Dr. Emmanuel Ahene


Dept: Computer Science
Department of Computer Science, AMC building, FF15

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Research Areas/Interests

Cyber Security,  Machine learning, Cryptography - Provable security Blockchain Technology, Crypto-applications for Smart Grid, E-...~more


Emmanuel Ahene is a lecturer at the Department of Computer Science and the Co-Founder of Cyberpass Consult, specializing in cyber security and machine learning. He obtained his doctoral and master's degrees in Computer Science and Technology in 2019 and 2016, respectively.

His research extends to developing innovative technologies that harness the power of cyber security and machine learning to address critical challenges such as Cyber-attack Detection, equal access to Healthcare and Education. Heading a virtual research lab, Dr Ahene leads research in Secure AI for sustainable solutions, with the ultimate goal of deploying secure machine learning models that positively impact human life. His ongoing efforts have led to more than 20 research articles published in high-impact journals, successful supervision of one (1) Ph.D. candidate, five (5) MPhil candidates, seven (7) MSc. Students and more than forty (40) Final year undergraduate projects. He currently serves as the PI for the SignTalk project. The outcome of the SignTalk project will be a secure deep learning model that will enhance doctor-to-patient conversation in Ghana for speech and hearing-impaired folks. In addition, he serves as the PI for the Deep Learning for food sustainability project, the CO-PI for the MESTI mHealth Project for inclusive and secure health systems and also serves as the Project lead Consultant for GIZ on the "Training under Careers in Modern lT Fields project". In 2023, he received the Vice Chancellors award for creativity and innovation in KNUST, Ghana.

As an advocate for building human capacity, Dr Ahene has provided hands-on training programs for IT professionals in public and private institutions. His efforts have impacted more than 300 IT professionals nationwide.

Within the academic community, he serves as the Guest Editor for two special issues: Special Issue on Security and Reliability in Future Intelligent Mobile Communication, Computer Communications, Elsevier and Special Issue on Frontiers in Cyber Security, Journal of Systems Architecture, Elsevier. He served as the program committee chair for the international conference on "Frontiers in Cyber Security" in December, 2022

He is a reviewer for several high-impact journals, including IEEE Internet of Things, IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Access, Computers and Electrical Engineering (Elsevier), KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems and has received awards as an outstanding reviewer from reputable journals, such as KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems (2020) and Computers and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier (2017).

He is a member of IEEE, GSA, and the KNUST Young Researcher’s Forum, demonstrating his commitment to continuous learning and collaboration within the academic community. He has given talks at international and local conferences on cyber security and AI in several Asian and African countries.

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