- Aryee, J. N. A., Amekudzi, L K., Preko, K., Atiah, W. and Danuor, S. K. (2019). Estimation of Planetary Boundary Layer Height from Radiosonde Profiles Over West Africa During The AMMA Field Campaign: Intercomparison of Different Methods. Scientific African, e00228.
- Aryee, J. N. A., Amekudzi, L K., Atiah, W., Osei, M., and Agyapong, E. (2018). Overview of surface to near-surface atmospheric profiles over selected domain during the QWeCI project. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, pages 1–15.
- N. Kalthoff, F. Lohou, B. Brooks, G. Jegede, B.Adler, K. B. Babic, C. Dione, A. Ajao, L. K Amekudzi, J. N A Aryee, Muritala Ayoola, Geoffrey Bessardon, S. K. Danuor, J. Handwerker, M. Kohler, M. Lothon, X. Pedruzo-Bagazgoitia, V. Smith, L. Sunmonu, A. Wieser, A. H. Fink and P. Knippertz(2018), An overview of the diurnal cycle of the atmospheric boundary layer during the West African monsoon season: results from the 2016 observational campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 18 (4), DOI:10.5194/acp-18-2913-2018
- Bessardon, G., Brooks, B. J., Abiye, O., Adler, B., Ajao, A., Ajileye, O., Altst adter, B., Amekudzi, L. K., Aryee, J. N. A., Atiah, W. A., Ayoola, M., Babi ?c, K., B ?arfuss, K., Bezombes, Y., Bret, G., Brilouet, P.-E., Cayle-Aethelhard, F., Danuor, S., Delon, C., Derrien, S., Dione, C., Durand, P., Fosu-Amankwah, K., Gabella, O., Groves, J., Handwerker, J., Kalthoff, N., Kohler, M., Kunka, N., Jambert, C., Jegede, G., Lampert, A., Leclercq, J., Lohou, F., Lothon, M., Medina, P., P ?atzold, F., Pe-druzo Bagazgoitia, X., Reinares, I., Sharpe, S., Smith, V., Sunmonu, L. A., Tan, N., and Wieser, A. (2018). A dataset of the 2016 monsoon season meteorology in southern West Africa - an overview from the DACCIWA campaign.
- C. Flamant, P. Knippertz, A. H. Fink, A. Akpo, B. J. Brooks, C. J. Chiu, H. Coe, S. Danuor, M. J. Evans, O. Jegede, N. Kalthoff, A. Konaré, C. Liousse, F. Lohou, C. Mari, H. Schlager, A. Schwarzenboeck, B. Adler, L. Amekudzi, J. N. A. Aryee, M. Ayoola, A. M. Batenburg, G. Bessardon, S. Borrmann, J. Brito, K. N. Bower, F. Burnet, V. Catoire, A. Colomb, C. Denjean, K. Fosu-Amankwah, P. G. Hill, J. Lee, M. Lothon, M. Maranan, J. Marsham, R. Meynadier, J.-B. Ngamini, P. Rosenberg, D. Sauer, V. Smith, G. Stratmann, J. W. Taylor, C. Voigt, V. Yoboué (2018), The Dynamics–Aerosol–Chemistry–Cloud Interactions in West Africa Field Campaign: Overview and Research Highlights. BAMS, 99(1):83-104., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0256.1
- J. N. A. Aryee, L. K. Amekudzi, E. Quansah, N. A. B. Klutse, W. A. Atiah, and C. Yorke, (2018), Development of high spatial resolution rainfall data for Ghana, Int. J. Climatol., 38(3):1201-1215, ( DOI: 10.1002/joc.5238
- M. Baidu, L. K. Amekudzi, J. N. A. Aryee and T. Annor, (2017), Assessment of Long-term spatio-temporal rainfall variability over Ghana using Wevelet analysis, MDPI J. Climate 5(2), 30; doi:10.3390/cli5020030
- L. K. Amekudzi, M. A. Osei, W. A. Atiah, J. N. A. Aryee, M. A. Ahiataku, E. Quansah, K. Preko, S. K. Danuor and A. H. Fink. (2016), Validation of TRMM and FEWS satellite rainfall estimates with rain gauge measurement over Ashanti Region, Ghana, Journal of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 6(4), 500-518.
- C. Mensah, L. K. Amekudzi, N. A. B. Klutse, J. N. A. Aryee, and K. Asare (2016), Comparison of Rainy Season Onset, Cessation and Duration for Ghana from RegCM4 and GMet datasets, Journal of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 6, 300 – 309.
- L. K. Amekudzi, E. I. Yamba, K. Preko, E. O. Asare, J. N. A. Aryee, M. Baidu, and S. N. A. Codjoe (2015), Variabilities in rainfall onset, cessation and length of rainy season for various agro-ecological zones of Ghana, J. Climate, 3, 416 – 434
- E. Quansah, L.K. Amekudzi, K. Preko, J. N. A. Aryee, O. R. Boakye, D. Boli And M. R. Salifu (2014) Empirical models for estimating global solar radiation over the Ashanti Region of Ghana, Journal of Solar Energy, vol. 2014, DOI:10.1155/2014/897970
- L. K. Amekudzi, K. Preko, E. I. Yamba, D. D. Wemegah, J. N. A. Aryee, M. A. Osei and Jacob Agyekum (2018). Training Manual for Climate Disaster Risk Management, 1 – 121, ISBN 978-9988-2-7706-2
- L. K. Amekudzi, K. Preko, J. N. A. Aryee, M. A. Ahiataku and M. Baidu (2014), Ghana Climate Projections for Health Sector Response, UNDP Report, 1-144
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