Prof. (Mrs.) Sylvana Rudith King

Associate Professor

Research Areas/Interests

include monitoring and evaluation, gender, energy planning and policy, governance and rights related issues, urban and rural livelihoods strategies f...~more

Positions Held & Hold

Aug 2016 – to date      Senior Research Fellow (on contract), Centre for Settlements Studies, KNUST, Kumasi. Work involved (i) mainly research in livelihoods, energy, local government and gender related issues, (ii) teaching of both under- and post-graduate students courses in Research Methods, Project Planning and Management, Organization and Management, and the Planning Process, and (iii) supervision of students' (undergraduate and post graduate) theses in related areas of my expertise.

Dec 2014 – July 2016 Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Settlements Studies, KNUST, Kumasi. Work involved (i) mainly research in livelihoods, energy, local government and gender related issues, (ii) teaching of both under- and post-graduate students courses in Research Methods, Project Planning and Management, Organization and Management, and the Planning Process, and (iii) supervision of students' (undergraduate and post graduate) theses in related areas of my expertise.

Aug 2012 to Nov 2014            Evaluation Manager, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi, Kenya

As an Evaluation Manager, I was responsible for preparing terms of references and hiring consultants to undertake evaluation of UNEP projects and also engaged in undertaking evaluations. Further, I managed on-going evaluations and review evaluation reports.

2003 to July 2012        Senior Research Fellow/Senior Lecturer

Work involved (i) mainly research in livelihoods, energy, local government and gender related issues, (ii) teaching of both under- and post-graduate students courses in Research Methods, Project Planning and Management, Organization and Management, and the Planning Process, and (iii) supervision of students' (undergraduate and post graduate) theses in related areas of my expertise.

 1986 to 2003                          Research Fellow/Lecturer

                                    Work involved (i) mainly research in socio-economic, governance,

civic rights and energy and gender related issues as well as (ii) teaching of both under- and post-graduate students’ courses in research methods, the planning process and supervision of students' theses in related areas of my areas of expertise.                                                                                                                                         

1996 to 1997               Research Assistant to Prof. Robert Chambers at the Institute of  Development Studies (IDS), Sussex University, Brighton, UK.  Responsible for abstracting Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) materials for publication.

1984 to 1986               Assistant Research Fellow/ Assistant Lecturer

Worked as a research assistant to senior researchers

1989 to 1994               Economics Teacher (on part time basis) at Institute of       

                                    Management Studies, Kumasi, Ghana.


2010 - 2012                 Vice Dean of Students, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi (responsible for the welfare of international students).

2008 - 2011                 External Examiner, Graduate School of Gender and Documentation, University of Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone

2006 - 2009                 Vice Dean of Students, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi (responsible for the welfare of all international students)

2006 - 2008                 Head, Centre for Settlements Studies, College of Architecture and Planning, KNUST.

2008 – 2010                External Moderator, Advisory Council for Development Studies Department, Valley View University, Accra

2000 - 2002                 Vice Dean of Students


As an Evaluation Manager for the Evaluation Office, UNEP, Nairobi, Kenya, I managed among several others, the evaluation of the following GEF/UNEP and non-GEF projects to completion (which involved development of Terms of Reference for the evaluation, identifying consultants, following up on evaluation and providing necessary support to evaluators to bring the evaluation to completion);

  1. GEF/UNEP "Greening the Cocoa Industry” Project - Midterm Evaluation
  1. “Coastal Resilience to Climate Change: Developing a Generalizable Method for Assessing Vulnerability and Adaptation of Mangroves and Associated Ecosystems” GEF ID; 9092/GF/2328-2712-4913 -Terminal Evaluation,
  1. Assessments and Guidelines for Sustainable Liquid Biofuels Production in Developing Countries (A Targeted Research Project) GEF PROJECT ID: 3224 - Terminal Evaluation
  1. Climate Change and Development: Adapting by Reducing Vulnerability (CC DARE) Programme. UNEP Programme ID: CP/4040 -08 – 06, CPL 2585
  1. “Global Market Transformation for Efficient Lighting (en-lighten)” (GFL-2328 -2720 -4EF1 - Midterm Evaluation
  1. “Reducing Pesticide Runoff to the Caribbean Sea” UNEP-GEF Project GFL/4880 – Terminal Evaluation
  1. Four UNEP GEF Medium Size Projects: Supporting the Implementation of the Global Monitoring Plan of POPs in the four Sub-Regions: Eastern Southern Africa, West Africa, Latin America and Caribbean, and Pacific Islands” – Terminal Evaluation
  1. “Adapting to Climate Change Induced Water Stress in the Nile River Basin” UNEP project – Terminal Evaluation
  1. “Communities of Conservation: Safeguarding the World’s Most Threatened Species (Andes Region)” GFL: 2328-2713-4B20
  2. “Addressing Transboundary Concerns in the Volta River Basin and its Downstream Coastal Area” GEF ID 1111 – Terminal Evaluation
  1. Terminal Evaluation of the UNFCCC Second National Communication



  1. As an evaluator, I have carried out different kinds of evaluation/assessment for various local and international organizations, which include the following:
  1. UNDP End of Project Evaluation of ‘Institutional Support to Integrate Climate Change and Disaster Risk into National Development’. Commissioned by UNDP, Ghana, May 2015
  1. GEF/UNEP "Greening the Cocoa Industry” Midterm Evaluation for UNEP Evaluation Unit. Member of a 3-man team that undertook this evaluation. Commissioned by Evaluation Office, UNEP. September 2013.
  1. Evaluation of African Women Development Fund’s Economic Empowerment and Livelihood Thematic Area. Commissioned by African Women Development Fund, 2013.
  1. Terminal Evaluation of the UNEP/Sustainable Labour Project on “Strengthening Trade Union Participation in International Environmental Processes”. Commissioned by EO/UNEP, Kenya, 2012.
  1. Terminal Evaluation of the Project ‘UNDP/NADMO Recovery Programming Support for Northern Ghana”. Commissioned by UNDP, 2012 and worked in a team of three as the Team Leader.
  1. Evaluation of RBAIII Programme for Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC), a local NGO in Ghana, 2010. Commissioned by ISODEC, a local NGO in Ghana.
  1. Evaluation of Alternatives to Forced Eviction Project for Peoples Dialogue for Settlements, Ghana, a local NGO. Commissioned by Homeless International, UK. 2009.
  1. Evaluation of the Ghana Agricultural Workers Union’s (GAWU) project on ‘Advancing the organization of Self-employed Workers within the Trade Union Congress (TUC) of Ghana’. Commissioned by FNV, The Netherlands. November, 2008.
  1. Terminal Evaluation of UNDP Ghana Multifunctional Platform Pilot Programme. Commissioned by UNDP, Senegal. Was the local member of a team of three persons. April 2008.
  1. Evaluation of the Administration of the Civil Society and Governance Fund by IBIS for the Good Governance and Human Rights (GGHR) Programme. Commissioned by DANIDA, Ghana. May, 2007.
  1. Mid-term Review of the Land Administration Project of Ghana (LAP). Member of the review team for DfiD, Ghana. September 2006.
  1. Output to Purpose Review of Component 4 of the Land Administration Project of Ghana. Commissioned by DfiD, Accra. June 2006.
  1. Final Evaluation of the Girl Child Education and Women Empowerment Programme in the Brong Ahafo Region, Ghana. Commissioned by Concern Universal, an Irish NGO based in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana, 2005.
  1. Mid-term Evaluation of Rural Trade and Industry Promotion Project (RUTIPP) of GTZ. Commissioned by GTZ, Accra, 2005. (A local member of the evaluation team).
  1. Evaluation of the Girl Child Education and Women Empowerment Programme (using participatory approaches). Commissioned by Concern Universal, an Irish NGO based in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana, 2005.
  1. Evaluation of the Integrated Human Development Programme (IHDP) of JICA in the Upper West and Eastern Regions of Ghana. (Leader of a two-man evaluation team). Commissioned by JICA 2005
  1. Evaluation of the Ghana HIPC Watch Project of SEND Foundation West Africa. (Worked in a team of two.) 2004.
  1. Poverty and Social Impact Assessment of Electricity Tariffs in Ghana. Commissioned by the World Bank. Member of the team that carried out the assessment throughout Ghana. 2004.
  1. Evaluation of the Livelihoods and the Girl Child Education Projects of Concern Universal being carried out in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana. This was done with another team member who came from Switzerland. 2004. Concern Universal is an Irish NGO based only in Sunyani, Ghana.
  1. Evaluation of an Interface Project on Knowledge Sharing. Commissioned by University of Sussex, UK. This was carried out jointly with an independent evaluator from the U.K. The final report was presented in London, UK. 2004.
  1.  Evaluation of the Rights Based Advocacy Programme of Integrated Social Development Centre (using social accountability tools) for Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC), Accra. Leader of a three-man international team that carried out the evaluation. August 2003.
  1. Evaluation of the CARITAS AUSTRALIA PARTNERSHIP GRANT to the National Catholic Secretariat for the development work of its Socio-Economic Department in the various dioceses in Ghana. 2002. Leader of a three-man international team that carried out the evaluation in Ghana.
  1.  A member of a three-man team that carried out Capacity Building Needs Assessment for Community Water and Sanitation Agency in seven district assemblies in Greater Accra and Eastern Regions of Ghana for Training, Research and Network Development (TREND). January - July 2000.
  1.  Evaluation of The Body Shop’s (England) Fair Trade in ten communities in the Northern Region of Ghana. A local member of a three-man evaluation team. Sponsored by The Body Shop, UK. 2000.
  1.  Evaluation of the Training Manual Prepared for training Health and Sanitation Officers on the Volta Rural Water and Sanitation Project, Ho, Ghana for School of Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Ghana and sponsored by DANIDA, 1994.
  1.  Assessment of Impact of Training and Training Needs of Women in the Water and Sanitation Committees of the Volta Region Rural Water and Sanitation Project. Sponsored by DANIDA, Ghana. 1994.
  1.  Assessment of the School of Hygiene, Ho, Ghana and its Capacity to train Community Health Officers for the Volta Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project carried out for the Volta Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project and sponsored by DANIDA, Ghana. September 1994


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