presented at 73rd SPE/EAGE Conference, Vienna, Austria, May 2010.
    6. H. Karimaie and O. Torsæter. “Effects of Wettability and Composition on tertiary Gas Injection in Fractured Carbonate Rocks”. Presented at 72nd EAGE Conference held in Barcelona, June 2010 and published in Petroleum Geoscience (earthdoc / EAGE).
    7. H. Karimaie and O. Torsæter. “Investigation on Gas-Oil Gravity Drainage in Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs: Water-Wet and Mix-Wet Systems”. Presented at wettability Symposium held in Abu Dhabi, Oct. 2008 and published in peer reviewed conference proceeding.
    8. H. Karimaie and O. Torsæter. “Effect of Interfacial Tension on Relative Permeability Curves in Gravity Drainage Process”. Presented at Wettability Symposium held in Abu Dhabi, Oct. 2008 and published in peer reviewed conference proceeding.
    9. M. Hashemi, H. Karimaie, M.R. Esfahani and J. Roodsaz. “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Capillary Pressure Hysteresis on Iranian Carbonate Rock”. Presented at 68th SPE/EAGE Conference and Exhibition June 2006 in Vienna. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4069.201402118.
    10. H. Karimaie, O. Torsæter, S. Pourmohammadi and M.Samiei."1D Simulation of Counter-Current Imbibition Process in Water-Wet Matrix Block". SCA2004-52.  Presented at International Symposium of Society of Core Analysis SCA 2004 in Abu Dhabi and published in peer reviewed conference proceeding. 
    11. Karimaie, E. Kazemzadeh, M. R. Esfahani and…."Wettability Study of Iranian     Carbonate Rocks". SCA2004-40. Presented in International Symposium of Society of Core Analysis SCA 2004 in Abu Dhabi and published in peer reviewed conference proceeding.
    12. Karimaie and O. Torsæter." Experimental Study of Water Injection in Asmari Limestone Fractured Rock". Presented at the Improved Oil Recovery Symposium held in Budapest, 25-27 April 2005.
    13. Karimaie, Kazemzadeh, E., Esfahani, M.R., Rezaie, M., 2005, “Determination of Fluid Flow Properties Using Capillary Pressure Curves. SCA2005-63. Presented in International Symposium of Society of Core Analysis SCA, Toronto, Canada and published in peer reviewed conference proceeding August 21-25, 2005.
    14. Karimaie, O. Torsæter, M. R. Esfahani. “Oil Recovery by Water Imbibition in Asmari Fractured rock”. SCA2005-47.Presented in International Symposium of Society of Core Analysis SCA, Toronto, Canada and published in peer reviewed conference proceeding.

    Other Conferences (Abstract peer-reviewed, full paper required, but not peer-reviewed)

    1. Ashrafi, Y. Souraki, H. Karimaie and O. Torsæter “Experimental PVT property Analyses for Athabasca Bitumen”. SPE 147064. Presented at Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference, 15-17 November 2011, Alberta.
    2. Ashrafi, Y. Souraki, H. Karimaie, O. Torsæter and J. Kleppe “Numerical Simulation Study of SAGD Experiment and Investigating Possibility of Solvent Co-Injection”. SPE 145013. Presented at the SPE Enhanced Oil recovery Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19-21 July 2011.
    3. Ashrafi, Y. Souraki, H. Karimaie, O. Torsæter and J. Kleppe “Simulation Study of 2-D SAGD Experiment and Sensitivity Analysis of Laboratory Parameters”. SPE 144582. Presented at the SPE Western North American Regional Meetig held in Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 7-11 may 2011.
    4. Souraki, M. Ashrafi, H. Karimaie and O. Torsæter. “Experimental Investigation and Numerical Simulation of Steam Flooding in Heavy oil Fractured reservoir”. SPE 144552. Presented at the SPE Western North American, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 7-11 may 2011.
    5. Ashrafi, Y. Souraki, H. Karimaie and O. Torsæter, “Experimental and Numerical Study of Steam Flooding in Fractured Porous Media”. SPE 144462. Presented at the SPE Western North American Regional Meetig in Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 7-11 may 2011.
    6. Ashrafi, Y. Souraki, H. Karimaie, T.J. Veraas and O. Torsæter “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Steam Flooding in Heterogeneous Porous Media Containing Heavy Oil”. SPE 144168. Presented at the SPE Asias Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition held in Jakarta, Indonesia, 20-200 September 2011.
    7. H. Karimaie and O. Torsæter. "CO2 and C1 Gas Injection for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Fractured Reservoirs”. SPE 139703. Presented at SPE International Conference on CO2 capture and storage, held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 10-12 November 2010.
    8. M. Hashemi, M. R. Esfahani, J. Roudsaz, K. Shahabi and H. Karimaie. “Verification of Capillary Pressure Hysteresis on an Iranian Carbonated Reservoir Rock”. Presented at 4th International Conference on of Improved Oil Recovery held in Tehran-Iran 24-26 Jan, 2005.
    9. H. Karimaie, M.R. Esfahani and J. Roudsaz. “Laboratory Study of Imbibition Process for Oil Recovery at Reservoir Condition”. Presented at 7th International Oil, Gas and Petrochemical congress held in Tehran 1998.
    10. H. Karimaie, M.R. Esfahani and E. Kazemzadeh “Investigation on particle movement and formation damage due to water injection to Sirri field in persian gulf”. Presented at 6th International Oil, Gas and Petrochemical congress held in Ahwaz 1997.
    11. H. Karimaie, M.R. Esfahani, S. M. Hashemi and A. R. Koushanfar.” Study on Precipitation Due to Water Injection to Sirri Field in Persian Gulf, an Offshore Field”. Presented at 4th Oil, Gas and Petrochemical congress held in Tehran 1996.


    Some internal reports, 1991-now                               


    1. H. Karimaie and S. Pourmohammadi. “Laboratory Workbook to Operate Steamflood 700”. PLRS, Khartoum, Soudan, June 2016.
    2. Pourmohammadi and H. Karimaie “Laboratory Workbook to Operate Autoflood 700”. PLRS, Khartoum, Soudan, April 2016.
    3. Pour Mohammadi, H. Karimaie, Ståle Ransen and A. Al Amran. “Feasibility Study and Development Concept for Barent Sea Oil Discoveries”. Feb.2015. First Geo, Trondheim.
    4. H. Karimaie. “CO2 EOR and Storage on Statoil Model 1”. Statoil research center, internal report. June 2014, Trondheim, Norway.
    5. Hasanov, H. Karimaie, B. Nazarian, T. Aurdal and O. Hansen. “Injection of CO2 for Improved Oil Recovery (EOR)-Case 2”. Statoil research center, internal report. Feb. 2015, Trondheim, Norway.
    6. H. Karimaie. “Drainage Strategy on Trestakk Reservoir: Compositional Simulation Study”. Statoil operation, Stjørdal, internal report. Feb 2013, Trondheim, Norway.
    7. Torsæter and H. Karimaie. “Methods for Recovery of Heavy Oil with a Minimum Energy and Environmental Impact”. KMB project proposal to Norwegian Research Council, Oct. 2010, NTNU, Trondheim.
    8. M. Hashemi, E. Kazemzadeh and H. Karimaie. “Quantitative and Qualitative Study on Petrophysical Parameters for “Salman” Reservoir”. Dec. 1998, RIPI, Tehran, Iran.
    9. Rezaie and H. Karimaie. “SCAL parameter study for “Kupal” Reservoir, Well no.: 11, 16 Samples”. October 1994, RIPI, Tehran, Iran.
    10. H. Karimaie, J. Roudsaz and A. Movahhedinia. “SCAL parameter study for “Ab-Teymour” Reservoir, Well no.: 14, 11 Samples”. Feb. 1996, RIPI, Tehran, Iran.
    11. H. Karimaie, R. Behin and M. Rezaie and E. Kazemzadeh “Special Core Analysis Report for “Kupal” Reservoir, Well no.: 20”. Dec. 1998, RIPI, Tehran, Iran.
    12. Kazemzadeh, S. M. Hashemi and H. Karimaie. “Special Core Analysis Report for “Mansouri” Reservoir, Well no.: 44”. Sep. 2001, RIPI, Tehran, Iran.
    13. H. Karimaie, E. Kazemzadeh and S. M. Hashemi. “SCAL parameter study for “Salman” Reservoir, Well no.: 2S-K1, 47 Samples”. Oct. 1999, RIPI, Tehran, Iran.
    14. R. Esfahani, H. Karimaie, E. Kazemzadeh and S. M. Hashemi. “SCAL parameter study for “Bibi-Hakimeh” Reservoir, Well no.: 116”. Oct. 2001, RIPI, Tehran, Iran.
    15. Kazemzadeh, H. Karimaie, R. Behin and S. M. Hashemi. “Petrophysical parameter study for “Gachsaran” Reservoir, Well No.: 298”. Jan. 2001, RIPI, Tehran, Iran.
    16. R. Esfahani, H. Karimaie, E. Kazemzadeh. “Routine Core Analysis Report for “South Pars” Reservoir, Well No.: SPO-1”. July. 2001, RIPI, Tehran, Iran.
    17. H. Karimaie. “Study of Effect of Interfacial Tension on Relative Permeability Curves in Gravity Drainage Mechanism”. Master thesis. June 2000, University of Tehran, Iran.

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