Mr. Gilbert Konwie Langu

Assistant Counsellor

Dept: KNUST Counselling Centre
KNUST Counselling Centre
J. Haper Building
Commmercial Area
Room 6A

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Research Areas/Interests

Educational Psychology, Child and Adolescence Psychology, Career development and Gender, Women and Youth Empowerment ...~more


Mr. Gilbert Konwie Langu, is a Licensed Professional Counsellor with a wide-range of experience in Educational/Academic counselling, Career Development and Adjustment, and Vocational counselling, addiction counselling and Students Personal Services. He is an Assistant Counsellor at the KNUST Counselling Centre (KCC).

He holds a Master of Philosophy and Master of Education (M.Ed.) degrees in Guidance and Counselling from the University of Cape Coast, 2024 and 2016 respectively. He also holds Bachelor’s degrees in Guidance and Counselling and Basic Education all from the University of Education, Winneba-Ghana, 2020 and 2011 respectively.

Gilbert began his Career as a Professional Diploma teacher with the Ghana Education Service at the Patuda R/C Primary School as a Classroom teacher in the Atebubu-Amantin District and later taught in two other basic schools within the same district for thirteen years. In September 2015, he was appointed the School-Based Guidance and Counselling Coordinator for Atebubu College of Education Demonstration Basic Schools, a position he held together with teaching until joining KNUST. By dint of hard work, he rose to the rank of Assistant Director I (AD I) in the year 2020, few months to joining KNUST Counselling Centre. Gilbert Konwie taugght at UEW- Atebubu Distance Education Study Centre for one academic year as a part-tutor, where he taught Child Psychology, Psychological Basis in Teaching and Learning, Family and the Young Child, Introduction to Special Education for the Early School Educator and Methods and Materials for the Basic School Teacher. Gilbert has passion for research and has a publication to his credit. His research publication includes: Rabbi D., Joseph A.-G. & Gilbert K., L. (2021). Examining the Roles of Traditional Guidance and Counselling Among the People of Sefwi-Bekwai in the Western-North Region of Ghana, Africa. IJRISS Volume V, Issue II, February 2021. ISSN 2454-6186. DOI: 10.47772/IJRISS.2021.5224

As a Licensed Professional Counsellor with wide-range of experience in Individual & Group Counselling and Family counselling. Mr. Gilbert Konwie Langu has competencies in Rehabilitation counselling, Personal-Social counselling, Crisis intervention/Management, Grief counselling, Behaviour Modification, Marriage Counselling and Addiction/Substance Abuse counselling.

He is a member in good standing with the Ghana Psychology Council (GPC), Ghana National Association of Certified Counsellors (GNACC), Guidance and Counselling Association of Ghana (GCAG), International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) and Ghana Association of University Administrators (GAUA).

Mr. Gilbert Konwie Langu in October 2020 joined the KNUST Counselling Centre (KCC) as an Assistant Counsellor and has been assigned to the College of Art and Built Environment (CABE) to provide counselling services to students, staff and their dependents as well as the University Community/ the general public. He has since been with the Counselling Centre and is currently the Assistant Coordinator for the KNUST Peer Counsellors (KPC) programme.

He is interested in Youth Mentorship and Development in the areas of Gender, Women and Youth Empowerment, Psycho-Education and Advocacy, Training and Community Services.

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