Prof. Philip Antwi-Agyei


Dept: Environmental Science
Room A007
Amissah Complex
College of Science
KNUST, Kumasi

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Research Areas/Interests

Prof. Philip Antwi-Agyei has core research interests in climate change and food systems, vulnerability assessments and adaptations to climate change, ...~more


    Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

    Antwi-Agyei, P., & Amanor, K. (2023). Typologies and drivers of the adoption of climate smart agricultural practices by smallholder farmers in rural Ghana. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 5, 100223.

    Yeleliere, E., Antwi-Agyei, P., & Baffour-Ata, F. (2023). Impacts of climate change on the yields of leguminous crops in the Guinea Savanna agroecological zone of Ghana. Regional Sustainability, 4(2), 139-149.

    Antwi, K., & Antwi-Agyei, P. (2023). Intra-gendered perceptions and adoption of climate-smart agriculture: Evidence from smallholder farmers in the Upper East Region of Ghana. Environmental Challenges, 12, 100736.

    Baffour-Ata, F., Antwi-Agyei, P., Boakye, L., Tettey, L. S. N. A., Forson, M. N. E. F., Abiwu, A. E., Gyenin, E., & Larbi, R. N. M. (2023). Assessing the adaptive capacity of smallholder cocoa farmers to climate variability in the Adansi South District of the Ashanti Region, Ghana. Heliyon, 9(3), e13994.

    Quarshie, P. T., Abdulai, R., Abdulai, S., Antwi-Agyei, P., & Fraser, D. G. Why “formal” climate adaptation strategies fail in sub-Saharan Africa: Ignoring adapters’ agency in the case of smallholding agriculture farming practices in Bono East Region of Ghana. Climate Resilience and Sustainability, e253.

    Stock, R., Nyantakyi-Frimpong, H., Antwi-Agyei, P., & Yeleliere, E. (2023). Volta photovoltaics: Ruptures in resource access as gendered injustices for solar energy in Ghana. Energy Research & Social Science, 103, 103222.

    Yeleliere, E., Antwi-Agyei, P., & Guodaar, L. (2023). Farmers response to climate variability and change in rainfed farming systems: Insight from lived experiences of farmers in rural Ghana. Heliyon. 9(9), e19656.

    Sanou, C. L., Neya, O., Agodzo, S. K., Antwi-Agyei, P., Bessah, E., Belem, M., & Balima, L. H. (2023). Trends and impacts of climate change on crop production in Burkina Faso. Journal of Water and Climate Change14(8), 2773-2787.

    Antwi-Agyei, P., Atta-Aidoo, J., Asare-Nuamah, P., Stringer, L. C., & Antwi, K. (2023). Trade-offs, synergies and acceptability of climate smart agricultural practices by smallholder farmers in rural Ghana. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability21(1), 2193439.

    Antwi-Agyei, P., Baffour-Ata, F., Koomson, S., Kyeretwie, N. K., Nti, N. B., Owusu, A. O., & Razak, F. A. (2023). Drivers and coping mechanisms for floods: experiences of residents in urban Kumasi, Ghana. Natural Hazards, 1-24.

    Awolala, D., Mutemi, J., Adefisan, E., Antwi-Agyei, P., Taylor, A., Muita, R., ... & Nkiaka, E. (2023). Economic Value and Latent Demand for Agricultural Drought Forecast: Emerging Market for Weather and Climate Information in Central-Southern Nigeria. Climate Risk Management, 100478.

    Amissah, E., Adjei-Gyapong, T., Antwi-Agyei, P., Asamoah, E., Abaidoo, R. C., Jeppesen, E., ... & Baidoo, E. (2023). Implications of changes in land use on soil and biomass carbon sequestration: a case study from the Owabi reservoir catchment in Ghana. Carbon Management14(1), 1-10.

    Yeleliere, E., Antwi-Agyei, P., & Nyamekye, A. B. (2023). Mainstreaming Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices in Climate-Sensitive Policies for Resilient Agricultural Systems in Ghana. Society & Natural Resources, 1-21.

    Atiah, W. A., Amekudzi, L. K., Akum, R. A., Quansah, E., Antwi?Agyei, P., & Danuor, S. K. (2022). Climate variability and impacts on maize (Zea mays) yield in Ghana, West Africa. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society148(742), 185-198.

    Yeleliere, E., Nyamekye, A. B., Antwi-Agyei, P., & Boamah, E. F. (2022). Strengthening climate adaptation in the northern region of Ghana: insights from a stakeholder analysis. Climate Policy22(9-10), 1169-1185.

    Baffour-Ata, F., Antwi-Agyei, P., Nkiaka, E., Dougill, A. J., Anning, A. K., & Kwakye, S. O. (2022). Climate information services available to farming households in Northern Region, Ghana. Weather, Climate, and Society14(2), 467-480.

    Asare-Nuamah, P., Antwi-Agyei, P., Dick-Sagoe, C., & Adeosun, O. T. (2022). Climate change perception and the adoption of innovation among mango plantation farmers in the Yilo Krobo municipality, Ghana. Environmental Development44, 100761.

    Kumasi, T. C., Nyarko, K. B., & Antwi?Agyei, P. (2022). Universal water service delivery: Insights on what it takes from Ghana. World Water Policy8(1), 9-30.

    Asare-Nuamah, P., Antwi-Agyei, P., & Dick-Sagoe, C. (2022). Mitigating the risks of climate variability and change on mango seedlings in Ghana: Evidence from mango seedlings producers in the Yilo Krobo Municipality. Environmental Challenges8, 100594.

    Yeleliere, E., Yeboah, T., Antwi-Agyei, P., & Peprah, P. (2022). Traditional agroecological knowledge and practices: The drivers and opportunities for adaptation actions in the northern region of Ghana. Regional Sustainability3(4), 294-308.

    Atta-Aidoo, J., Antwi-Agyei, P., Dougill, A. J., Ogbanje, C. E., Akoto-Danso, E. K., & Eze, S. (2022). Adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices by smallholder farmers in rural Ghana: An application of the theory of planned behavior. PLOS Climate1(10), e0000082.

    Nelson, W. A., Amoako, C., King, R., Antwi-Agyei, P., & Kwofie, S. (2022). Adaptation as a Means to an End: Conceptual Underpinnings and Empirical Affirmations. American Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering6(4), 155-164. https://doi:10.11648/j.ajese.20220604.11

    Quarshie, P. T., Antwi-Agyei, P., Suh, N. N., & Fraser, E. D. (2022). Tackling post-COVID-19 pandemic food crises through the adoption of improved maize seeds and technologies by smallholder farmers: The case of Ejura Sekyeredumase in Ghana. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 417.

    Agyekum, T. P., Antwi-Agyei, P., & Dougill, A. J. (2022). The contribution of weather forecast information to agriculture, water, and energy sectors in East and West Africa: A systematic review. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 1458.

    Antwi-Agyei, P., Abalo, E. M., Dougill, A. J., & Baffour-Ata, F. (2021). Motivations, enablers and barriers to the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices by smallholder farmers: Evidence from the transitional and savannah agroecological zones of Ghana. Regional Sustainability2(4), 375-386.

    Jamal, A. M., Antwi-Agyei, P., Baffour-Ata, F., Nkiaka, E., Antwi, K., & Gbordzor, A. (2021). Gendered perceptions and adaptation practices of smallholder cocoa farmers to climate variability in the Central Region of Ghana. Environmental Challenges5, 100293.

    Antwi-Agyei P., Wiafe, E.A., Amanor, K., Baffour-Ata, F., Codjoe, S.N.A. (2021). Determinants of choice of climate change adaptation practices by smallholder pineapple farmers in the semi-deciduous forest zone of Ghana. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 100140.

    Baffour-Ata F., Antwi-Agyei P., Apawu G.O., Nkiaka E.,Amoah E.A.,  Akorli R. ,  Antwi K.  (2021). Using traditional agroecological knowledge to adapt to climate change and variability in the upper east region of Ghana. Environmental Challenge, 100205,

    Dougill J., Hermans T.D.G., Eze S., Antwi-Agyei P., Sallu S.M. (2021). Evaluating climate-smart agriculture as route to building climate resilience in African food systems. Sustainability202113, 9909.

    Cudjoe, G.P.; Antwi-Agyei, P.; Gyampoh, B.A. (2021). The effect of climate variability on maize production in the Ejura-Sekyedumase Municipality, Ghana. Climate, 9, 145. cli9100145

    ParkerJ, Blyth A.M., Woolnough S.J., Dougill A.J., Bain C.L, de Coning E., Diop-Kane M., Foamouhoue A.K., Lamptey B, Ndiaye O., Ruti P., Adefisan E.A., Amekudzi L.K., Antwi-Agyei P., Birch C.E., et al. (2021). The African SWIFT project: growing science capability to bring about a revolution in weather prediction. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

    Baffour-Ata, Antwi-Agyei P., Nkiaka E., Dougill A.J., Anning A.K., Kwakye, S.O. (2021). Effect of climate variability on yields of selected staple food crops in northern Ghana. Journal of agriculture and Food Research. 100205

    Asei, R., Abaidoo, R.C., Opoku, A., Adjei-Nsiah, S., Antwi-Agyei, P. (2021) Use of Limiting Nutrients for Reclamation of Non-responsive Soils in Northern Ghana. Front. Soil Sci. 1:674320.

    Schipper, E.L.F., Ensor, J., Mukherji, A., Mirzabaev, A., Fraser, A., Harvey, B., Totin, E, Garschagen, A, Pathak, M, Antwi-Agyei, P., Tanner, P., Shawoo, Z. (2021). Equity in climate scholarship: a manifesto for actionClimate and Development, 1-4.

    Antwi-Agyei, P., Dougill, A.J., Doku-Marfo, J. Abaidoo R.C. (2021). Understanding climate services for enhancing resilient agricultural systems in Anglophone West Africa: The case of Ghana.Climate Services, 22, 100218.

    Berrang-Ford, L., Siders, A.R., Lesnikowski, A., Fischer, A.P., Callaghan, M., Haddaway, N., Mach, K., Araos, M., Shah, M.A.R., Wannewitz, M., Doshi, D., Leiter, T., Matavel, C., Musah-Surugu, J.I., Wong-Parodi, G., Antwi-Agyei, P., Ajibade, I.… (2021). Mapping evidence of human adaptation to climate change. Nature Climate Change

    Antwi-Agyei, P., Stringer, L.C. (2021). Improving the effectiveness of agricultural extension services in supporting farmers to adapt to climate change: insights from north-eastern Ghana.Climate Risk Management, 100304.

    Baffour-Ata, F., Antwi-Agyei, P., Nkiaka, E. (2021). Climate variability, land cover changes and livelihoods of communities on the fringes of Bobiri Forest Reserve, Ghana. Forests, 12 (3), 278.

    Antwi-Agyei, P., Dougill, A.J., Abaidoo, R.C. (2021). Opportunities and barriers for using climate information for building resilient agricultural systems in Sudan savannah agro-ecological zone of north-eastern Ghana.Climate Services, 22, 100226.

    Antwi-Agyei, P., Nyantakyi-Frimpong, H. (2021). Evidence of climate change coping and adaptation practices by smallholder farmers in northern Ghana.Sustainability, 13, 1308.

    Antwi-Agyei, P, Amanor, K, Hogarh, J.N., Dougill, A.J. (2020). Predictors of access to and willingness to pay for climate information services in northeastern Ghana: A gendered perspective. Environmental Development. 16,

    Tuffour-Mills, D., Antwi-Agyei, P., Ado-Fordjour, P. (2020). Trends and drivers of land cover changes in a tropical urban forest in Ghana Trees, Forests and People

    Antwi-Agyei, P., 2020. Ghana’s Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan for the Infrastructure Sector (Water, Energy, and Transport Sectors). Technical Report May. Environmental Protection Agency. Accra, Ghana. URL:

    Nkiaka E, Taylor A, Dougill AJ, Antwi-Agyei P, Adefisan EA, Ahiataku MA, Baffour-Ata F, Fournier N, Indasi VS, Konte O, Lawal KA and Toure A (2020) Exploring the Need for Developing Impact-Based Forecasting in West Africa. 2:565500.

    Sonko, E., Florkowski, W.J., Agodzo, S. andAntwi-Agyei, P. (2020). Subsistence farmer knowledge of strategies alleviating food insecurity in the context of climate change in the lower river region of the Gambia. Food Security12,607–624.

    Antwi-Agyei P., Kpenekuu F, Hogarh J.N., Obiri-Danso K., Abaidoo R.C., Jeppesen E., Andersen M.N. (2019) “Substantial land use and land cover changes in the Owabi Reservoir catchment, Ghana: implications for livelihoods and management”, Geosciences, 9(7), 286.

    Nkiaka E, Taylor A.L, Dougill A, Antwi-Agyei P, Fournier N, Bosire E.N, et al (2019). Identifying user needs for weather and climate services to enhance resilience to climate shocks in sub-Saharan Africa. Environmental Research Letters. 14, 123003.

    Kumasi T.C, Antwi-AgyeiObiri-Danso K. (2019). “Smallholder farmers’ climate change adaptation practices in the Upper East Region of Ghana”, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 21(2), 745-762.

    Nartey N.N., Hogarh J.N., Antwi-Agyei P., Nukpezah D., Abaidoo R.C., Obiri-Danso K. (2019). Sedimentation and sediment core profile of heavy metals in the Owabi reservoir in Ghana. Lakes & Reservoir,24:173–180.

    Sonko E. Agodzo S.K., Antwi-Agyei P. (2019) “Evaluating the yield response of maize (Zea mays L.) and rice (Oryza sativa L.) to future climate variability in The Gambia”, Journal of Agricultural Systems,7(2), 11 – 26.

    Antwi-Agyei P., Dougill A.J., Agyekum T.P., Stringer L.C., (2018) “Alignment between nationally determined contributions and the sustainable development goals for West Africa”, Climate Policy, 18(10), 1296 – 1312.

    KC K.B., Legwegoh A.F., Therien A., Fraser E.D.G., Antwi-Agyei, P. (2018) “Food price, food security and dietary diversity: a comparative study of urban Cameroon and Ghana”, Journal of International Development, 30, 42–60.

    Antwi-Agyei, Dougill A.J., Stringer L.C. (2017) “Adaptation opportunities and maladaptive outcomes in climate vulnerability hotspots of northern Ghana”, Climate Risk Management, 9, 83-93.

    Antwi-Agyei, Dougill, A.J., Stringer L.C. (2017) “Assessing coherence between sector policies and Climate Compatible Development: opportunities for triple wins”, Sustainability,9, 2130.

    Antwi-Agyei, P., Quinn C.H., Adiku S.G.K., Codjoe, S.N.A., Dougill A.J., Lamboll R., Dovie D.B.K. (2016) “Perceived stressors of climate vulnerability across scales in the Savannah zone of Ghana: a participatory approach”, Regional Environmental Change,17(1), 213-227. https://10.1007/s10113-016-0993-4 

    Hogarh J.N., Antwi-Agyei P., Obiri-Danso K., (2016) “Application of mosquito repellent coils and associated self-reported health issues in Ghana”, Malaria Journal,15(1),

    Legwegoh A.F., Fraser E.D.G., KC K.B., Antwi-Agyei P. (2015) “Do dietary changes increase the propensity of food riots? An exploratory study of changing consumption patterns and the inclination to engage in food-related protests”, Sustainability,7, 14112-14132.

    Sulemana A., Antwi-Agyei P., Hogarh J.N. (2015) “Potential migration of leachate from an active landfill: spatial analysis of groundwater quality in communities surrounding the Dompoase Landfill, Kumasi, Ghana”, Journal of Hydrology and Environment Research, 3 (1), 48-58.

    Antwi-Agyei P., Dougill A.J., Stringer L.C (2015) “Impacts of land tenure arrangements on the adaptive capacity of marginalized groups: the case of Ghana’s Ejura Sekyedumase and Bongo districts”, Land Use Policy, 49, 203–212.

    Ojoyi M.M., Antwi-Agyei P., Mutanga O., Odindi J., Abdel-Rahman E.M. (2015) “An analysis of ecosystem vulnerability and management interventions in the Morogoro region landscapes, Tanzania”, Tropical Conservation Science,8 (3): 662-680.

    Hogarh J.N., Sowunmi F.A., Oluwafemi A., Antwi-Agyei P., Nukpezah D., Atewamba C.T., (2015) “Biosand filter as a household water treatment technology in Ghana and its eco-business potential: an assessment using a Lifecycle Approach”, Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management,3(4), 343-353. DOI:12691/aees-3-2-1

    Hogarh J. N., Antwi-Agyei P., Terlabie J. L., Boakye O., Addo-Fordjour P. (2015) “The potential and coupling effect of compost and Mucunafor quarry site restoration: a study at the Yongwa Limestone Quarry in Ghana. Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 3(2), 30-35. 12691/aees-3-2-1  

    Antwi-Agyei P., Dougill A.J., Stringer L.C (2014) “Barriers to climate change adaptation: evidence from northeast Ghana in the context of a systematic literature review”, Climate & Development, 7(4) 297-309.

    Antwi-Agyei P., Stringer L.C, Dougill A.J. (2014) “Livelihoods adaptations to climate variability: insights from farming households in Ghana”, Regional Environmental Change, 14(4) 1615-1626.

    Antwi-Agyei P., Dougill A.J., Fraser E.D.G., Stringer L.C. (2013) “Characterising the nature of household vulnerability to climate variability: empirical evidence from two regions of Ghana”, Environment, Development & Sustainability, 15(4): 903-926.

    Antwi-Agyei P., Fraser E.D.G., Dougill A., Stringer L., Simelton E. (2012) “Mapping the vulnerability of crop production to drought in Ghana using rainfall, yield and socioeconomic data”, Applied Geography, 32(2), 324-334.

    Sutcliffe C., Antwi-Agyei P., Munim K.M.A (2011) “Food security in Africa: Market and trade policy for staple foods in eastern and Southern Africa”, Sarris A, Morrison J (Eds). FAO, Rome, Land Degradation & Development, 22(6), 605-606.

    Foli G; Hogarh, J.N., Antwi-Agyei P. (2010) “Effectiveness of planning and implementation stages of the ISO 14001 standards EMS at the Obuasi gold mine, Ghana”, American Journal of Social & Management Sciences, 1: 1-12.

    Antwi-Agyei P., Hogarh J.N., Foli G. (2009) “Trace elements contamination of soils around gold mine tailings dams at Obuasi, Ghana”, African Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, 3(11), 353-359.

    Obiri-Danso K., Hogarh J.N., Antwi-Agyei P. (2008) “Assessment of contamination of singed hide from cattle and goats by heavy metals in Ghana”, African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2(8): 217-221.

    Working Papers

    Antwi-Agyei P., Dougill, J.A(2018) “How best to align planning for Nationally Determined Contributions and Sustainable Development Goals: West African Lessons”, Sustainability Research Institute Briefing Note Series No.13. University of Leeds, UK.

    Belén Cárdenas A., Favretto N., Antwi-Agyei P., Dougill A.J., Stringer L.C. (2018) “Policy coherence for climate-sensitive planning in Ghana”, Sustainability Research Institute Briefing Note Series No. 18, University of Leeds, UK.

    Antwi-Agyei P., Dougill, A.J., Agyekum, T.P., Stringer L.C. (2017) “Identifying opportunities for coherence between the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions and the Sustainable Development Goals: The case of ECOWAS Member States”, Working Paper No. 307, Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy.University of Leeds, UK.

    Ojoyi, M. M, Antwi-Agyei P., Benkenstein, A. (2017) “Improving Forest governance in East Africa’s Eastern Arc Mountains”, Policy Briefing 165, South African Institute for International Affairs, South Africa.

    Simelton E., Quinn C.H., Antwi-Agyei, Batisani N., Dougill A.J., Dyer J., Fraser E.D.G., Mkwambisi D. Rosell S., Sallu S., Stringer L.C. (2011) “African farmers’ perception of erratic rainfall”, Working Paper No. 73, Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy. University of Leeds, United Kingdom.

    Antwi-Agyei P., Dougill A.J., Stringer L.C (2013) “Barriers to climate change adaptation in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from northeast Ghana & systematic literature review”, Working Paper No. 154, Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, University of Leeds, United Kingdom.

    Antwi-Agyei, P., Dougill, A.J., Fraser, E.D.G., Stringer, L.C. (2013) “Characterising the nature of household vulnerability to climate variability: empirical evidence from two regions of Ghana”, Working Paper No. 105, Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, University of Leeds, United Kingdom.

    Antwi-Agyei P., Fraser E., Dougill A., Stringer L., Simelton E. (2011)” Mapping the vulnerability of crop production to drought in Ghana using rainfall, yield and socioeconomic data”, Working Paper No. 55, Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, University of Leeds, United Kingdom.

    Book Chapters

    Awolala, D. O., Mutemi, J., Adefisan, E., Antwi-Agyei, P., & Taylor, A. (2022). Profiling User Needs for Weather and Climate Information in Fostering Drought Risk Preparedness in Central-Southern Nigeria. From Observations to Predictions and Projections: Opportunities and Challenges for Climate Risk Assessment and Management in Sub-Saharan Africa.

    Antwi-Agyei P, Codjoe S.N.A & Doegah P. (2019). The perceived impacts of climate change on agro-based and fisheries-based livelihoods in the Savannah and Coastal zones of Ghana. In: Climate Change in Ghana – The Human Dimension. Codjoe S.N.A and Dovie B.D (Eds). Afram Publications (GH) Limited. (Book Chapter).

    Mkwambisi, D.D., Dougill, A.J., & Antwi-Agyei, P(2015). Urbanization and soil nutrient fluxes: challenges and opportunities for African cities. In: Land-Use Change Impacts on Soil Processes in Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems. Francis Brearley and Andrew Thomas (eds.), CABI, Wallingford. (Book Chapter).

    Technical Reports

    Allen M, Antwi-Agyei P., Aragon-Durand F, Babiker M, Bertoldi P, Bind M, Brown S, et al. (2019). Technical Summary: Global warming of 1.5° C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5° C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty. IPCC Special Report, 2019.

    Roy J., Tschakert P., Waisman H., Halim S.A., Antwi-Agyei P., Dasgupta P., et al. (2018). Sustainable Development, Poverty Eradication and Reducing Inequalities. In: Global Warming of 1.5°C. IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C. Published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Geneva.

    Antwi-Agyei P., Antwi-Boasiako A., Crawford A., Oppong-Boadi K. B. (2018)“Ghana’s National Adaptation Plan Framework” (Prepared for the Environmental Protection Agency, Accra (

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