Professional/Teaching Experience
Courses taught since 2012:
- PLME 562: Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Practice (Postgraduate)
- DSP 753: Advanced Planning Survey and Research Methods (Postgraduate)
- MPH5002 Foundations of Health Promotion and Programme Planning (Postgraduate)
- HEP 552: Healthy Public Policy, Equity and Power (Postgraduate)
- PBH3004: Health Programme Evaluation (Undergraduate)
- HSC 2300 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (undergraduate)
- MPH 5301: Health Systems and Policy (postgraduate)
- PDS 550: Planning Surveys and Research Methods (postgraduate)
- PDS 555: Project Analysis and Appraisal Methods
- SIRDA 554: Human Nutrition and Health in Rural Africa (postgraduate)
- BMS 1042: Epidemiology (undergraduate)
- BMS 3052: Systematic Reviews (undergraduate)
- SIRDA 557: Social Research Methods (postgraduate)
- SIRDA 551: Sustainable Development in Africa (postgraduate)
- Supervision of students theses