Dr. Isaac Bonuedi

Research Fellow

Dept: Bureau of Integrated Rural Development
Bureau of Integrated Rural Development (BIRD),
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (KNUST)
University Post Office - PMB
Kumasi, Ghana

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Research Areas/Interests

Food and nutrition security; international trade; impact evaluation; rural development; shocks and resilience; cash crop value chains   &n...~more

My full CV


Isaac Bonuedi is a Development Economist and works as a Research Fellow at the Bureau of Integrated Rural Development (BIRD), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana. He holds a PhD in Agricultural Development Economics from the University of Bonn, Germany. He also obtained his master’s degrees in Economics from the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Odense and KNUST, Kumasi.

He has a strong interdisciplinary background, with high versatility in conducting research on cross-cutting micro-and macro-level issues in Development, International, Macroeconomics, and Applied Agricultural Economics. Isaac currently conducts research in applied Economics in the areas of agricultural development, food and nutrition security, infrastructural development and women’s empowerment, conflicts and health outcomes, resilience of smallholder households to food security shocks, agricultural markets and international trade, and impact assessment of agricultural interventions. He possesses strong quantitative analytic skills for project analysis and evaluation. He has experience in social science research, particularly, conducting household surveys, data management, and micro econometric analysis of large primary data.

He has been a core member of several BIRD research teams that worked on various grants and consultancy/contract research projects funded by USAID/Palladium International, USAID/ACDI/VOCA, IFAD/MoFA, BMGF/ICED, UNFPA/UNICEF, Guinness Ghana Limited, GIZ, FAIRTRADE Africa. His recent research activities include end-of-project evaluation of the Ghana Agriculture Sector Investment Programme (GASIP); Final Evaluation of the UN Joint Programme on Empowering Adolescent Girls through Improved Access to Reproductive Health Education and Rights-Based Quality Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Ghana; Baseline studies for USAID Market Systems and Resilience Activity (MSR) and Mobilizing Finance for Agriculture (MFA) COVID-19 Relief and Resilience Challenge Fund; impact assessment of processing infrastructure on women empowerment and nutrition in northern Ghana, and an assessment of the drivers, access, barriers and impact of digitalization on rural livelihoods in Ghana (RuTech).

He was a Junior Researcher at the Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, Germany, and led the Impact evaluation of the EU-funded PROACT project in Sierra Leone, with support from Welthungerhilfe and Cooperazione Internationale (COOPI). He also led the ZEF’s study on Infrastructure and Agricultural Trade in the Sahel region, with support from the BMZ-funded Volatility Project. He was an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Economics, KNUST and served as Project Research Assistant on "Trade Facilitation, Trade and Economic Performance in Africa", a research project funded by The Volkswagen Foundation, Germany.

He was awarded the DAAD Doctoral Scholarship for Development-Related Courses to study at the Bonn International Graduate School for Development Research (BIGS-DR) in 2016 and DANIDA Building Stronger Universities Masters Scholarship in 2013.


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