Dr. Sebastian Angzoorokuu Paalo


Dept: History and Political Studies
Social Science New Block, KNUST

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Research Areas/Interests

Governance and Politics in Africa Peace and Conflict Nationalism and secessionism International Relations and Regionalism Migration, Livelihoods...~more


    Journal articles

    Paalo, S. A., Degraft Arthur, D., Dramani, A., & Adu-Gyamfi, S. (2024). Exploring hybrid security strategies in Ghana: State and private sector partnerships. African Security Review33(1), 81-97.

    Paalo, S. A., Adu-Gyamfi, S., & Arthur, D. D. (2024). Nationalist secessionism and global order: A comparison of the dynamics and impact of secession movements in Africa and Europe. Nations and Nationalism30(2), 219-234.

    Anderson, E. A., Bob-Milliar, G. M., Adu-Gyamfi, S., & Paalo, S. A. (2024). Students' and Governments' Entanglements in Ghana's Political Transition: How (Not) to Understand Students' Relations with Civilian and Military Regimes, 1960–92. Africa Today70(3), 75-97.

    Adu-Gyamfi, S., Paalo, S.A, & Issifu, A.K. (2023). COVID-19 Border Policing in Ghana and its Impact on Trans-border Migration and Healthcare in West Africa. Africa Development, 48 (4), 103-123.

    Dramani, A., Paalo, S. A., Adu-Gyamfi, S. (2023). Emerging local voices and new possibilities toward attaining sustainable peace in Bawku, north-eastern Ghana,  The African Journal on Conflict Resolution, 23(1), 107-134.

    Paalo, S. A. (2022). Intergenerational gaps in women’s grassroots peacebuilding in Ghana: A critique of “inclusive peacebuilding”. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 14 (4), 287-303.

    Issifu, A. K., Darko, F. D., and Paalo, S. A. (2022). Climate change, migration and farmer–herder conflict in Ghana. Conflict Resolution Quarterly39(4), 421–439.

    Paalo, S. A., Adu-Gyamfi, S., and Arthur, D. D. (2022). Xenophobia and the challenge of regional integration in Africa: Understanding three cardinal dynamics, Acta Academica: Critical views on society, culture and politics, 54(2): 1-18.

    Paalo, S. A., and Issifu, A. K. (2021). De-internationalizing hybrid peace: state-traditional authority collaboration and conflict resolution in Northern Ghana. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding15(3), 406-424.

    Penu, D. A. K., and Paalo, S. A. (2021). Institutions and pastoralist conflicts in Africa: A conceptual framework. Journal of Peacebuilding & Development16(2), 224-241.

    Paalo, S. A. (2021). A Systemic Understanding of Hybrid Peace: An Examination of Hybrid Political Orders in African Peace Governance. African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review11(1), 1-31.

    Paalo, S. A. (2020). The politics of addressing farmer-herder conflicts in Ghana. Peacebuilding9(1), 79-99.

    Boafo, J., Paalo, S. A., and Dotsey, S. (2019). Illicit Chinese small-scale mining in Ghana: Beyond institutional weakness? Sustainability11(21), 5943. 

    Paalo, S. A. (2017). Political party youth wings and political violence in sub-Sahara Africa: A case of Ghana, International Journal of Peace and Development Studies, 8(1), 1-14.

    Paalo, S. A. and Dramani, A. (forthcoming). The labyrinth of state intervention in communal conflict in Africa: Ghana’s maiden official state-led efforts in resolving the Bawku conflict, African Studies.

    Eugenia A. B. Anderson and Paalo, S. A (forthcoming). Pandemic-induced border closures in West Africa and the perils of cross-border Ghanaian women traders, Women’s Studies International Forum.


    Journal articles under review

    Paalo, S. A., Adu-Gyamfi, S., and Dramani, A. (under review). COVID-19 governance, border closures, and emerging security risks in West Africa: The case of Ghana, Security Journal.

    Paalo, S. A. (under construction). The tragedy of the (un)commons: Conflicting institutions and natural resource governance in Ghana (for World Development special issue: "Scarcity, Natural Resources and Conflict in Africa"). 

    Paalo, S. A. and Brigg, M. (under review). Digitalisation versus structural realities: The politics of online participation in youth peacebuilding in Ghana, Third World Quarterly.

    Arthur, D. D., Paddy, C., Paalo, S. A., and Agbesi, E. K. A. (under review). Mapping the Local Perspectives on Driving Forces for Preventing Coups D’état in Postcolonial Africa: Experiences from the Fourth Republic of Ghana, African Security Review.

    Paalo, S. A., Banchani, S. J-P, Dramani, A., and Atule, D. (under review). Reading instability in Africa through evolving global governance spaces, International Relations.

    Paalo, S. A. and Dramani, A. (under review). Masculinity, Gun Culture, and Conflict Protraction: How Local Norms Reverberate in Security Volatility in Northern Ghana, Conflict, Security and Development.

    Banchani, J. S. and Paalo, S. A. (under review). Affirmative Action from below? Grassroots economic empowerment and women’s agency in public policy in northern Ghana,  Journal of International Development.

    Banchani, S. J-P, Paalo, S. A., and Acheampong, M. (under review). The Challenge of Attaining Resilient Local Structures in Grassroots Peacebuilding: A Study of Post-1994-5 Peacebuilding in Ghana. Global Society.

    Paalo, S. A., Adu-Gyamfi, S., Badu Mills, G., Aggrey, K., and Ahensah, C. (under review). Social embedded practices, economic frustrations, and the new contentions of vote-buying in Ghanaian elections, Commonwealth & Comparative Politics.

    Adu-Gyamfi, S., Paalo, S. A, Bilijo, D. W., Opoku, S., and Cobbina, A. (under review). Endemic vote-buying trends and democratic consolidation in Ghana, Canadian Journal of African Studies.

    Senyo, D. and Paalo, S. A. (under review). Democracy as electoral ritualisation: The illusion of democratic consolidation in Ghana? The Political Quarterly.

    Paalo, S. A., Bob-Milliar, M. G., and Mohammed, K. W. (under review). Losing space but keeping with pace? Chieftaincy’s resilience in Ghana and the implication for post-pandemic political order, New Political Science.

    Dramani, A., Paalo, S. A., and Qwesi, A. (under review). New dynamics in long-standing challenges in local governance participation in Ghana: A case of the Ahafo Ano South-East District, Regional and Federal Studies.

    Book chapters

    Paalo, S. A. and Banhani, J-P. S. (2025, forthcoming). “Foreign Military and Security Bases: Implications for the Practice of Peace and Security in Africa.” In Bah, A. B. (ed.) Glocalized Security: Domestic and External Issues in International Security [Chapter 8], SUNY Press.

    Paalo, S.A., Issifu, A.K. (2022). “De-internationalizing Hybrid Peace: State–Traditional Authority Collaboration and Conflict Resolution in Northern Ghana.” In: Spiegel, E., Mutalemwa, G., Liu, C., Kurtz, L.R. (eds) Peace Studies for Sustainable Development in Africa. Advances in African Economic, Social and Political Development. Springer, Cham. pp. 663–682.

    Banchani, S. J-P and Paalo, S. A. (forthcoming). “Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD).” In Iroulo, L. and Boateng, O. (eds.) The Evolution of African Regional Organizations. Oxford University Press.


    Policy Notes

    Throp, H., Paalo, S. A., Oduro, K. A., Obeng, E. A., Guuroh, T. A., Andoh, J., Boudiaf, A., and Uehara, T. K. (2023). “Net-zero’s nature knot: A tug of war with rural realities”, Chatham House. https://forestgovernance.chathamhouse.org/publications/net-zeros-nature-knot-a-tug-of-war-with-rural-realities#:~:text=In%20the%20race%20to%20create,in%20forests%20and%20rural%20areas.

    Boafo, J., Paalo, S. A. and Dotse, S. (2019). “Ghana’s traditional and state powers must collaborate to halt illegal mining”, The Conversation, 12 November 2019. https://theconversation.com/ghanas-traditional-and-state-powers-must-collaborate-to-halt-illegal-mining-126072.

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