Prof. (Mrs.) Veronica Millicent Dzomeku

Associate Professor

Dept: Midwifery

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Research Areas/Interests


Prof. (Mrs.) Veronica Millicent Dzomeku is an Associate Professor and current Head of the Department of Nursing, KNUST - Kumasi. She obtained her BSc. (Hons) and MPhil degrees from the University of Ghana between 1997 and 2005 and was adjudged the Best Student college of Health Sciences, and the Best MPhil Thesis respectively. She obtained her PhD from the School of Nursing, University of the Western Cape, South Africa in 2017.

For the past 27 years, Veronica has risen through the ranks from a staff midwife at Ho Government Hospital in 1993 through to midwifery tutor at Midwifery Training School in Kumasi in 2000 and then to a lecturer in KNUST in 2010. In 2017, she was selected as one of the University of Michigan African Presidential Scholars to undertake a four-month residency in Michigan, United States of America.  In 2018, she won the Emerging Leader Award for her project “Changing the Culture of Disrespect and Abuse in Maternal Care in Kumasi-Ghana”. This grant worth 480,000 USD awarded by National Institutes of Health, Fogarty International for a period of five (5) years from 2018 through to 2023.   Prof. Dzomeku has been awarded a grant by USAID as part of the Partnership for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) project for a multisite project between Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi and University of Liberia. For the project titled: “Community and Hospital-based Obstetrics, WhatsApp Triage, Referral, and Transfer (WAT-RT) System” The overarching aim of this project is to increase continuity and access to quality maternal care reducing preventable, obstetric-related deaths

Veronica has key interest in maternal care and her goal is to design, implement and evaluate programs relevant to improving maternal health outcomes in Ghana and sub-Saharan Africa. Her current projects seek to ensure the provision of respectful maternity care to women and reduce obstetrics related mortalities. As part of the projects, a respectful maternity care module for midwives has been developed and pilot-tested at some selected hospitals in Kumasi, Ghana. The project further seeks to examine the effect of the respectful maternity care modules in changing midwives’ attitudes, behaviors, and clinical practice as well as the perception of recipients of midwifery care in Ghana.

Veronica has conducted many studies in the past and has over 20 publications to her credit. She is a reviewer for a number of journals including Nursing and Midwifery International Journal (NUMID), Nigerian Journal of Nursing, Pre-publication reviewer, University of Michigan, and Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences.

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