Prof. Isaac Ayensu


Dept: Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Room C307, Third Floor, Tackie Building
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Faculty of Pharmacy KNUST

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Research Areas/Interests

Pharmaceutical analysis, characterization and quality control, Novel drug formulation and development. Medicinal Chemistry Novel Application of h...~more

My full CV

Professional/Teaching Experience

    1. Professor: 2023 –Date: Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry KNUST (Ghana)-

      Lecturing Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Medicinal             Chemistry,      Basic Medical Chemistry and Drug analysis. Co-author of laboratory manuals and supervision of Basic Organic, Physical, Medicinal Chemistry and Drug analysis Laboratories, Supervision of   BHM and PharmD undergraduate students.        Design of MSc. Drug analysis laboratory, Electrochemical Methods, Research           Methodology and Ethics, Separation Methods (MPhil. and PhD students).                  Supervision of   MPhil and PhD students


      1. Associate Professor: 2019 –2023: Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry KNUST (Ghana)-

      Lecturing Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Medicinal            Chemistry, Basic Medical Chemistry and Drug analysis. Co-author of laboratory      manuals and  supervision of Basic Organic, Physical, Medicinal Chemistry and Drug analysis Laboratories, Supervision of   BHM and PharmD undergraduate students.    Design of MSc. Drug analysis     laboratory, Electrochemical Methods, Research       Methodology and Ethics, Separation Methods (MPhil. and PhD students).                  Supervision of   MPhil and PhD students


      • Senior Lecturer: 2013 – 2019: Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry KNUST (Ghana)-

      Lectured in all courses taught at the Department; Org. Pharm. Chem, Physical           Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry and Drug analysis. Writing laboratory manuals   and supervision of Basic Organic, Physical, Medicinal Chemistry and Drug analysis Laboratories, Supervision of       PharmD and BHM Projects, Design of MSc. Drug     analysis laboratory, Electrochemical Methods, Research Methodology and Ethics (MPhil. and PhD students). Supervision of MPhil and PhD students


      1. Lecturer: 2003 - 2013: Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry KNUST (Ghana)-

      I lectured in all course including; Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Physical          Chemistry,   Medicinal Chemistry and Drug analysis. Others include writing laboratory manuals and          supervision of Basic Organic, Physical, Medicinal Chemistry and Drug analysis Laboratory, Supervision of B. Pharm Projects, Design of MSc. Drug   analysis laboratory, Statistics in        Pharmaceutical analysis and Electrochemical    Methods (MSc. students).


      1. Teaching Assistant: 2002: Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, KNUST. Teaching and supervising undergraduate laboratory sessions, assisting in assessing and grading students.


      1. Demonstrator: 2000: Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, KNUST. Teaching and supervising undergraduate laboratory sessions, assisting in assessing and grading students.
  • Professionally Related Experience

    1. External Assessor for the promotion from the rank of Lecturer to a Senior Lecturer, School of Pharmacy, University of Ghana, 2022.

    2. External Examiner for PhD Thesis: Institute of Environmental studies , University of Ghana, 2021

    3. External assessor: Appointment and Promotions Board, Sunyani Technical University, April 2021.

    4. External Examiner for MPhil Thesis: Department of Chemistry, University of Ghana, 2016 to date

    5. External Examiner PhD Thesis, China Pharmaceutical University, May 2018.

    6. Internal Examiner PhD Theses, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, KNUST, 2016.

    7. Internal Examiner PhD Theses, Department of Pharmacognosy, KNUST, 2016.

    8. External Assessor for the promotion from the rank of Lecturer to a Senior Lecturer, School of Applied Science and Arts, Accra Polytechnic, 2016.

    9. External Examiner for PhD Thesis: Department of Chemistry, University of Ghana, 2016.

    10. Visiting Senior Lecturer, Madonna University, Nigeria, June, 2016-Date.

    11. Internal Examiner for two (2) MSc. and thirteen (13) MPhil Theses, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, KNUST, 2005, 2014 -2019.

    12. Assistant Lecturer/ Academic support, University of Greenwich School of Science (UK) 2010 – 2012

    13. Aim-High Associate, University of Greenwich (UK) - A position for motivating and helping young adults from the lowest socio-economic categories as well as ethnic minority background and who would be the first in the family to progress to the full range of Higher Education provision on offer at the University. The role included teaching and supporting certain mentees with topics in chemistry deemed extremely difficult, 2011.

    14. Research Skills on-line completion certificate, University of Greenwich, Dec.2010. Courses included:

    Career Planning in the Sciences

    Ethics 1 Good research Practice

    Ethics 2 working with Human Subjects

    Getting Published in the Sciences

    IP in the Research Context

    Managing your research Supervisor or Principal Investigator

    Project Management

    Research Methods (Sciences)

    Research Methods in Literature Review

    Selecting a Conference, Presenting and Networking.

    15. Part-Time Lecturer, Dispensing Technology Department, Kumasi Polytechnic, 2003-2005.

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