Prof. Peter Agyei-Baffour

Associate Professor

Research Areas/Interests

Health Systems, policy, planning economics and Financing Health Services Management Health Technology Assessment eHealth and Telemedicine Global Envi...~more

Grants/Funds Awarded

  1. Principal Investigator/Lead: Accelerating capacity-building in health systems research and management in Africa (DAAD) 2021- 2024: 468,657.90 EUR


  1. Principal Investigator/Lead: Capacity building in health systems research and management in Ghana, Euros 420,000 (DAAD) 2017- 2020
  2. Team Member: KNUST SPARC Team- SPARC Technical Partnership for Strategic Health Purchasing in Ghana, Strategic Purchasing Africa Resource Center, 2019-2021 – USD63,000 (2019 – 2020; $23,000.00, 2020-2021 $40,000.00)
  3. Co-Investigator - Feasibility, Acceptability, Cost and Policy Contextual Issues in Home Management of Malaria in children aged 6-59 months in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana. (TDR PROJECT No. A41067) 2005-2006, 2007-2010
  4. Project Coordinator - Assessment feasibility, acceptability and safety of Artesunate-Amodiaquine for home management of malaria in rural Ghana, (TDR PROJECT No. A41067)1999 - 2001
  5. Principal Investigator - Access, use and cost implications for equity of home management of malaria in rural Ghana – (PhD Research – 2005 – 2008, defended 2010, Amount EURO 45,000)
  6. Principal Investigator - Transaction cost of malaria control in a decentralized public health setting in Ghana (TDR Funded Project ID: A50777, Amount USD 21,500) (2005-2006)
  7. Principal Investigator - Efficiency morphology of institutional arrangements and their implications for improving contracts structuring of established measures of malaria control in Ghana (TDR Funded Project ID. TDA60307A, Amount USD 34,820) (2006-2007)
  8. Principal Investigator - Inequities in access to reproductive health services in the Ejisu-Juaben District, Ghana, Amount USD6,000 (2006-2007)

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