Dr. Francis Kwadwo Awuah


Dept: Teacher Education
Department of teacher education
ulzen block
room 2

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Research Areas/Interests

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    • Quintile ranking of schools in South Africa and learners’ achievement inprobability (Statistics Education Research Journal,18(1) 106-119, may 2019)
    • Investigating Grade   12    learners’    achievement    in   probability [AMESA conference, July 2016
    • Combating Examination Malpractices in the Basic Certificate Examination (BECE) in Ghana [international journal of computer application, August 2014]
    • Optimal Packing Problems: A case study of Garden City Radio, An FM Station in [African journal of mathematics and computer sciences research 4(3) pp. 107- 112, March 2011]
    • Learner’s proficiency in tree diagrams and contingency tables in solving probability problems (accepted by journal awaiting publication in 2018 by international journal of instruction)Grade 12 learners’ conceptual knowledge in probability and counting principle,(International journal of computer applications (0975-8887, Vol 176, October 2017)
    • Grade 12 learners’ conceptual knowledge in probability and counting principle,
    • (International journal of computer applications (0975-8887, Vol 176, October 2017)
    • Learner’s proficiency in the use of fundamental counting principles in solvingprobability problems (2020, International Journal of Instruction)

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