Research Areas/Interests
My research interest is, primarily, in geo-material characterization and engineering. Characterization modes include geochemical, mineralogical, petrologic, rheological, unsaturated soil mechanics and basic geotechnical principles and/or techniques. Other interests include environmental geology and earth resources. Specifically, my work has included:
- Geochemical trends, characterization and industrial applications including genesis of bauxite and its associated lithomargic clays.
- Clay pozzolana utilization research
- Characterization and stabilization of soils, including, mine waste and its environmental impact.
- Small-scale gold mining operations in Ghana: policies, practices, impacts and post-mining rehabilitation.
- Environmental concerns of bauxite tailings disposal
- Alluvial gold exploration and its implication for evaluation.
- Susceptibility of Ghanaian granitic aggregates to alkali-silica reactivity in Portland cement concrete