Dr. Eric Manu


Dept: Religious Studies
Dept of Religious Studies

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Research Areas/Interests

Pentecostal Christianity and Spirituality;Religion and Health; neo-Prophetism and Public Life; Religion and Modern Media; History and Future of Pent...~more


    (a) BOOKS 

    1. Manu, E. and Opoku, J. K., (2017) Religion and Health: An African Traditional Perspective. Kumasi: Graduate Standards Secretarial Services, 2017. pp. 192.
    2. Manu, E. and Opoku, J. K.,  (2017) Understanding Bioethics: Principles and Moral Obligations in Health Care Practice. Kumasi: Graduate Standard Secretarial Services, 2017. pp.203. ISBN: 4675508534352.
    3. Manu, E. and Opoku, J. K. (2017). Ethics: An Introduction to Ethical Systems and Approaches. Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, pp.252. ISBN: 978-3-330-07629-7.

    (b)  Book Chapters

    1. Manu, E., Addai-Mensah, P. and Opoku, J. K. (2017) ‘The Church, Justice and Peace: A Holistic view for a      Prosperous Africa’. Journal of the West African Association of Theological Institutions (WAATI), Vol.1(9): 2017, pp.63-85. ISBN: 978-9988-8681-6-1


    (c)  Journal/Articles

    1. Manu, E., Opoku, J. K. and Addai-Mensah, P., (2014) ‘Realization of the Nature and Role of Christian Education in Modern Pedagogy’. British Journal of Education.2, No.5, 26-35. ISSN 2054-6351(print), ISSN 2054-636X (online).
    2. Manu, E. and Opoku, J. K., (2014) ‘Religion and Human Rights: Searching For a Mutual Ground for Development’. In: Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (GJAHSS). Vol.2, No.3: 53-63.
    3. Manu, E. (2014) “Religion and Human Rights: Searching for a Mutual Ground for Development”. Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (GJAHSS). Vol.2, No.3: 53-63. ISSN: 2052-6350
    4. Manu, E. and Opoku, J. K. (2015) “An Exploration of the Influence and Relevance of Akan Traditional Culture and Health Care Delivery in Ghana”. CeCASt, Vol.1, No.3.
    5. Manu, E. and Opoku, J. K. (2015) “The Status of the Human Embryo: An Analysis from the Christian and Islamic Viewpoints”. European Journal of Biology and Medical Science Research, Vol.3, No.5: 19-29. ISSN 2053-406X
    6. Manu, E., Opoku, J. K. and Wiafe, F. (2015) “Religion, Education and National Development in Ghana: A Historical Perspective”. Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 12: 6-18. ISSN: 2052-6350.
    7. Manu, E., Opoku, J.K. & Addai-Mensah, P., (2017) ‘The Church, Justice and Peace: A Holistic View for a Prosperous Africa’. Journal of the West African Association of Theological Institutions (WAATI), Vol.1(9), 63-85. ISBN: 978-9988-8681-6-1
    8. Manu, E. and Opoku, J. K. (2017) Understanding Bioethics: Principles and Moral Obligations in Health Care Practice (Vol.1). Kumasi: Graduate Standard Publishing, pp 203. ISBN: 4675508534352
    9. Manu, E. and Opoku, J. K. (2017). Ethics: An Introduction to Ethical Systems and Approaches. Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, pp.252. ISBN: 978-3-330-07629-7
    10. Manu, E. and Opoku, J. K. (2017). Religion and Health: An African Traditional Perspective. Kumasi: Graduate Standards Secretarial Services, pp. 192. ISBN: 424-21-302-7301-4.
    11. Manu, E., Antwi, E.K.E. and Opoku, J. K. (2018) Spirituality and Healing: Perceptions and Implications on the Akan of Ghana. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal Vol.5(8): 566-579. DoI:10.14738
    12. Manu, E., (2019) ‘The Church and Poverty alleviation through healthcare delivery in the Kumasi metropolis’. Developing Countries Studies, vol.9, no.10, 69-76.
    13. Manu E., Opoku, J.K. and Gedzi, V.S. (2019) ‘Akan Healthcare Delivery System and Its effects on Modern Healthcare Practice in Ghana'. Journal of Arts and Humanities, vol. 8, no.9, 73-85.
    14. Manu, Eric, Opoku, J. K., and Appiah, D. M. (2021). “Same-Sex Marriage in Ghana: Scripture, Health Law and Bioethics.” Developing Country Studies 11, no.2: 31-38.
    15. Manu, Eric. (2023). “Neo-Prophetic Christianity and Televisation in Kumasi: A Religious-Impact Assessment.”  European Journal of Communication and Media Studies 2, no.1: 1-11.
    16. Manu, Eric, Sarfo, E.A.A., and Antwi, E. K. E. (2023). “Televised Neo-Prophetic Christianity and Its Socio-Economic Effects in Ghana.” African Journal of Religion, Philosophy, and Culture 4, no.1: 23-45. https://adonis-abbey.com/edition_menu.php?edition_id=511
    17. Manu, Eric. (2023) “Neo-Prophetic Christians’ Perception of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Ghana.” In Wash and Pray: African Christians Responding to Pandemics edited by Harvey C. Kwiyani. (Liverpool: Missio Africanus). https://mybook.to/wash-and-pray


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