Prof. Sampson Antwi


Dept: Child Health
Department of Child Health,
School of Medicine and Dentistry
KNUST/Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital

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Research Areas/Interests

By way of medical research, my interest is in three (3) areas: Paediatric renal diseases Paediareic HIV diseases Paediatric malnutrition ...~more

My full CV

Research Projects (Current and Past)


  1. Pharmacokinetics of anti-tuberculosis and antiretroviral drugs in children; a 5-year NIH-sponsored collaborative research between University of Florida, USA, and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (R01HD071779). February 2019 and ongoing. Position: Site PI
  2. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Dolutegravir in children weighing 20kg and more living with HIV with or without TB; a 2-year NIH-sponsored collaborative research between University of Florida, USA, and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology. December 2020 and ongoing. Position: Site PI
  3. H3 Africa Kidney Disease Research Network; a NIH sponsored multi-center genomic research into kidney diseases in Africa. 2013-2018. Renewed in 2018- and ongoing
    1. Site PI:H3Africa Kidney Disease Cohort Study 2017-ongoing
    2. Site PI: H3Africa Kidney Disease Renewal Study. 2018-ongoing
  4. Pediatric HIV Disclosure Intervention and Benefits Study (PhD-BS)—SANKOFA 2; a 5-year NIH-sponsored collaborative research between Yale University, USA, and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (1R01HD103512-01). August 2020 and ongoing. Position: Site PI
  5. Will intravenous albumin reduce the mortality of children with oedematous malnutrition and shock? A 1-year pilot study between Child Health Africa and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology and University for Development Studies, Tamale. May 2021. Position: PI


  1. Pharmacokinetics of anti-tuberculosis and antiretroviral drugs in children; a 6-year NIH-sponsored collaborative research between Brown University, USA, and Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi. Started July 2012 –April 2018. Position: Site-PI
  2. A Bioecological Paediatric HIV disclosure HIV intervention in Ghana-“SANKOFA”;  a 5-year NIH-sponsored collaborative research between Yale University, USA, and Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi. September 2012-June 2017. Position: Site-PI
  3. Falciparum malaria candidate vaccine trial; a GSK sponsored study of candidate vaccine trial in children.
  4. Severe Malaria in African Children (SMAC Network); NIH sponsored Multi-Center Clinical Research into Malaria in African Children.
  5. Malgene; a KCCR sponsored genomic research into severe malaria
  6. Artesunate Quinine randomised controlled trial (Aquamat); a Multi-Center Randomised Controlled trial of injection artesunate and injection quinine
  7. WHO sponsored multi-center clinical trial of the safety and effectiveness of plasmotrim suppository in the treatment of children with severe malaria
  8. WHO-sponsored multi-center Amoxicillin-Penicillin Pneumonia Study (APPIS)
  9. Stroke Prevention Study; a collaborative research between St George’s Hospital UK and Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital on salt restriction as preventive intervention of stroke

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