Dr. Nora Kofognotera Nonterah


Dept: Religious Studies
Religious Studies Department

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Research Areas/Interests

Peacebuilding Interreligious Dialogue Social/Professional/Business/Leadership ethics Religious Education safeguarding of minors, Youth and Women...~more

My full CV

Research Projects (Current and Past)

  • Nora K Nonterah – Kayaye and the Christian conception of Common Good. I received in an Invitation by the Institut de Théologie de la Compagnie de Jesus (ITCJ) Research centre to study issues of violence and abuse against women and children leading to an international conference of both academic and industry/practitioners of law, social work, counselling and pastoral work, 2022

  • Nora K Nonterah – Stories of Street Children and their Experience of God and Faith Institutions- This was a Vatican project run by the dicastery for the promotion of human development (refugees and migrants section). The title of the Project was: Doing Theology from the Existential Peripheries. This was a global project run in all the continents and drew scholars and practitioners from each continent. It was aimed at creating an online sources of data on the varied situation of people living in the peripheries of societies. I collected data from Kumasi with the help and support from the Safe-Child Advocacy, at the Archdiocese of Kumasi, 2022.

  • Nora K. Nonterah- Christian apologetics – Is a project leading to addressing various topics that Christian faith has to confront in contemporary times. I was invited to participate in this study and it is still ongoing, 2022 – 2024.

  • Nora K. Nonterah, “Christian Humanism, North and South: Piloting an intercultural model of cooperation for the Common Good.” This an intercultural study is a cooperation between the Hekima University College in Nairobi and the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Bonn. It aims to address the contextual challenges that arise from different cultural expressions of Christianity which do not only affect the church and her work in different parts of the world, but also theologians in different countries (GS 44). There needs to be the awareness that every theological position is embedded into a specific cultural background which influences the position. The project will focus on “marginalised people” as communicated by Pope Francis. It seeks to do an intercultural and interdisciplinary study of issues that intersect between Africa and the Europe. Nairobi-Bonn, 2023 to Date.

  • Nora K. Nonterah, A study of Fratelli Tutti in Relation the Realities of African Continent – A group of scholars from across the globe were invited by the De Paul University to study and give scholarly views on the Fratelli Tutti in relation to African realities, 2022- 2023.

  • Nora K. Nonterah, Africa and Synodality for Church and Society– African theologians, other scholars from other fields like philosophy, law, education, and pastoral workers were requested to form a team of African working group to study, produce resources and accompany the synodal process on the Continent. I was invited to form part of the African Synodality Initiative, 2021 to Date.

  • Nora K. Nonterah, The History of African Women in Theology –As part of Hekimah’s University 40th anniversary, selected African women from different specializations and faith groups where asked to research into women involvement in theology on the continent. This led to a conference, 2023-2024.

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