Dr. Kwabena Asubonteng

Senior Lecturer

Research Areas/Interests

With my special expertise in Indigenous Leather Art and Technology my research and knowledge development activities centered on:   Promoting sus...~more

My full CV


    1.Asubonteng K., Anini F. and Boahin, J. O. B., (2012). “Exploring Leather as Alternative Material for the Production of Instructional Media”. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development (IJIRD).  Vol.- 1, Issue 5. August, 2012, ISSN: 2278 – 0211. www.ijird.com

    2. Boahin J. O. B, Asubonteng K. and Adu-Gyamfi L., (2013). “Controlling Fungus Attack on Indigenous Ghanaian Vegetable Tanned Leather”. Arts and Design Studies (IISTE). Vol.14, 2013. ISSN 22246061 (Paper), ISSN 2225-059X (Online). www.iiste.org.                                                                       

    3. Boahin J. O. B., Asubonteng K. and Adu-Gyamfi V. E., (2013). “Sanative     Measures Against Offensive Odour that Affect Indigenous Leathers in Ghana”. Journal of Science and Technology (JUST). VOL 33, No 1, April, 2013, pp 68-74

    4.  Adu-Gyamfi V. E., Boahin J. O. B., and Asubonteng K., (2014). “The Economic Significance of Transforming Utility of Pottery in Ghana through Integration of Veg-Tanned Leather, and other Local Raw Materials”. International Journal of Science and Technology (IJST), Volume 3, No. 7, July, 2014.   ISSN 2049-7318                                                                                                                                                

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