Dr. Isaac Bonuedi

Research Fellow

Dept: Bureau of Integrated Rural Development
Bureau of Integrated Rural Development (BIRD),
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (KNUST)
University Post Office - PMB
Kumasi, Ghana

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Research Areas/Interests

Food and nutrition security; international trade; impact evaluation; rural development; shocks and resilience; cash crop value chains   &n...~more

My full CV

Research Projects (Current and Past)

  • November – December 2023: Data Analysist: Final Evaluation of the United Nations Joint Programme on Empowering Adolescent Girls through Improved Access to Reproductive Health Education and Rights-Based Quality Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Ghana. Contract awarded by UNICEF and UNICEF, Accra, Ghana.


  • June – August 2023Data Analysist: End of project evaluation of the Ghana Agriculture Sector Investment Programme (GASIP). Contract awarded by Ministry of Food Agriculture (MoFA)/International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).


  • May-July, 2023: Data Analyst. Baseline survey assessment for COVID-19 relief and resilience grants-2022 Under the Ghana Mobilizing Finance in Agriculture (MFA) Activity, Palladium International/USAID


  • May-August, 2023: Data Analyst. Endline Survey and Evaluation of the Ghana Agriculture Sector Investment Programme GASIP, Ministry of Food Agriculture (MoFA)/International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).


  • October 2022 - September, 2023Co-PI and Data Analyst. Assessing the impact of post-production infrastructure on women’s economic empowerment and access to nutritious diet among female legume growers in northern Ghana. Research Grants awarded by International Center for Evaluation and Development


  • July-September 2022Data Analyst. Assessment of drivers, access, barriers, and impact of digitalization on rural livelihood (RuTech Assessment). Awarded by GIZ


  • July-September 2022Data Analyst. Baseline Study for the Market Systems Resilience (MSR) Activity in Northern Ghana. Contract awarded by ACDI/VOCA/ USAID


  • 2017-2021: Principal Investigator on the “Pro-Resilience Action 2015: Fostering Smallholder Agriculture in Sierra Leone” (the PROACT-2015 project), co-funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by WHH, COOPI and InterAide).

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