Mrs. Monica Aba Brew-Hammond

Part Time Senior Lecturer

Research Areas/Interests

Literacy development specially among children and mother tongue education, Content development and Copyediting ...~more


She is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Publishing Studies, Faculty of Art, KNUST-Kumasi with over twenty-two years teaching and professional experience in Literacy Development, Editing and Writing.

She holds a BA (English) and Dip. Education from the University of Cape Coast, MA (Comparative Lit.) from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. She also has a certificate in management and Copyediting from Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) and Chapterhouse, UK, respectively.

As a former head of Department of the Department of Publishing Studies (2003-2005, 2016-2017), Mrs Aba Brew-Hammond has chaired and consulted on several committees across the country and the international front. She has established writing clubs in over six public basic schools around KNUST and ssupervised many undergraduate and graduate research Activities.

Currently, Mrs Aba Brew-Hammond manages the Literacy and Production Office at the Department of Publishing Studies - KNUST producing supplementary readers for children in addition to her faculty activities as a senior lecturer.

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