Dr. Jacob Novignon

Senior Lecturer

Dept: Economics
PMB, Department of Economics, KNUST

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Research Areas/Interests

Health financing, Economic evaluation, Efficiency analysis, Programme impact evaluation, Public finance, Inequality analysis...~more

My full CV


    Book chapter

    1. Novignon, J., Frempong, R. B and Afoakwah, C. (2018). Access to markets, food security and poverty in Ghana: evidence from smallholder farmers. In  Akpalu, W., Matshe, I. and Senbet W. L. (Eds). Linking smallholder farmers to markets: Impact of the purchase for progress pilot programme (pp.41-68). University of Nairobi Press, Nairobi.

    Journal articles

    1. Ratcliffe, H. L., Schwarz, D., Hirschhorn, L. R., Cejas, C., Diallo, A., Elorrio, E. G., Novignon, J., ... & Mohamed, M. (2019). PHC Progression Model: a novel mixed-methods tool for measuring primary health care system capacity. BMJ global health, 4(5), e001822.
    2. Novignon, J., Djossou, N. G., & Enemark, U. (2019). Childhood mortality, intra-household bargaining power and fertility preferences among women in Ghana. Reproductive health16(1), 139.
    3. Atim, C., Arthur, E., Achala, D. M., & Novignon, J. (2019). An Assessment of Domestic Financing for Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health in Sub-Saharan Africa: Potential Gains and Fiscal Space. Applied health economics and health policy, 1-11.
    4. Novignon, J., Ofori, B., Tabiri, K. G., & Pulok, M. H. (2019). Socioeconomic inequalities in maternal health care utilization in Ghana. International journal for equity in health18(1), 141.
    5. Fonta, C. L., Novignon, J., Aikins, M., Nonvignon, J., & Aryeetey, G. C. (2019). Economic Analysis of Health Inequality Among the Elderly in Ghana. Journal of Population Ageing, 1-15.
    6. Novignon, J., Atakorah, Y. B., & Djossou, G. N. (2018). How Does the Health Sector Benefit from Trade Openness? Evidence from Sub?Saharan Africa.African Development Review30(2), 135-148.
    7. Djossou G. N., Kane G Q. and Novignon J. (2017). Is growth pro-poor in Benin? Evidence using a multidimensional measure of poverty. Poverty and Public Policy, 9, no.4, pp. 426-443.
    8. Novignon J., Musa R. and Nonvignon J. (2018). The poverty and inequality nexus in Ghana: a decomposition analysis of household expenditure components. International Journal of Social Economics. vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 246-258
    9. Novignon J. (2017). Household income inequality in Ghana: a decomposition analysis. African Journal of Economic and Management Studies,8, no.4, pp.515-526
    10. Novignon J. and Nonvignon J. (2017). Improving primary health care facility performance in Ghana: efficiency analysis and fiscal space implications. BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 17, No. 399, pp. 1-8.
    11. Novignon J., and Lawanson, A. O. (2017). Health expenditure and child health outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa. African Review of Economics and Finance. Vol 9, No. 1, pp. 96-121
    12. Novignon J., and Nonvignon, J. (2015) Fiscal space for health in Sub-Saharan African countries: an efficiency approach. African Journal of Health Economics, vol.4, no. 1, pp. 1-11
    13. Novignon J. Aboagye E. Otuo Serebour A. and Aryeetey G. (2015). Socioeconomic related inequalities in child malnutrition: evidence from the Ghana multiple indicator cluster survey. Health Economics Review Vol. 5 No. 34 pp.1-11.
    14. Novignon, J. Nonvignon, J and Arthur, E. (2015). Health status and labour force participation in Sub-Saharan Africa: a dynamic panel analysis. African Development Review. Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 14-26.
    15. Novignon, J. and Lawanson O. A. (2014). Efficiency of Health Systems in Sub- Sahara Africa: A Comparative Analysis of Time Varying Stochastic Frontier Models. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 621-632.
    16. Novignon, J. Nicholas Novignon, Genevieve Aryeetey and Nonvignon, J (2014). HIV/AIDS-related stigma and HIV test uptake in Ghana: evidence from the 2008 Demographic and Health Survey. African Population Studies, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 1362-1379
    17. Sebastian Eliason, John K Awoonor-Williams, Cecilia Eliason, Jacob Novignon, Justice Novignon and Moses Aikins (2014). Determinants of modern family planning use among women of reproductive age in the Nkwanta district of Ghana: a case- control study. Reproductive Health, Vol. 11, No. 1. pp.
    18. Awoyemi, O. A. and Novignon, J (2014). Demand for abortion and post abortion care in Ibadan, Nigeria. Health Economics Review, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 1-9.
    19. Nonvignon, J and Novignon, J (2014). Trend and determinants of contraceptive use among women of reproductive age in Ghana. African Population Studies, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 956-967
    20. Novignon, J., Olakojo, S. A. and Nonvignon, J (2012). The effects of public and private health care expenditure on health status in sub-Saharan Africa: new evidence from panel data analysis. Health Economics Review, Vol. 2, No. 22. http://www.healtheconomicsreview.com/content/2/1/22
    21. Novignon, J. and Nonvignon, J (2012). Socioeconomic status and the prevalence of fever in children under age five: evidence from four sub-Saharan African countries. BMC Research Notes, Vol.5, No.380. Available at http://www.biomedcentral.com/1756-0500/5/380
    22. Novignon, J., Nonvignon, J., Mussa, R. and Chiwaula, L. (2012). Health and vulnerability to poverty in Ghana: evidence from the Ghana Living Standards Survey Round 5. Health Economics Review, Vol. 2, No. 11. Available at http://www.healtheconomicsreview.com/content/2/1/11
    23. Novignon, J., Mussa, R., Tinkhani M. and Nonvignon, J (2011). The use of non- prescription medicine and self-assessed health: evidence from Malawi. International Archives of Medicine, Vol. 4, No. 38.

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